using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig.Bespoke { [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] internal class ConfigurationDataSpeedCD : ConfigurationDataBasicLogin { public BoolConfigurationItem Freeleech { get; set; } public BoolConfigurationItem ExcludeArchives { get; set; } public DisplayInfoConfigurationItem AccountActivity { get; private set; } public ConfigurationDataSpeedCD(string instructionMessageOptional = null) : base(instructionMessageOptional) { Freeleech = new BoolConfigurationItem("Search freeleech only") { Value = false }; ExcludeArchives = new BoolConfigurationItem("Exclude torrents with RAR files") { Value = false }; AccountActivity = new DisplayInfoConfigurationItem("Account Inactivity", "Accounts not being used for 3 months will be removed to make room for active members."); } } }