--- id: anthelion-api name: Anthelion (API) description: "Anthelion is a Private MOVIES tracker" language: en-US type: private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://anthelion.me/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 2000, cat: Movies} - {id: 2030, cat: Movies/SD} - {id: 2040, cat: Movies/HD} - {id: 2045, cat: Movies/UHD} - {id: 2050, cat: Movies/BluRay} - {id: 2080, cat: Movies/WEB-DL} - {id: 8000, cat: Other} modes: search: [q] movie-search: [q, imdbid, tmdbid] # note: the api any supports movie search so there is no tv season/episode support. # not using year search because torznab adds it to the q= which results in &q=keyword+2022&year=2022 sent to api !?! settings: - name: apikey type: text label: APIKey - name: info_key type: info label: About your API key default: "Find or Generate a new API Key by accessing your Anthelion account Settings page and scrolling down to the API Key section.
Tick the Search and Download checkboxes and click the save profile button to generate the key." login: path: api.php method: get inputs: api_key: "{{ .Config.apikey }}" error: - selector: ":root:contains(\"Unrecognized key\")" message: text: "The API key was not accepted by {{ .Config.sitelink }}." - selector: ":root:contains(\"No API_KEY provided\")" message: text: "You did not enter an API key." search: paths: # docs: https://anthelion.me/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=1026 - path: api.php response: type: json inputs: api_key: "{{ .Config.apikey }}" o: json t: movie q: "{{ .Keywords }}" tmdb: "{{ .Query.TMDBID }}" imdb: "{{ .Query.IMDBIDShort }}" cat: "{{ join .Categories \",\" }}" limit: 100 offset: 0 rows: selector: item count: selector: response.total fields: category: selector: category filters: - name: split args: [",", -1] year: selector: year optional: true _codec: selector: codec _container: selector: container _media: selector: media filters: - name: replace args: ["WEB", "WEB-DL"] _resolution: selector: resolution _audioFormat: selector: audioFormat _subbing: selector: subbing optional: true _flags: selector: flags optional: true filters: - name: replace args: [",", " "] _language: selector: language optional: true _releaseGroup: selector: releaseGroup optional: true filters: - name: trim title_optional: selector: title filters: - name: htmldecode - name: append args: " {{ .Result.year }} {{ .Result._codec }} {{ .Result._container }} {{ .Result._media }} {{ .Result._resolution }} {{ .Result._audioFormat }}{{ if .Result._subbing }} Subs{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if .Result._flags }} {{ .Result._flags }}{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if .Result._language }} {{ .Result._language }}{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Result._releaseGroup) (ne .Result._releaseGroup \"NULL\") }} -{{ .Result._releaseGroup }}{{ else }}{{ end }}" details: selector: guid download: selector: link filters: - name: htmldecode infohash: selector: infohash imdbid: selector: imdb tmdbid: selector: tmdb genre: selector: tags filters: - name: replace args: [".", "_"] description: text: "{{ .Result.genre }}" files: selector: fileCount seeders: selector: seeders leechers: selector: leechers grabs: selector: grabs date: # 2022-08-07T20:56:06+0200 selector: pubDate size: selector: size downloadvolumefactor: text: 1 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 minimumratio: text: 1.0 minimumseedtime: # 3 day (as seconds = 3 x 24 x 60 x 60) text: 259200 _filename: selector: "files[0].name" filters: - name: htmldecode optional: true title: text: "{{ if and (eq .Result.files \"1\") (.Result._filename) }}{{ .Result._filename }}{{ else }}{{ .Result.title_optional }}{{ end }}" # json api