using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers.Meta { public abstract class BaseMetaIndexer : BaseWebIndexer { protected BaseMetaIndexer(string name, string id, string description, IFallbackStrategyProvider fallbackStrategyProvider, IResultFilterProvider resultFilterProvider,IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient client, Logger logger, ConfigurationData configData, IProtectionService ps, ICacheService cs, Func filter) : base(id: id, name: name, description: description, link: "", caps: new TorznabCapabilities(), configService: configService, client: client, logger: logger, p: ps, cacheService: cs, configData: configData) { filterFunc = filter; this.fallbackStrategyProvider = fallbackStrategyProvider; this.resultFilterProvider = resultFilterProvider; } public override bool CanHandleQuery(TorznabQuery query) { if (query == null) return false; if (query.QueryType == "indexers") return true; return base.CanHandleQuery(query); } public override Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) => Task.FromResult(IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed); public override async Task ResultsForQuery(TorznabQuery query, bool isMetaIndexer) { if (!CanHandleQuery(query) || !CanHandleCategories(query, true)) return new IndexerResult(this, new ReleaseInfo[0], false); try { var results = await PerformQuery(query); // the results are already filtered and fixed by each indexer // some results may come from cache, but we can't inform without refactor the code return new IndexerResult(this, results, false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IndexerException(this, ex); } } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var indexers = ValidIndexers; IEnumerable> supportedTasks = indexers.Where(i => i.CanHandleQuery(query)).Select(i => i.ResultsForQuery(query, true)).ToList(); // explicit conversion to List to execute LINQ query var fallbackStrategies = fallbackStrategyProvider.FallbackStrategiesForQuery(query); var fallbackQueries = fallbackStrategies.Select(async f => await f.FallbackQueries()).SelectMany(t => t.Result); var fallbackTasks = fallbackQueries.SelectMany(q => indexers.Where(i => !i.CanHandleQuery(query) && i.CanHandleQuery(q)).Select(i => i.ResultsForQuery(q.Clone(), true))); var tasks = supportedTasks.Concat(fallbackTasks.ToList()); // explicit conversion to List to execute LINQ query // When there are many indexers used by a metaindexer querying each and every one of them can take very very // long. This may result in a problem especially with Sonarr, which does consecutive searches when searching // for a season. Also, there might be indexers that do not support fast consecutive searches. // Therefore doing a season search in Sonarr might take for more than 90 seconds (approx. timeout in Sonarr) // which will mark Jackett as unresponsive (and therefore deactivated). // Although that 40 second is just an arbitrary number, doing a 40 second timeout is acceptable since an API // not responding for 40 second.. well, no one should really use that. // I hope in the future these queries will speed up (using caching or some other magic), however until then // just stick with a timeout. var aggregateTask = tasks.Until(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(40)); try { await aggregateTask; } catch { logger.Error(aggregateTask.Exception, "Error during request in metaindexer " + Id); } var unorderedResult = aggregateTask.Result.SelectMany(r => r.Releases); var resultFilters = resultFilterProvider.FiltersForQuery(query); var filteredResults = resultFilters.Select(async f => await f.FilterResults(unorderedResult)).SelectMany(t => t.Result); var uniqueFilteredResults = filteredResults.Distinct(); var orderedResults = uniqueFilteredResults.OrderByDescending(r => r.Gain); // Limiting the response size might be interesting for use-cases where there are // tons of trackers configured in Jackett. For now just use the limit param if // someone wants to do that. IEnumerable result = orderedResults; if (query.Limit > 0) result = result.Take(query.Limit); return result; } public override TorznabCapabilities TorznabCaps => ValidIndexers.Select(i => i.TorznabCaps).Aggregate(new TorznabCapabilities(), TorznabCapabilities.Concat); public override bool IsConfigured => Indexers != null; public override string[] Tags => Array.Empty(); public IEnumerable ValidIndexers => Indexers?.Where(i => i.IsConfigured && filterFunc(i)); public IEnumerable Indexers; private readonly Func filterFunc; private readonly IFallbackStrategyProvider fallbackStrategyProvider; private readonly IResultFilterProvider resultFilterProvider; } }