using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] public class Superbits : BaseWebIndexer { private string SearchUrl => SiteLink + "api/v1/torrents"; private string LoginUrl => SiteLink + "api/v1/auth"; private new ConfigurationDataCookie configData { get => (ConfigurationDataCookie)base.configData; set => base.configData = value; } public Superbits(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient w, Logger l, IProtectionService ps) : base(name: "Superbits", description: "SuperBits is a SWEDISH Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV / GENERAL", link: "", caps: new TorznabCapabilities { SupportsImdbMovieSearch = true }, configService: configService, client: w, logger: l, p: ps, configData: new ConfigurationDataCookie()) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Language = "sv-sw"; Type = "private"; AddCategoryMapping(1, TorznabCatType.MoviesDVD, "DVD-R Swesub"); AddCategoryMapping(2, TorznabCatType.TV, "DVD-R TV"); AddCategoryMapping(3, TorznabCatType.BooksEbook, "eBok"); AddCategoryMapping(4, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD, "Film 1080"); AddCategoryMapping(5, TorznabCatType.Movies3D, "Film 3D"); AddCategoryMapping(6, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD, "Film 720"); AddCategoryMapping(7, TorznabCatType.MoviesBluRay, "Film Bluray"); AddCategoryMapping(8, TorznabCatType.TV, "Svensk TV"); AddCategoryMapping(9, TorznabCatType.AudioAudiobook, "Ljudböcker"); AddCategoryMapping(10, TorznabCatType.AudioVideo, "Musikvideos"); AddCategoryMapping(11, TorznabCatType.BooksMagazines, "E-tidningar"); AddCategoryMapping(12, TorznabCatType.Audio, "Musik"); AddCategoryMapping(13, TorznabCatType.Other, "Omslag"); AddCategoryMapping(14, TorznabCatType.Other, "Övrigt"); AddCategoryMapping(15, TorznabCatType.PCGames, "PC-Spel"); AddCategoryMapping(16, TorznabCatType.PC0day, "Program"); AddCategoryMapping(17, TorznabCatType.ConsolePS3, "PS3"); AddCategoryMapping(18, TorznabCatType.TV, "TV"); AddCategoryMapping(19, TorznabCatType.ConsoleWii, "Wii"); AddCategoryMapping(20, TorznabCatType.ConsoleXbox, "Xbox"); AddCategoryMapping(21, TorznabCatType.MoviesOther, "Xvid"); AddCategoryMapping(22, TorznabCatType.XXX, "XXX"); AddCategoryMapping(24, TorznabCatType.MoviesUHD, "Film 4K"); AddCategoryMapping(26, TorznabCatType.TV, "TV DK"); } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); // TODO: implement captcha CookieHeader = configData.Cookie.Value; try { var results = await PerformQuery(new TorznabQuery()); if (results.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("Found 0 results in the tracker"); } IsConfigured = true; SaveConfig(); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed; } catch (Exception e) { IsConfigured = false; throw new Exception("Your cookie did not work: " + e.Message); } } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { // And this was option one from // var releases = new List(); var queryCollection = new NameValueCollection(); var searchString = query.GetQueryString(); var searchUrl = SearchUrl; queryCollection.Add("extendedSearch", "false"); queryCollection.Add("freeleech", "false"); queryCollection.Add("index", "0"); queryCollection.Add("limit", "100"); queryCollection.Add("order", "desc"); queryCollection.Add("page", "search"); if (query.ImdbID != null) queryCollection.Add("searchText", query.ImdbID); else queryCollection.Add("searchText", searchString); queryCollection.Add("sort", "d"); queryCollection.Add("section", "all"); queryCollection.Add("stereoscopic", "false"); queryCollection.Add("sweaudio", "false"); queryCollection.Add("swesub", "false"); queryCollection.Add("watchview", "false"); searchUrl += "?" + queryCollection.GetQueryString(); foreach (var cat in MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(query)) searchUrl += "&categories[]=" + cat; var results = await RequestStringWithCookies(searchUrl, null, SiteLink); try { //var json = JArray.Parse(results.Content); dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(results.Content); foreach (var row in json ?? System.Linq.Enumerable.Empty()) { var release = new ReleaseInfo(); var descriptions = new List(); var tags = new List(); release.MinimumRatio = 1.1; release.MinimumSeedTime = 172800; // 48 hours release.Title =; release.Category = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(row.category.ToString()); release.Size = row.size; release.Seeders = row.seeders; release.Peers = row.leechers + release.Seeders; release.PublishDate = DateTime.ParseExact(row.added.ToString() + " +01:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); release.Files = row.numfiles; release.Grabs = row.times_completed; release.Comments = new Uri(SiteLink + "torrent/" + + "/"); release.Guid = release.Comments; release.Link = new Uri(SiteLink + "api/v1/torrents/download/" +; if (row.frileech == 1) release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 0; else release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 1; release.UploadVolumeFactor = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.customcover.ToString())) release.BannerUrl = new Uri(SiteLink + row.customcover); if (row.imdbid2 != null && row.imdbid2.ToString().StartsWith("tt")) { release.Imdb = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(row.imdbid2.ToString().Substring(2)); descriptions.Add("Title: " + row.title); descriptions.Add("Year: " + row.year); descriptions.Add("Genres: " + row.genres); descriptions.Add("Tagline: " + row.tagline); descriptions.Add("Cast: " + row.cast); descriptions.Add("Rating: " + row.rating); descriptions.Add("Plot: " + row.plot); release.BannerUrl = new Uri(SiteLink + "img/imdb/" + row.imdbid2 + ".jpg"); } if ((int)row.p2p == 1) tags.Add("P2P"); if ((int)row.pack == 1) tags.Add("Pack"); if ((int)row.reqid != 0) tags.Add("Request"); if ((int)row.sweaudio != 0) tags.Add("Swedish audio"); if ((int)row.swesub != 0) tags.Add("Swedish subtitles"); if (tags.Count > 0) descriptions.Add("Tags: " + string.Join(", ", tags)); var preDate = row.preDate.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(preDate) && preDate != "1970-01-01 01:00:00") descriptions.Add("PRE: " + preDate); descriptions.Add("Section: " + row.section); release.Description = string.Join("
\n", descriptions); releases.Add(release); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(results.Content, ex); } return releases; } } }