--- site: metaltracker name: Metal Tracker description: "Metal Tracker is a Semi-Private site dedicated to HEAVY METAL MUSIC. This definition is for the English site." language: en-us type: semi-private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://en.metal-tracker.com/ legacylinks: - http://en.metal-tracker.com/ caps: categories: Books: Audio/Audiobook Video: Audio/Video Music: Audio/MP3 modes: search: [q] music-search: [q, album, artist, label, year] settings: - name: username type: text label: Username - name: password type: password label: Password - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: "date" options: "date": "created" "seeders": "seeders" "size": "size" "name": "title" - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: "DESC" options: "DESC": "desc" "ASC": "asc" login: path: user/login.html method: post inputs: username: "{{ .Config.username }}" password: "{{ .Config.password }}" go: Enter error: - selector: div.errorSummary message: selector: div.errorSummary ul li test: path: torrents/search.html selector: li li:has(a[href="/user/logout.html"]) search: paths: - path: torrents/search.html method: post inputs: "SearchTorrentsForm[nameTorrent]": "{{ if or (.Query.Artist) (.Query.Album) }}{{ or (.Query.Artist) (.Query.Album) }}{{else}}{{ .Keywords }}{{end}}" "SearchTorrentsForm[sort]": "{{ .Config.sort }}" "SearchTorrentsForm[sortType]": "{{ .Config.type }}" go-search: Search rows: selector: .smallalbum fields: title: selector: a h3 banner: selector: .thumb a img attribute: src details: selector: .thumb a attribute: href download: selector: .center a[href^="/torrents/download/id/"] attribute: href date: text: now seeders: selector: .center font:nth-of-type(1) leechers: selector: .center font:nth-of-type(2) downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 category: selector: .smallalbum remove: div.thumb, div.center, a case: ":contains(\"Type: Music\")": Music ":contains(\"Type: Video\")": Video ":contains(\"Type: Books\")": Books size: selector: .smallalbum filters: - name: regexp args: "Size:\\s+([\\w\\d\\.,]+ \\w\\w)" # engine n/a