--- id: torrentsir name: TorrentSir description: "TorrentSir (토렌트썰) is a Public KOREAN tracker for Korean media." language: ko-KR type: public encoding: UTF-8 followredirect: true links: - https://torrentsir106.com/ legacylinks: - http://torrentsir92.com/ - https://torrentsir92.com/ - http://torrentsir93.com/ - https://torrentsir93.com/ - http://torrentsir94.com/ - https://torrentsir94.com/ - http://torrentsir95.com/ - https://torrentsir95.com/ - http://torrentsir96.com/ - https://torrentsir96.com/ - http://torrentsir100.com/ - https://torrentsir100.com/ - http://torrentsir101.com/ - https://torrentsir101.com/ - http://torrentsir102.com/ - https://torrentsir102.com/ - http://torrentsir103.com/ - https://torrentsir103.com/ - http://torrentsir104.com/ - https://torrentsir104.com/ - http://torrentsir105.com/ - https://torrentsir105.com/ - http://torrentsir106.com/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: "gallery", cat: XXX, desc: "+19 (Adult)"} - {id: "ani", cat: TV, desc: "동영상 (Video)"} - {id: "game", cat: Console, desc: "기타 (Games)"} - {id: "tv", cat: TV, desc: "시사/교양 (TV)"} - {id: "movie", cat: Movies, desc: "영화 (Movie)"} - {id: "drama", cat: TV, desc: "드라마 (Drama)"} - {id: "entertain", cat: TV, desc: "예능/오락 (Entertainment)"} - {id: "music", cat: Audio, desc: "음악 (Music)"} - {id: "notice", cat: Other, desc: "고객센터 (Notice)"} - {id: "child", cat: Other, desc: "고객센터 (Child)"} - {id: "lecture", cat: Books, desc: "도서/강좌 (Books)"} - {id: "util", cat: PC, desc: "유틸 (Software)"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] music-search: [q] book-search: [q] settings: - name: flaresolverr type: info label: FlareSolverr default: This site may use Cloudflare DDoS Protection, therefore Jackett requires FlareSolverr to access it. download: infohash: hash: selector: a[href^="magnet:?xt="] attribute: href filters: - name: regexp args: ([A-F|a-f|0-9]{40}) title: selector: h3.panel-title filters: - name: trim - name: validfilename search: paths: # https://torrentsir38.com/bbs/search.php?srows=100&gr_id=&sfl=wr_subject&stx=2021&sop=and - path: bbs/search.php inputs: stx: "{{ if .Keywords }}{{ .Keywords }}{{ else }}{{ .Today.Year }}{{ end }}" srows: 100 gr_id: "" # wr_subject||wr_content, wr_subject, wr_content, mb_id, wr_name sfl: wr_subject # or, and sop: and rows: selector: div.search-media div.media fields: category: selector: div.media-heading a attribute: href filters: - name: querystring args: bo_table title: selector: div.media-heading a details: selector: div.media-heading a attribute: href download: selector: div.media-heading a attribute: href poster: selector: div.photo img attribute: src date: # 2021-01-29T20:44:20+09:00 selector: time attribute: datetime size: text: "512 MB" seeders: text: 1 leechers: text: 1 downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 # engine n/a