using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jackett.Common.Exceptions; using Jackett.Common.Extensions; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; using Polly; using Polly.Retry; using static Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig.ConfigurationData; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { public abstract class BaseIndexer : IIndexer { public virtual string Id { get; protected set; } public virtual string Name { get; protected set; } public virtual string Description { get; protected set; } public virtual string SiteLink { get; protected set; } public string DefaultSiteLink { get; protected set; } public virtual string[] AlternativeSiteLinks { get; protected set; } = Array.Empty(); public virtual string[] LegacySiteLinks { get; protected set; } = Array.Empty(); [JsonConverter(typeof(EncodingJsonConverter))] public virtual Encoding Encoding { get; protected set; } public virtual string Language { get; protected set; } = "en-US"; public virtual string Type { get; protected set; } public virtual bool SupportsPagination => false; public virtual bool IsConfigured { get; protected set; } public virtual string[] Tags { get; protected set; } // private TimeSpan HealthyStatusValidity => cacheService.CacheTTL + cacheService.CacheTTL; private static readonly TimeSpan ErrorStatusValidity = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10); private static readonly TimeSpan MaxStatusValidity = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); private int errorCount; private DateTime expireAt; protected Logger logger; protected IIndexerConfigurationService configurationService; protected IProtectionService protectionService; protected ICacheService cacheService; protected ConfigurationData configData; protected string CookieHeader { get => configData.CookieHeader.Value; set => configData.CookieHeader.Value = value; } public string LastError { get => configData.LastError.Value; set { var SaveNeeded = configData.LastError.Value != value && IsConfigured; configData.LastError.Value = value; if (SaveNeeded) SaveConfig(); } } public virtual bool IsHealthy => errorCount == 0 && expireAt > DateTime.Now; public virtual bool IsFailing => errorCount > 0 && expireAt > DateTime.Now; public abstract TorznabCapabilities TorznabCaps { get; protected set; } // standard constructor used by most indexers public BaseIndexer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, Logger logger, ConfigurationData configData, IProtectionService p, ICacheService cs) { this.logger = logger; configurationService = configService; protectionService = p; cacheService = cs; if (SiteLink.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() && !SiteLink.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) throw new Exception("Site link must end with a slash."); DefaultSiteLink = SiteLink; this.configData = configData; if (configData != null) LoadValuesFromJson(null); } public virtual Task GetConfigurationForSetup() => Task.FromResult(configData); public virtual void ResetBaseConfig() { CookieHeader = string.Empty; IsConfigured = false; errorCount = 0; expireAt = DateTime.MinValue; } public virtual void SaveConfig() => configurationService.Save(this as IIndexer, configData.ToJson(protectionService, forDisplay: false)); public virtual void LoadValuesFromJson(JToken jsonConfig, bool useProtectionService = false) { IProtectionService ps = null; if (useProtectionService) ps = protectionService; configData.LoadConfigDataValuesFromJson(jsonConfig, ps); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configData.SiteLink.Value)) { configData.SiteLink.Value = DefaultSiteLink; } if (!configData.SiteLink.Value.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) configData.SiteLink.Value += "/"; // reset site link to default if it's a legacy (defunc link) if (LegacySiteLinks != null && LegacySiteLinks.Contains(configData.SiteLink.Value)) { logger.Debug(string.Format("changing legacy site link from {0} to {1}", configData.SiteLink.Value, DefaultSiteLink)); configData.SiteLink.Value = DefaultSiteLink; } // check whether the site link is well-formatted var siteUri = new Uri(configData.SiteLink.Value); SiteLink = configData.SiteLink.Value; Tags = configData.Tags.Values.Select(t => t.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray(); } public void LoadFromSavedConfiguration(JToken jsonConfig) { if (jsonConfig is JArray) { LoadValuesFromJson(jsonConfig, true); IsConfigured = true; } else logger.Warn("Some of the configuration files (.json) are in the old format. Please, update Jackett."); } protected async Task ConfigureIfOK(string cookies, bool isLoggedin, Func onError) { if (isLoggedin) { CookieHeader = cookies; IsConfigured = true; SaveConfig(); } else { await onError(); } } protected virtual IEnumerable FilterResults(TorznabQuery query, IEnumerable results) { var filteredResults = results.Where(r => IsValidRelease(r, query.InteractiveSearch)).ToList(); // filter results with wrong categories if (query.Categories.Length > 0) { // expand parent categories from the query var expandedQueryCats = TorznabCaps.Categories.ExpandTorznabQueryCategories(query); filteredResults = filteredResults.Where(result => result.Category?.Any() != true || expandedQueryCats.Intersect(result.Category).Any() ).ToList(); } // eliminate excess results if (query.Limit > 0) { filteredResults = filteredResults.Take(query.Limit).ToList(); } return filteredResults; } protected virtual IEnumerable FixResults(TorznabQuery query, IEnumerable results) { var fixedResults = results.Select(r => { // add origin r.Origin = this; // fix publish date // some trackers do not keep their clocks up to date and can be ~20 minutes out! if (!EnvironmentUtil.IsDebug && r.PublishDate > DateTime.Now) { r.PublishDate = DateTime.Now; } // generate magnet link from info hash (not allowed for private sites) if (r.MagnetUri == null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.InfoHash) && Type != "private") { r.MagnetUri = MagnetUtil.InfoHashToPublicMagnet(r.InfoHash, r.Title); } // generate info hash from magnet link if (r.MagnetUri != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.InfoHash)) { r.InfoHash = MagnetUtil.MagnetToInfoHash(r.MagnetUri); } // set guid if (r.Guid == null) { if (r.Link != null) { r.Guid = r.Link; } else if (r.MagnetUri != null) { r.Guid = r.MagnetUri; } else if (r.Details != null) { r.Guid = r.Details; } } return r; }); return fixedResults; } protected virtual bool IsValidRelease(ReleaseInfo release, bool interactiveSearch) { if (release.Title.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { logger.Error("[{0}] Invalid Release: '{1}'. No title provided.", Id, release.Details); return false; } if (interactiveSearch) { // Show releases with issues in the interactive search return true; } if (release.Size == null) { logger.Warn("[{0}] Invalid Release: '{1}'. No size provided.", Id, release.Details); return false; } if (release.Category == null || !release.Category.Any()) { logger.Warn("[{0}] Invalid Release: '{1}'. No categories provided.", Id, release.Details); return false; } return true; } public virtual bool CanHandleQuery(TorznabQuery query) { if (query == null) return false; if (query.QueryType == "caps") return true; var caps = TorznabCaps; if (caps.TvSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery && query.IsTVSearch) return true; if (caps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery && query.IsMovieSearch) return true; if (!caps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery && query.QueryType != "TorrentPotato") // potato query should always contain imdb+search term return false; if (caps.SearchAvailable && query.IsSearch) return true; if (caps.TvSearchAvailable && query.IsTVSearch) return true; if (caps.MovieSearchAvailable && query.IsMovieSearch) return true; if (caps.MusicSearchAvailable && query.IsMusicSearch) return true; if (caps.BookSearchAvailable && query.IsBookSearch) return true; if (caps.TvSearchTvRageAvailable && query.IsTVRageQuery) return true; if (caps.TvSearchTvdbAvailable && query.IsTvdbQuery) return true; if (caps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable && query.IsImdbQuery) return true; if (caps.MovieSearchTmdbAvailable && query.IsTmdbQuery && query.IsMovieSearch) return true; if (caps.TvSearchTmdbAvailable && query.IsTmdbQuery && query.IsTVSearch) return true; return false; } protected bool CanHandleCategories(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer = false) { // if (query.HasSpecifiedCategories) { var supportedCats = TorznabCaps.Categories.SupportedCategories(query.Categories); if (supportedCats.Length == 0) { if (!isMetaIndexer) logger.Error($"All categories provided are unsupported in {Name}: {string.Join(",", query.Categories)}"); return false; } if (supportedCats.Length != query.Categories.Length && !isMetaIndexer) { var unsupportedCats = query.Categories.Except(supportedCats); logger.Warn($"Some of the categories provided are unsupported in {Name}: {string.Join(",", unsupportedCats)}"); } } return true; } public void Unconfigure() { IsConfigured = false; SiteLink = DefaultSiteLink; CookieHeader = ""; // clear cookies } public abstract Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson); public virtual async Task ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer) { // we make a copy just in case some C# indexer modifies the object. // without the copy, if you make a request with several indexers, all indexers share the query object. var queryCopy = query.Clone(); if (!CanHandleQuery(queryCopy) || !CanHandleCategories(queryCopy, isMetaIndexer)) return new IndexerResult(this, Array.Empty(), 0, false); if (!SupportsPagination && queryCopy.Offset > 0) return new IndexerResult(this, Array.Empty(), 0, false); if (queryCopy.Cache) { var cachedReleases = cacheService.Search(this, queryCopy); if (cachedReleases != null) return new IndexerResult(this, cachedReleases, 0, true); } try { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var results = await PerformQuery(queryCopy); sw.Stop(); results = FilterResults(queryCopy, results).ToList(); results = FixResults(queryCopy, results).ToList(); cacheService.CacheResults(this, queryCopy, results.ToList()); errorCount = 0; expireAt = DateTime.Now.Add(HealthyStatusValidity); return new IndexerResult(this, results, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, false); } catch (TooManyRequestsException ex) { var delay = ex.RetryAfter.TotalSeconds; expireAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(delay); throw new IndexerException(this, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { var delay = Math.Min(MaxStatusValidity.TotalSeconds, ErrorStatusValidity.TotalSeconds * Math.Pow(2, errorCount++)); expireAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(delay); throw new IndexerException(this, ex); } } protected abstract Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query); } public abstract class BaseWebIndexer : BaseIndexer, IWebIndexer { protected BaseWebIndexer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger, ConfigurationData configData, IProtectionService p, ICacheService cacheService, string downloadBase = null) : base(configService: configService, logger: logger, configData: configData, p: p, cs: cacheService) { webclient = client; downloadUrlBase = downloadBase; } // minimal constructor used by e.g. cardigann generic indexer protected BaseWebIndexer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger, IProtectionService p, ICacheService cacheService) : base(configService: configService, logger: logger, configData: null, p: p, cs: cacheService) { webclient = client; } protected virtual int DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts => 2; /// /// Number of retry attempts to make if a web request fails. /// /// /// Number of retries can be overridden for unstable indexers by overriding this property. Note that retry attempts include an /// exponentially increasing delay. /// /// Alternatively, can be called in the constructor to add user configurable options. /// protected virtual int NumberOfRetryAttempts { get { var configItem = configData.GetDynamic("retryAttempts"); if (configItem == null) { // No config specified so use the default. return DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts; } var configValue = ((SingleSelectConfigurationItem)configItem).Value; if (int.TryParse(configValue, out var parsedConfigValue) && parsedConfigValue > 0) { return parsedConfigValue; } else { // No config specified so use the default. return DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts; } } } private ResiliencePipeline RetryStrategy { get { var retryPipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder() .AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions { ShouldHandle = args => args.Outcome switch { { Result: { HasHttpServerError: true } } => PredicateResult.True(), { Result: { Status: System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout } } => PredicateResult.True(), { Exception: { } } => PredicateResult.True(), _ => PredicateResult.False() }, Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), MaxRetryAttempts = NumberOfRetryAttempts, BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Exponential, UseJitter = true, OnRetry = args => { if (args.Outcome.Exception != null) { logger.Warn("Request to {0} failed with exception '{1}'. Retrying in {2}s.", Name, args.Outcome.Exception.Message, args.RetryDelay.TotalSeconds); } else { logger.Warn("Request to {0} failed with status {1}. Retrying in {2}s.", Name, args.Outcome.Result?.Status, args.RetryDelay.TotalSeconds); } return default; } }) .Build(); return retryPipeline; } } /// /// Adds configuration options to allow the user to manually configure request retries. /// /// /// This should only be enabled for indexers known to be unstable. To control the default value, override . /// protected void EnableConfigurableRetryAttempts() { var attemptSelect = new SingleSelectConfigurationItem( "Number of retries", new Dictionary { {"0", "No retries (fail fast)"}, {"1", "1 retry (0.5s delay)"}, {"2", "2 retries (1s delay)"}, {"3", "3 retries (2s delay)"}, {"4", "4 retries (4s delay)"}, {"5", "5 retries (8s delay)"} }) { Value = DefaultNumberOfRetryAttempts.ToString() }; configData.AddDynamic("retryAttempts", attemptSelect); } public virtual async Task Download(Uri link) { var uncleanLink = UncleanLink(link); return await Download(uncleanLink, RequestType.GET); } protected async Task Download(Uri link, RequestType method, string referer = null, Dictionary headers = null) { // return magnet link if (link.Scheme == "magnet") return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(link.OriginalString); // do some extra escaping, needed for HD-Torrents var requestLink = link.ToString() .Replace("(", "%28") .Replace(")", "%29") .Replace("'", "%27"); var response = await RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(requestLink, null, method, referer, null, headers); if (response.IsRedirect) { await FollowIfRedirect(response); } if (response.IsRedirect) { var redirectingTo = new Uri(response.RedirectingTo); if (redirectingTo.Scheme == "magnet") return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(redirectingTo.OriginalString); await FollowIfRedirect(response); } if (response.Status != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK && response.Status != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Continue && response.Status != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) { logger.Error("Failed download cookies: " + CookieHeader); if (response.ContentBytes != null) logger.Error("Failed download response:\n" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.ContentBytes)); throw new Exception($"Remote server returned {response.Status.ToString()}" + (response.IsRedirect ? " => " + response.RedirectingTo : "")); } return response.ContentBytes; } public virtual async Task DownloadImage(Uri link) { var uncleanLink = UncleanLink(link); var requestLink = uncleanLink.ToString(); var referer = SiteLink; var response = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(requestLink, null, RequestType.GET, referer); if (response.IsRedirect) await FollowIfRedirect(response); return response; } protected async Task RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync( string url, string cookieOverride = null, RequestType method = RequestType.GET, string referer = null, IEnumerable> data = null, Dictionary headers = null, string rawbody = null, bool? emulateBrowser = null) { return await RetryStrategy .ExecuteAsync(async _ => await RequestWithCookiesAsync(url, cookieOverride, method, referer, data, headers, rawbody, emulateBrowser)) .ConfigureAwait(false); } protected virtual async Task RequestWithCookiesAsync( string url, string cookieOverride = null, RequestType method = RequestType.GET, string referer = null, IEnumerable> data = null, Dictionary headers = null, string rawbody = null, bool? emulateBrowser = null) { var request = new WebRequest { Url = url, Type = method, Cookies = cookieOverride ?? CookieHeader, PostData = data, Referer = referer, Headers = headers, RawBody = rawbody, Encoding = Encoding }; if (emulateBrowser.HasValue) request.EmulateBrowser = emulateBrowser.Value; var result = await webclient.GetResultAsync(request); CheckSiteDown(result); UpdateCookieHeader(result.Cookies, cookieOverride); return result; } protected async Task RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(string url, IEnumerable> data, string cookies, bool returnCookiesFromFirstCall, string redirectUrlOverride = null, string referer = null, bool accumulateCookies = false, Dictionary headers = null) { var request = new WebRequest { Url = url, Type = RequestType.POST, Cookies = cookies ?? CookieHeader, Referer = referer, PostData = data, Encoding = Encoding, Headers = headers, }; var response = await webclient.GetResultAsync(request); CheckSiteDown(response); if (accumulateCookies) { response.Cookies = ResolveCookies((request.Cookies == null ? "" : request.Cookies + " ") + response.Cookies); } var firstCallCookies = response.Cookies; if (response.IsRedirect) { await FollowIfRedirect(response, request.Url, redirectUrlOverride, response.Cookies, accumulateCookies); } if (returnCookiesFromFirstCall) { response.Cookies = ResolveCookies(firstCallCookies + (accumulateCookies ? " " + response.Cookies : "")); } return response; } protected static void CheckSiteDown(WebResult response) { if (response.Status == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadGateway || response.Status == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout || (int)response.Status == 521 // used by cloudflare to signal the original webserver is refusing the connection || (int)response.Status == 522 // used by cloudflare to signal the original webserver is not reachable at all (timeout) || (int)response.Status == 523 // used by cloudflare to signal the original webserver is not reachable at all (Origin is unreachable) ) { throw new Exception("Request to " + response.Request.Url + " failed (Error " + response.Status + ") - The tracker seems to be down."); } } protected async Task FollowIfRedirect(WebResult response, string referrer = null, string overrideRedirectUrl = null, string overrideCookies = null, bool accumulateCookies = false, int maxRedirects = 5) { for (var i = 0; i < maxRedirects; i++) { if (!response.IsRedirect) { break; } var redirectingTo = new Uri(response.RedirectingTo); if (redirectingTo.Scheme == "magnet") { break; } await DoFollowIfRedirect(response, referrer, overrideRedirectUrl, overrideCookies, accumulateCookies); if (accumulateCookies) { CookieHeader = ResolveCookies((CookieHeader != null && CookieHeader != "" ? CookieHeader + " " : "") + (overrideCookies != null && overrideCookies != "" ? overrideCookies + " " : "") + response.Cookies); overrideCookies = response.Cookies = CookieHeader; } if (overrideCookies != null && response.Cookies == null) { response.Cookies = overrideCookies; } } } protected virtual string ResolveCookies(string incomingCookies = "") { var redirRequestCookies = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CookieHeader) ? incomingCookies : CookieHeader + " " + incomingCookies; var cookieDictionary = CookieUtil.CookieHeaderToDictionary(redirRequestCookies); // These cookies are causing BadGateway errors, so we drop them, see issue #2306 cookieDictionary.Remove("cf_use_ob"); cookieDictionary.Remove("cf_ob_info"); return CookieUtil.CookieDictionaryToHeader(cookieDictionary); } // Update CookieHeader with new cookies and save the config if something changed (e.g. a new CloudFlare clearance cookie was issued) protected virtual void UpdateCookieHeader(string newCookies, string cookieOverride = null) { var newCookieHeader = ResolveCookies((cookieOverride != null && cookieOverride != "" ? cookieOverride + " " : "") + newCookies); if (CookieHeader != newCookieHeader) { logger.Debug(string.Format("updating Cookies {0} => {1}", CookieHeader, newCookieHeader)); CookieHeader = newCookieHeader; if (IsConfigured) SaveConfig(); } } private async Task DoFollowIfRedirect(WebResult incomingResponse, string referrer = null, string overrideRedirectUrl = null, string overrideCookies = null, bool accumulateCookies = false) { if (incomingResponse.IsRedirect) { var redirRequestCookies = ""; if (accumulateCookies) { redirRequestCookies = ResolveCookies((CookieHeader != "" ? CookieHeader + " " : "") + (overrideCookies != null ? overrideCookies : "")); } else { redirRequestCookies = (overrideCookies != null ? overrideCookies : ""); } // Do redirect var redirectedResponse = await webclient.GetResultAsync(new WebRequest { Url = overrideRedirectUrl ?? incomingResponse.RedirectingTo, Referer = referrer, Cookies = redirRequestCookies, Encoding = Encoding }); MapperUtil.Mapper.Map(redirectedResponse, incomingResponse); } } protected List GetAllTrackerCategories() => TorznabCaps.Categories.GetTrackerCategories(); protected void AddCategoryMapping(string trackerCategory, TorznabCategory newznabCategory, string trackerCategoryDesc = null) => TorznabCaps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(trackerCategory, newznabCategory, trackerCategoryDesc); // TODO: remove this method ? protected void AddCategoryMapping(int trackerCategory, TorznabCategory newznabCategory, string trackerCategoryDesc = null) => AddCategoryMapping(trackerCategory.ToString(), newznabCategory, trackerCategoryDesc); // TODO: remove this method and use AddCategoryMapping instead. this method doesn't allow to create custom cats protected void AddMultiCategoryMapping(TorznabCategory newznabCategory, params int[] trackerCategories) { foreach (var trackerCat in trackerCategories) AddCategoryMapping(trackerCat, newznabCategory); } protected List MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(TorznabQuery query, bool mapChildrenCatsToParent = false) => TorznabCaps.Categories.MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(query, mapChildrenCatsToParent); protected ICollection MapTrackerCatToNewznab(string input) => TorznabCaps.Categories.MapTrackerCatToNewznab(input); protected ICollection MapTrackerCatDescToNewznab(string input) => TorznabCaps.Categories.MapTrackerCatDescToNewznab(input); private IEnumerable CleanLinks(IEnumerable releases) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadUrlBase)) return releases; foreach (var release in releases) { if (release.Link.ToString().StartsWith(downloadUrlBase, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { release.Link = new Uri(release.Link.ToString().Substring(downloadUrlBase.Length), UriKind.Relative); } } return releases; } public override async Task ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer) { var result = await base.ResultsForQuery(query, isMetaIndexer); result.Releases = CleanLinks(result.Releases); return result; } protected virtual Uri UncleanLink(Uri link) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadUrlBase)) { return link; } if (link.ToString().StartsWith(downloadUrlBase, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return link; } return new Uri(downloadUrlBase + link.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); } protected void OnParseError(string results, Exception ex) { var fileName = string.Format("Error on {0} for {1}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), Name); var spacing = string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(Environment.NewLine, 5)); var fileContents = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", ex, spacing, results); logger.Error(fileName + fileContents); throw new Exception("Parse error", ex); } public override TorznabCapabilities TorznabCaps { get; protected set; } protected WebClient webclient; protected readonly string downloadUrlBase = ""; } public abstract class BaseCachingWebIndexer : BaseWebIndexer { protected BaseCachingWebIndexer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger, ConfigurationData configData, IProtectionService p, ICacheService cacheService, string downloadBase = null) : base(configService: configService, client: client, logger: logger, configData: configData, p: p, cacheService: cacheService, downloadBase: downloadBase) { } protected void CleanCache() { foreach (var expired in cache.Where(i => DateTime.Now - i.Created > cacheTime).ToList()) { cache.Remove(expired); } } // TODO: remove this implementation and use gloal cache protected static List cache = new List(); protected static readonly TimeSpan cacheTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(9); } }