--- id: 0daykiev name: 0day.kiev description: "0day.kiev.ua is a RUSSIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV / GENERAL" language: ru-RU type: private encoding: windows-1251 links: - https://tracker.0day.kiev.ua/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 10, cat: Movies, desc: "Фильмы (Movies)"} - {id: 11, cat: TV, desc: "Мультфильмы (Cartoons)"} - {id: 29, cat: TV, desc: "Мультсериалы (TV Series)"} - {id: 34, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Аниме (Anime)"} - {id: 20, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Документальное (Documentary)"} - {id: 14, cat: Audio, desc: "Музыка / Аудио (Music / Audio)"} - {id: 15, cat: Audio/Video, desc: "Музыка / Видео (Music / Video)"} - {id: 16, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "HD / Фильмы (HD / Movies)"} - {id: 27, cat: TV/HD, desc: "HD / Мультфильмы (HD / Cartoons)"} - {id: 28, cat: TV/HD, desc: "HD / Документальное (HD / Documentary)"} - {id: 41, cat: Movies/3D, desc: "HD / 3D видео (HD / 3D video)"} - {id: 47, cat: Movies, desc: "HDv 0day Team"} - {id: 17, cat: PC/Games, desc: "Игры / ПК (Games / PC)"} - {id: 25, cat: Console/XBox 360, desc: "Игры / XBOX360 (Games / XBOX360)"} - {id: 33, cat: Console/PSP, desc: "Игры / PSP - PS2 (Games / PSP - PS2)"} - {id: 37, cat: Console/PS3, desc: "Игры / PS3 (Games / PS3)"} - {id: 18, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Софт / Windows (Software / Windows)"} - {id: 39, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Mac OS (Софт / Игры) (Mac OS (Software / Games))"} - {id: 19, cat: TV, desc: "TV / Сериалы (TV shows)"} - {id: 30, cat: TV/HD, desc: "HD / Сериалы (HD / TV Shows)"} - {id: 23, cat: TV, desc: "TV / Передачи (TV / Broadcasts)"} - {id: 22, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "Спорт (Sports)"} - {id: 31, cat: Other, desc: "Прочее (Other)"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] music-search: [q] settings: - name: username type: text label: Username - name: password type: password label: Password - name: striprussian type: checkbox label: Strip Russian Letters default: true - name: freeleech type: checkbox label: Search freeleech only default: false - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: 4 options: 4: created 7: seeders 5: size 1: title - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: desc options: desc: desc asc: asc login: path: takelogin.php method: post inputs: username: "{{ .Config.username }}" password: "{{ .Config.password }}" returnto: "/browse.php" error: - selector: div.maintitle:contains("Ошибка") message: selector: div.borderwrap table.embedded test: path: browse.php selector: a[href="/logout.php"] search: paths: # https://tracker.0day.kiev.ua/browse.php?c10=1&c27=1&search=endgame&incldead=1&where=0 - path: browse.php keywordsfilters: - name: diacritics args: replace - name: re_replace # S01 to Cезон 1 args: ["(?i)\\bS0*(\\d+)\\b", "езон $1"] - name: re_replace # S01E01 to Сезон 1 Серии 1 args: ["(?i)\\bS0*(\\d+)E0*(\\d+)\\b", "езон $1 ерии $2"] inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}c{{.}}=1&{{end}}" search: "{{ .Keywords }}" # 0 active, 1 incldead, 2 onlydead, 3 gold, 4 noseed, 5 silver incldead: "{{ if .Config.freeleech }}3{{ else }}1{{ end }}" # 0 title, 1 title and descr where: 0 sort: "{{ .Config.sort}}" type: "{{ .Config.type}}" rows: selector: table > tbody > tr.rowtorrentinfo fields: category: selector: a[href^="browse.php?cat="] attribute: href filters: - name: querystring args: cat title: selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] filters: # normalize to SXXEYY format - name: re_replace args: ["[\\:\\-\\/\\|]", " "] - name: replace args: ["Кураж Бамбей", "kurazh"] - name: replace args: ["Кубик в Кубе", "Kubik"] - name: replace args: ["Кравец", "Kravec"] - name: re_replace args: ["(.*)\\([CСcс]езон\\s+(\\d+)\\)\\s+[CСcс]ери[ия]\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)(.*)", "$1 S$2E$3-$4 rus $5"] - name: re_replace args: ["(.*)\\([CСcс]езон\\s+(\\d+)\\)(.*)", "$1 S$2 rus $3"] - name: re_replace args: ["(\\([А-Яа-яЁё\\W]+\\))|(^[А-Яа-яЁё\\W\\d]+\\/ )|([а-яА-ЯЁё \\-]+,+)|([а-яА-ЯЁё]+)", "{{ if .Config.striprussian }}{{ else }}$1$2$3$4{{ end }}"] - name: replace args: ["WEB DL", "WEBDL"] - name: replace args: ["WEBDLRip", "WEBDL"] details: selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="download.php?id="] attribute: href date: selector: td:nth-child(2) i filters: - name: append args: " +03:00" # MSK - name: dateparse args: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -07:00" size: selector: td:nth-child(4) filters: - name: replace args: ["ТБ", "TB"] - name: replace args: ["ГБ", "GB"] - name: replace args: ["МБ", "MB"] - name: replace args: ["КБ", "KB"] grabs: selector: td:nth-child(5) seeders: selector: td:nth-child(6) filters: - name: split args: ["|", 0] leechers: selector: td:nth-child(6) filters: - name: split args: ["|", 1] downloadvolumefactor: case: img[src="pic/freedownload.gif"]: 0 img[src="pic/silverdownload.gif"]: 0.5 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 minimumratio: text: 0.2 # engine n/a