--- id: selezen name: seleZen description: "seleZen is a RUSSIAN Semi-Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES" language: ru-RU type: semi-private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://use.selezen.club/ - https://www.selezen.net/ - https://selezen.org/ legacylinks: - https://www.selezen.site/ - https://mel.selezen.net/ - https://s1.selezen.site/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 0, cat: Movies, desc: "Movies"} - {id: 45, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "WEBRip 720p"} - {id: 46, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "WEBRip 1080p"} - {id: 47, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "WEBRip 2160p"} - {id: 48, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "WEB-DL 720p"} - {id: 49, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "WEB-DL 1080p"} - {id: 50, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "SDR WEB-DL 2160p"} - {id: 51, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "HDR WEB-DL 2160p"} - {id: 52, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "BDRip 720p"} - {id: 53, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "BDRip 1080p"} - {id: 54, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "SDR BDRip 2160p"} - {id: 55, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "HDR BDRip 2160p"} - {id: 56, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "UHD BDRip 720p"} - {id: 57, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "UHD BDRip 1080p"} - {id: 58, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "BDRemux 1080p"} - {id: 59, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "SDR BDRemux 2160p"} - {id: 60, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "HDR BDRemux 2160p"} - {id: 61, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "DV BDRemux 2160p"} - {id: 62, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Blu-Ray 1080p"} - {id: 63, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "Blu-Ray 2160p"} - {id: 64, cat: Movies/3D, desc: "3D BDRemux 1080p"} - {id: 65, cat: Movies/3D, desc: "3D Blu-Ray 1080p"} modes: search: [q] movie-search: [q, imdbid] settings: - name: username type: text label: Username - name: password type: password label: Password - name: striprussian type: checkbox label: Strip Russian Letters default: false - name: addrussian type: checkbox label: Add RUSSIAN to end of all titles to improve language detection by Sonarr and Radarr. Will cause English-only results to be misidentified. default: false - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: date options: date: created title: title - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: desc options: desc: desc asc: asc login: path: login.html method: form form: form[role="form"] inputs: login_name: "{{ .Config.username }}" login_password: "{{ .Config.password }}" login_not_save: "" login: submit error: - selector: div.alert-warning:contains("Ошибка авторизации") test: path: / selector: a[href$="/index.php?action=logout"] download: selectors: - selector: a[href^="magnet:?xt="] attribute: href search: # do=search&subaction=search&story=greyhound&titleonly=0&sortby=date&resorder=desc&showposts=0&catlist[]=45&catlist[]=46&catlist[]=47 paths: - path: index.php inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}catlist[]={{.}}&{{end}}" do: search subaction: search showposts: 1 # 0 in article 1 in comments 2 in static pages 3 in article titles titleonly: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}0{{ else }}3{{ end }}" story: "{{ if or .Query.IMDBID .Keywords }}{{ or .Query.IMDBID .Keywords }}{{ else }}{{ .Today.Year }}{{ end }}" sortby: "{{ .Config.sort }}" resorder: "{{ .Config.type }}" rows: selector: div.card-default:has(i.fa-file-video-o) fields: category: text: 0 category|noappend: selector: div.noimg > a optional: true case: a[href$="/webrip720p/"]: 45 a[href$="/webrip1080p/"]: 46 a[href$="/webrip2160p/"]: 47 a[href$="/web-dl720p/"]: 48 a[href$="/web-dl1080p/"]: 49 a[href$="/sdrweb-dl2160p/"]: 50 a[href$="/hdrweb-dl2160p/"]: 51 a[href$="/bdrip720p/"]: 52 a[href$="/bdrip1080p/"]: 53 a[href$="/sdrbdrip2160p/"]: 54 a[href$="/hdrbdrip2160p/"]: 55 a[href$="/uhdbdrip-720p/"]: 56 a[href$="/uhdbdrip1080p/"]: 57 a[href$="/bdremux1080p/"]: 58 a[href$="/sdrbdremux2160p/"]: 59 a[href$="/hdrbdremux2160p/"]: 60 a[href$="/dvbdremux2160p/"]: 61 a[href$="/blu-ray1080p/"]: 62 a[href$="/blu-ray2160p/"]: 63 a[href$="/3dbdremux1080p/"]: 64 a[href$="/3dblu-ray1080p/"]: 65 title: selector: div.short-title > a filters: - name: replace args: ["Лицензия", "Lic"] - name: replace args: ["селезень", "selezen"] - name: re_replace args: ["(\\([А-Яа-яЁё\\W]+\\))|(^[А-Яа-яЁё\\W\\d]+\\/ )|([а-яА-ЯЁё \\-]+,+)|([а-яА-ЯЁё]+)", "{{ if .Config.striprussian }}{{ else }}$1$2$3$4{{ end }}"] - name: re_replace args: ["[\\:\\-\\/\\|\\[\\]]", " "] - name: append args: "{{ if .Config.addrussian }} - RUSSIAN{{ else }}{{ end }}" - name: replace args: [" Rip", "Rip"] - name: replace args: ["WEB DL", "WEBDL"] - name: replace args: ["WEBDLRip", "WEBDL"] - name: replace args: ["HDTVRip", "HDTV"] details: selector: div.short-title > a attribute: href download: selector: div.short-title > a attribute: href poster: selector: img.poster attribute: src imdbid: selector: a[href*="imdb.com/title/tt"] attribute: href description: selector: span.noimg date: selector: a:has(span.glyphicon-time) filters: # 30.10.2019 14:49 - name: regexp args: "(\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4} \\d{1,2}\\:\\d{2})" - name: append args: " +03:00" # MSK - name: dateparse args: "2.01.2006 15:04 -07:00" seeders: selector: i.fa-arrow-up ~ span leechers: selector: i.fa-arrow-down ~ span grabs: selector: i.fa-download ~ span size: selector: i.fa-file-video-o ~ b downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 # engine n/a