using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] public class TorrentsCSV : BaseWebIndexer { private string SearchEndpoint => SiteLink + "service/search"; private new ConfigurationData configData => base.configData; public TorrentsCSV(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient wc, Logger l, IProtectionService ps) : base(id: "torrentscsv", name: "Torrents.csv", description: "Torrents.csv is a self-hostable, open source torrent search engine and database", link: "", caps: new TorznabCapabilities { TvSearchParams = new List { TvSearchParam.Q, TvSearchParam.Season, TvSearchParam.Ep }, MovieSearchParams = new List { MovieSearchParam.Q } }, configService: configService, client: wc, logger: l, p: ps, configData: new ConfigurationData()) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Language = "en-us"; Type = "public"; // torrents.csv doesn't return categories AddCategoryMapping(1, TorznabCatType.Other); } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { configData.LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); var releases = await PerformQuery(new TorznabQuery()); await ConfigureIfOK(string.Empty, releases.Any(), () => throw new Exception("Error: 0 results found!")); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed; } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var releases = new List(); var searchString = query.GetQueryString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString)) // not supported { releases.Add(new ReleaseInfo { Title = "[NOT IMPLEMENTED] Empty search is unsupported in this indexer", Guid = new Uri(SiteLink), Comments = new Uri(SiteLink), MagnetUri = new Uri("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333"), // unknown torrent Category = new List { TorznabCatType.Other.ID }, PublishDate = new DateTime(), Grabs = 0, Seeders = 0, Peers = 0, DownloadVolumeFactor = 0, UploadVolumeFactor = 1 }); return releases; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString) && searchString.Length < 3) return releases; // search needs at least 3 characters var qc = new NameValueCollection { { "size", "100" }, { "q", searchString } }; var searchUrl = SearchEndpoint + "?" + qc.GetQueryString(); var response = await RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(searchUrl); try { var jsonStart = response.ContentString; var jsonContent = JArray.Parse(jsonStart); foreach (var torrent in jsonContent) { if (torrent == null) throw new Exception("Error: No data returned!"); var title = torrent.Value("name"); var size = torrent.Value("size_bytes"); var seeders = torrent.Value("seeders"); var leechers = torrent.Value("leechers"); var grabs = ParseUtil.CoerceInt(torrent.Value("completed") ?? "0"); var infoHash = torrent.Value("infohash").ToString(); // convert unix timestamp to human readable date var publishDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); publishDate = publishDate.AddSeconds(torrent.Value("created_unix")); var release = new ReleaseInfo { Title = title, Comments = new Uri(SiteLink), // there is no comments or details link Guid = new Uri($"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{infoHash}"), InfoHash = infoHash, // magnet link is auto generated from infohash Category = new List { TorznabCatType.Other.ID }, PublishDate = publishDate, Size = size, Grabs = grabs, Seeders = seeders, Peers = leechers + seeders, DownloadVolumeFactor = 0, UploadVolumeFactor = 1 }; releases.Add(release); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(response.ContentString, ex); } return releases; } } }