using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AngleSharp.Dom; using AngleSharp.Html.Parser; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] public class TorrenTech : BaseWebIndexer { private string LoginUrl => SiteLink + "index.php?act=Login&CODE=01&CookieDate=1"; private string IndexUrl => SiteLink + "index.php"; private new ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithRSSAndDisplay configData { get => (ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithRSSAndDisplay)base.configData; set => base.configData = value; } public TorrenTech(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, Utils.Clients.WebClient wc, Logger l, IProtectionService ps) : base(id: "torrentech", name: "Torrentech", description: "Torrentech (TTH) is a Private Torrent Tracker for ELECTRONIC MUSIC", link: "", caps: TorznabUtil.CreateDefaultTorznabTVCaps(), configService: configService, client: wc, logger: l, p: ps, configData: new ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithRSSAndDisplay()) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Language = "en-us"; Type = "private"; AddCategoryMapping(1, TorznabCatType.AudioMP3); AddCategoryMapping(2, TorznabCatType.AudioLossless); AddCategoryMapping(3, TorznabCatType.AudioOther); } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); var pairs = new Dictionary { { "UserName", configData.Username.Value }, { "PassWord", configData.Password.Value } }; var result = await RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(LoginUrl, pairs, null, true, null, LoginUrl, true); await ConfigureIfOK(result.Cookies, result.ContentString != null && result.ContentString.Contains("Logged in as: "), () => { var errorMessage = result.ContentString; throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(errorMessage, configData); }); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.RequiresTesting; } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var releases = new List(); var searchString = query.GetQueryString(); BaseWebResult results = null; var queryCollection = new NameValueCollection { { "act", "search" }, { "forums", "all" }, { "torrents", "1" }, { "search_in", "titles" }, { "result_type", "topics" } }; // if the search string is empty use the getnew view if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString)) { queryCollection.Add("CODE", "getnew"); queryCollection.Add("active", "1"); } else // use the normal search { searchString = searchString.Replace("-", " "); queryCollection.Add("CODE", "01"); queryCollection.Add("keywords", searchString); } var searchUrl = IndexUrl + "?" + queryCollection.GetQueryString(); results = await RequestStringWithCookies(searchUrl); if (results.IsRedirect && results.RedirectingTo.Contains("CODE=show")) { results = await RequestStringWithCookies(results.RedirectingTo); } try { var RowsSelector = "div.borderwrap:has(div.maintitle) > table > tbody > tr:has(a[href*=\"index.php?showtopic=\"])"; var SearchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var SearchResultDocument = SearchResultParser.ParseDocument(results.ContentString); var Rows = SearchResultDocument.QuerySelectorAll(RowsSelector); foreach (var Row in Rows) { try { //TODO refactor to initializer var release = new ReleaseInfo(); var StatsElements = Row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(5)"); var stats = StatsElements.TextContent.Split('ยท'); if (stats.Length != 3) // not a torrent continue; release.Seeders = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(stats[0]); release.Peers = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(stats[1]) + release.Seeders; release.Grabs = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(stats[2]); release.MinimumRatio = 0.51; release.MinimumSeedTime = 0; var qDetailsLink = Row.QuerySelector("a[onmouseover][href*=\"index.php?showtopic=\"]"); release.Title = qDetailsLink.TextContent; release.Comments = new Uri(qDetailsLink.GetAttribute("href")); release.Link = release.Comments; release.Guid = release.Link; release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 1; release.UploadVolumeFactor = 1; var id = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(release.Comments.Query)["showtopic"].FirstOrDefault(); var desc = Row.QuerySelector("span.desc"); var forange = desc.QuerySelector("font.forange"); if (forange != null) { var DownloadVolumeFactor = forange.QuerySelector("i:contains(\"freeleech\")"); if (DownloadVolumeFactor != null) release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 0; var UploadVolumeFactor = forange.QuerySelector("i:contains(\"x upload]\")"); if (UploadVolumeFactor != null) release.UploadVolumeFactor = ParseUtil.CoerceDouble(UploadVolumeFactor.TextContent.Split(' ')[0].Substring(1).Replace("x", "")); forange.Remove(); } var format = desc.TextContent; release.Title += " [" + format + "]"; var preview = SearchResultDocument.QuerySelector("div#d21-tph-preview-data-" + id); if (preview != null) { release.Description = ""; foreach (var e in preview.ChildNodes) { if (e.NodeType == NodeType.Text) release.Description += e.NodeValue; else release.Description += e.TextContent + "\n"; } } release.Description = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(release.Description.Trim()); release.Description = release.Description.Replace("\n", "
"); if (format.Contains("MP3")) release.Category = new List { TorznabCatType.AudioMP3.ID }; else if (format.Contains("AAC")) release.Category = new List { TorznabCatType.AudioOther.ID }; else if (format.Contains("Lossless")) release.Category = new List { TorznabCatType.AudioLossless.ID }; else release.Category = new List { TorznabCatType.AudioOther.ID }; var lastAction = Row.QuerySelector("td:nth-child(9) > span").FirstChild.NodeValue; release.PublishDate = DateTimeUtil.FromUnknown(lastAction, "UK"); releases.Add(release); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(string.Format("{0}: Error while parsing row '{1}':\n\n{2}", Id, Row.OuterHtml, ex)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(results.ContentString, ex); } return releases; } public override async Task Download(Uri link) { var response = await RequestStringWithCookies(link.ToString()); var results = response.ContentString; var SearchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var SearchResultDocument = SearchResultParser.ParseDocument(results); var downloadSelector = "a[title=\"Download attachment\"]"; var DlUri = SearchResultDocument.QuerySelector(downloadSelector); if (DlUri != null) { logger.Debug(string.Format("{0}: Download selector {1} matched:{2}", Id, downloadSelector, DlUri.OuterHtml)); var href = DlUri.GetAttribute("href"); link = new Uri(href); } else { logger.Error(string.Format("{0}: Download selector {1} didn't match:\n{2}", Id, downloadSelector, results)); throw new Exception(string.Format("Download selector {0} didn't match", downloadSelector)); } return await base.Download(link); } } }