--- id: asiandvdclub name: AsianDVDClub description: "AsianDVDClub (ADC) is a Private Torrent Tracker for Asian DVD and BluRay" language: en-US type: private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://asiandvdclub.org/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 1, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Anime"} - {id: 3, cat: Movies, desc: "Japan"} - {id: 5, cat: Movies, desc: "China"} - {id: 4, cat: Movies, desc: "Korea"} - {id: 2, cat: Movies, desc: "Hong Kong"} - {id: 6, cat: Movies, desc: "Philippines"} - {id: 7, cat: Movies, desc: "Taiwan"} - {id: 8, cat: Movies, desc: "Thailand"} - {id: 9, cat: Movies, desc: "Vietnam"} - {id: 10, cat: Movies, desc: "Malaysia"} - {id: 11, cat: Movies, desc: "Other Asian"} - {id: 12, cat: Other, desc: "Miscellaneous"} - {id: 15, cat: TV, desc: "TV Series"} - {id: 16, cat: Audio, desc: "Music/OST"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] music-search: [q] settings: - name: username type: text label: Username - name: password type: password label: Password - name: freeleech type: checkbox label: Search freeleech only default: false - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: added options: added: created up: seeders size: size title: title - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: desc options: desc: desc asc: asc - name: info_tpp type: info label: Results Per Page default: For best results, change the Torrents per page: setting to 100 on your account profile. login: path: login method: post inputs: apple: evil username: "{{ .Config.username }}" password: "{{ .Config.password }}" error: - selector: b:contains("Try again") test: path: index.php selector: a[href="/logout"] search: paths: - path: torrents/ inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}countries[]={{.}}&{{end}}" searchbox: "{{ .Keywords }}" search: Search golden: "{{ if .Config.freeleech }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}" column: "{{ .Config.sort }}" order: "{{ .Config.type }}" rows: selector: table.torrenttable_helper > tbody > tr:has(img) fields: category_optional: selector: img[class^="cat-"] attribute: class optional: true case: img.cat-anime: 1 img.cat-hk: 2 img.cat-japan: 3 img.cat-korea: 4 img.cat-china: 5 img.cat-phil: 6 img.cat-taiwan: 7 img.cat-thai: 8 img.cat-viet: 9 img.cat-malaysia: 10 img.cat-rest: 11 img.cat-india: 11 img.cat-misc: 12 img.cat-pinku: 12 img.cat-drama: 15 img.cat-ost: 16 category: text: "{{ if .Result.category_optional }}{{ .Result.category_optional }}{{ else }}12{{ end }}" title: selector: span[id] details: selector: a[href^="/torrent/"] attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="/torrent/"] attribute: href filters: - name: replace args: ["torrent", "download"] poster: selector: span[id] attribute: data-ot filters: - name: regexp args: src='(.+?)' size: selector: td:nth-child(6) seeders: selector: td:nth-child(7) leechers: selector: td:nth-child(8) date: selector: td:nth-child(9) span.small filters: - name: timeago grabs: selector: td:nth-child(10) downloadvolumefactor: case: img[src$="images/golden.gif"]: 0 img[src$="images/silver.gif"]: 0.5 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 minimumratio: text: 1.5 minimumseedtime: # 45 days (as seconds = 45 x 24 x 60 x 60) text: 3888000 # Engine n/a