#!/bin/zsh #Setting up colors BOLDRED="$(printf '\033[1;31m')" BOLDGREEN="$(printf '\033[1;32m')" NC="$(printf '\033[0m')" # No Color # Move working directory to Jackett's cd "$(dirname "$0")" # Check if we're running from Jackett's directory if [ ! -f ./jackett ]; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Couldn't locate ./jackett - Is the script in the right directory?" exit 1 fi jackettdir="$(pwd)" echo "This script will uninstall Jackett. Do you want to proceed?" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) break;; No ) exit;; esac done echo "What should be removed? ${BOLDRED}WARNING${NC}: deleting binaries will remove all files located in ${jackettdir}. ${BOLDRED}WARNING${NC}: deleting config files prevents Jackett from being reinstalled." select yn in "Only agent" "Only agent and binaries" "Agent, binaries and config"; do case $yn in "Only agent" ) delagent=true; break;; "Only agent and binaries" ) delagent=true; delbin=true; break;; "Agent, binaries and config" ) delagent=true; delbin=true; delconf=true; break;; esac done # Unload and delete agent if [[ "$delagent" = true ]]; then echo "Deleting agent..." launchctl bootout gui/$(id -u)/org.user.Jackett rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.user.Jackett.plist fi # Deleting the current folder if [[ "$delbin" = true ]]; then echo "Deleting binaries..." rm -R $jackettdir else echo "Binaries have not been deleted from ${jackettdir}" fi # Remove config files if [[ "$delconf" = true ]]; then echo "Deleting config files..." rm -R ~/.config/Jackett/ else echo "Configuration files have been kept in ~/.config/Jackett/" fi echo "${BOLDGREEN}Uninstall completed.${NC}"