--- id: epizod name: Epizod description: "Epizod is a FRENCH Public tracker for MOVIES / TV" language: fr-fr type: public encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://wwv.epizod.tv/ legacylinks: - https://www.epizod.tv/ caps: categories: series: TV films: Movies other: Other modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] settings: - name: multilang type: checkbox label: Replace MULTI by another language in release name default: false - name: multilanguage type: select label: Replace MULTI by this language default: FRENCH options: FRENCH: "FRENCH" MULTI.FRENCH: "MULTI.FRENCH" ENGLISH: "ENGLISH" MULTI.ENGLISH: "MULTI.ENGLISH" VOSTFR: "VOSTFR" MULTI.VOSTFR: "MULTI.VOSTFR" - name: vostfr type: checkbox label: Replace VOSTFR with ENGLISH default: false download: selector: a[href^="magnet:?xt="] attribute: href search: paths: # https://www.epizod.tv/?s= - path: / inputs: s: "{{ .Keywords }}" rows: selector: article:not(:has(a[title="DMCA"])) fields: category: text: other category|noappend: selector: a[href*="/category/"] attribute: href optional: true filters: - name: split args: ["/", 4] site_date: selector: div.post-cover > a attribute: title filters: # year can be at the end of the title, so we get it and name it site_date - name: regexp args: "(19|20\\d{2})$" title_phase1: selector: div.post-cover > a attribute: title filters: # now we put the date at the right place according scene naming rules using .Result.site_date - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)( FRENCH)", " {{ .Result.site_date }} FRENCH"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)( MULTI)", " {{ .Result.site_date }} MULTI"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)( TRUEFRENCH)", " {{ .Result.site_date }} TRUEFRENCH"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)( VOSTFR)", " {{ .Result.site_date }} VOSTFR"] # and we delete it at the end - name: re_replace args: ["(19|20\\d{2})$", ""] title_multilang: text: "{{ .Result.title_phase1 }}" filters: - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\smulti\\s)", " {{ .Config.multilanguage }} "] title_phase2: text: "{{ if .Config.multilang }}{{ .Result.title_multilang }}{{ else }}{{ .Result.title_phase1 }}{{ end }}" title_vostfr: text: "{{ .Result.title_phase2 }}" filters: - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\svostfr\\s)", " ENGLISH "] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\ssubfrench\\s)", " ENGLISH "] title: text: "{{ if .Config.vostfr }}{{ .Result.title_vostfr }}{{ else }}{{ .Result.title_phase2 }}{{ end }}" details: selector: div.post-cover > a attribute: href download: selector: div.post-cover > a attribute: href banner: selector: img[data-lazy-src] attribute: data-lazy-src date: selector: time attribute: datetime filters: - name: replace args: ["T", " "] - name: dateparse args: "2006-01-02 15:04:05-07:00" cat: text: other cat: selector: a[href*="/category/"] attribute: href optional: true filters: - name: split args: ["/", 4] size: text: "{{ if eq .Result.cat \"series\" }}512 MB{{else}}2 GB{{end}}" seeders: text: 1 leechers: text: 1 downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 # engine n/a