#!/bin/bash # If you have problems installing Jackett, please open an issue on # https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/issues # Setting up colors BOLDRED="$(printf '\033[1;31m')" BOLDGREEN="$(printf '\033[1;32m')" NC="$(printf '\033[0m')" # No Color # Check if the install script is running as root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Please run this script as root" exit 1 fi # Check if Jackett service is running JACKETT_SERVICE="jackett.service" echo "Checking if the service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' is running ..." if systemctl is-active --quiet "${JACKETT_SERVICE}"; then echo "Service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' is running" # Stop and unload the service if systemctl stop "${JACKETT_SERVICE}"; then echo "Service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' stopped" else echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: The service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' Can not be stopped" exit 1 fi else echo "Service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' is not running" fi # Move working directory to Jackett's JACKETT_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" echo "Jackett will be installed in '${JACKETT_DIR}'" if ! cd "${JACKETT_DIR}"; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not cd into '${JACKETT_DIR}' folder" exit 1 fi # Check if we're running from Jackett's directory if [ ! -f ./jackett ]; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not locate 'jackett' file in '${JACKETT_DIR}'." echo "Is the script in the right directory?" exit 1 fi # Check if Jackett's owner is root JACKETT_USER="$(stat -c "%U" ./jackett)" if [ "${JACKETT_USER}" == "root" ] || [ "${JACKETT_USER}" == "UNKNOWN" ] ; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: The owner of Jackett directory is '${JACKETT_USER}'." echo "Please, change the owner with the command 'chown <user>:<user> -R \"${JACKETT_DIR}\"'" echo "The user <user> will be used to run Jackett." exit 1 fi echo "Jackett will be executed with the user '${JACKETT_USER}'" # Write the systemd service descriptor JACKETT_SERVICE_PATH="/etc/systemd/system/${JACKETT_SERVICE}" echo "Creating Jackett unit file in '${JACKETT_SERVICE_PATH}' ..." cat > "${JACKETT_SERVICE_PATH}" <<EOL [Unit] Description=Jackett Daemon After=network.target [Service] SyslogIdentifier=jackett Restart=always RestartSec=5 Type=simple User=${JACKETT_USER} Group=${JACKETT_USER} WorkingDirectory=${JACKETT_DIR} Environment="DOTNET_EnableDiagnostics=0" ExecStart=/bin/sh "${JACKETT_DIR}/jackett_launcher.sh" TimeoutStopSec=30 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOL if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not create the file '${JACKETT_SERVICE_PATH}'" echo "The UnitPath of systemd changes from one distribution to another. You may have to edit the script and change the path manually." exit 1 fi echo "Installing Jackett service ..." # Reload systemd daemon if ! systemctl daemon-reload; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not reload systemd daemon" exit 1 fi # Enable the service for following restarts if ! systemctl enable "${JACKETT_SERVICE}"; then echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not enable the service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}'" exit 1 fi # Run the service if systemctl start "${JACKETT_SERVICE}"; then echo "${BOLDGREEN}Service successfully installed and launched!${NC}" else echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not start the service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}'" exit 1 fi