#,==========, #| | | | #`-./ \.-' - Config'd by Quatroking (05-05-2017), updated by AeonLucid (26-05-2017) - # `.__.' --- site: sukebei-pantsu name: Sukebei-pantsu description: "Sukebei-pantsu is a Public site dedicated to Adult Asian content" language: en-en type: public encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/ settings: - name: cat-id type: select label: Category default: "_" options: _: "All categories" 1_: "Art" 1_1: "Art - Anime" 1_2: "Art - Doujinshi" 1_3: "Art - Games" 1_4: "Art - Manga" 1_5: "Art - Pictures" 2_: "Real Life" 2_1: "Real Life - Photobooks and Pictures" 2_2: "Real Life - Videos" - name: filter-id type: select label: Filter default: "0" options: 0: "Show all" 1: "Filter Remakes" 2: "Trusted" 3: "A+" caps: categorymappings: # Art - {id: 1_, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Art"} - {id: 1_1, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Anime"} - {id: 1_2, cat: XXX, desc: "Doujinshi"} - {id: 1_3, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Games"} - {id: 1_4, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Manga"} - {id: 1_5, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Pictures"} # Real Life - {id: 2_, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Real Life"} - {id: 2_1, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Photobooks and Pictures"} - {id: 2_2, cat: XXX, desc: "Adult Videos"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q] search: paths: - path: /search inputs: q: "{{ .Query.Keywords }}" c: "{{ .Config.cat-id }}" s: "{{ .Config.filter-id }}" rows: selector: tr.torrent-info fields: title: selector: td.tr-name a category: selector: td:nth-child(1) a attribute: href filters: - name: split args: [ "=", -1 ] details: selector: td.tr-name a attribute: href download: selector: a[title="Magnet Link"] attribute: href seeders: selector: td.tr-se optional: true leechers: selector: td.tr-le optional: true grabs: selector: td.tr-dl optional: true date: selector: td.date-short filters: - name: dateparse args: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" size: selector: td.tr-size filters: - name: replace args: ["Unknown", "0"] downloadvolumefactor: text: "0" uploadvolumefactor: text: "1"