using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AngleSharp.Dom; using AngleSharp.Html.Parser; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; using static Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig.ConfigurationData; using WebClient = Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients.WebClient; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { // ReSharper disable once UnusedType.Global public class DivxTotal : BaseWebIndexer { private const int MaxResultsPerPage = 15; private const int MaxSearchPageLimit = 3; private static class DivxTotalCategories { public static string Peliculas => "peliculas"; public static string PeliculasHd => "peliculas-hd"; public static string Peliculas3D => "peliculas-3-d"; public static string PeliculasDvdr => "peliculas-dvdr"; public static string Series => "series"; public static string Programas => "programas"; public static string Otros => "otros"; } private static class DivxTotalFizeSizes { public static long Peliculas => 2147483648; // 2 GB public static long PeliculasDvdr => 5368709120; // 5 GB public static long Series => 524288000; // 500 MB public static long Otros => 524288000; // 500 MB } public DivxTotal(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient w, Logger l, IProtectionService ps) : base(name: "DivxTotal", description: "DivxTotal is a SPANISH site for Movies, TV series and Software", link: "", caps: new TorznabCapabilities(), configService: configService, client: w, logger: l, p: ps, configData: new ConfigurationData()) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Language = "es-es"; Type = "public"; var matchWords = new BoolItem() { Name = "Match words in title", Value = true }; configData.AddDynamic("MatchWords", matchWords); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.Peliculas, TorznabCatType.MoviesSD); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.PeliculasHd, TorznabCatType.MoviesSD); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.Peliculas3D, TorznabCatType.MoviesHD); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.PeliculasDvdr, TorznabCatType.MoviesDVD); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.Series, TorznabCatType.TVSD); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.Programas, TorznabCatType.PC); AddCategoryMapping(DivxTotalCategories.Otros, TorznabCatType.OtherMisc); } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { configData.LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); var releases = await PerformQuery(new TorznabQuery()); await ConfigureIfOK(string.Empty, releases.Any(), () => throw new Exception("Could not find releases from this URL")); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed; } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var releases = new List(); var matchWords = ((BoolItem)configData.GetDynamic("MatchWords")).Value; matchWords = query.SearchTerm != "" && matchWords; // we remove parts from the original query query = ParseQuery(query); var qc = new NameValueCollection { { "s", query.SearchTerm } }; var page = 1; var isLastPage = false; do { var url = SiteLink + "page/" + page + "/?" + qc.GetQueryString(); var result = await RequestStringWithCookies(url); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.Content, configData); try { var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.Content); var table = doc.QuerySelector("table.table"); if (table == null) break; var rows = table.QuerySelectorAll("tr"); isLastPage = rows.Length - 1 <= MaxResultsPerPage; // rows includes the header var isHeader = true; foreach (var row in rows) { if (isHeader) { isHeader = false; continue; } await ParseRelease(releases, row, query, matchWords); } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(result.Content, ex); } page++; // update page number } while (!isLastPage && page <= MaxSearchPageLimit); return releases; } public override async Task Download(Uri link) { // for tv series we already have the link var downloadUrl = link.ToString(); // for other categories we have to do another step if (!downloadUrl.EndsWith(".torrent")) { var result = await RequestStringWithCookies(downloadUrl); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.Content, configData); var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.Content); var onclick = doc.QuerySelector("a[onclick*=\"/download/torrent.php\"]") .GetAttribute("onclick"); downloadUrl = OnclickToDownloadLink(onclick); } var content = await base.Download(new Uri(downloadUrl)); return content; } private async Task ParseRelease(ICollection releases, IParentNode row, TorznabQuery query, bool matchWords) { var anchor = row.QuerySelector("a"); var commentsLink = anchor.GetAttribute("href"); var title = anchor.TextContent.Trim(); var cat = commentsLink.Split('/')[3]; var categories = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(cat); var publishStr = row.QuerySelectorAll("td")[2].TextContent.Trim(); var publishDate = TryToParseDate(publishStr, DateTime.Now); var sizeStr = row.QuerySelectorAll("td")[3].TextContent.Trim(); // return results only for requested categories if (query.Categories.Any() && !query.Categories.Contains(categories.First())) return; // match the words in the query with the titles if (matchWords && !CheckTitleMatchWords(query.SearchTerm, title)) return; // parsing is different for each category if (cat == DivxTotalCategories.Series) { await ParseSeriesRelease(releases, query, commentsLink, cat, publishDate); } else if (query.Episode == null) // if it's scene series, we don't return other categories { if (cat == DivxTotalCategories.Peliculas || cat == DivxTotalCategories.PeliculasHd || cat == DivxTotalCategories.Peliculas3D || cat == DivxTotalCategories.PeliculasDvdr) ParseMovieRelease(releases, query, title, commentsLink, cat, publishDate, sizeStr); else { var size = TryToParseSize(sizeStr, DivxTotalFizeSizes.Otros); GenerateRelease(releases, title, commentsLink, commentsLink, cat, publishDate, size); } } } private async Task ParseSeriesRelease(ICollection releases, TorznabQuery query, string commentsLink, string cat, DateTime publishDate) { var result = await RequestStringWithCookies(commentsLink); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.Content, configData); var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.Content); var tables = doc.QuerySelectorAll("table.table"); foreach (var table in tables) { var rows = table.QuerySelectorAll("tr"); var isHeader = true; foreach (var row in rows) { if (isHeader) { isHeader = false; continue; } var anchor = row.QuerySelector("a"); var episodeTitle = anchor.TextContent.Trim(); var onclick = anchor.GetAttribute("onclick"); var downloadLink = OnclickToDownloadLink(onclick); var episodePublishStr = row.QuerySelectorAll("td")[3].TextContent.Trim(); var episodePublish = TryToParseDate(episodePublishStr, publishDate); // Convert the title to Scene format episodeTitle = ParseDivxTotalSeriesTitle(episodeTitle, query); // if the original query was in scene format, we filter the results to match episode // query.Episode != null means scene title if (query.Episode != null && !episodeTitle.Contains(query.GetEpisodeSearchString())) continue; GenerateRelease(releases, episodeTitle, commentsLink, downloadLink, cat, episodePublish, DivxTotalFizeSizes.Series); } } } private void ParseMovieRelease(ICollection releases, TorznabQuery query, string title, string commentsLink, string cat, DateTime publishDate, string sizeStr) { // parse tags in title, we need to put the year after the real title (before the tags) // La Maldicion ( HD-CAM) // Mascotas 2 4K (1080p) (DUAL) // Dragon Ball Super: Broly [2018] [DVD9] [PAL] [Español] var tags = ""; var queryMatches = Regex.Matches(title, @"[\[\(]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match m in queryMatches) { tags += " " + m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); title = title.Replace(m.Groups[0].Value, ""); } title = title.Trim(); title = Regex.Replace(title, " 4K$", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // add the year title = query.Year != null ? title + " " + query.Year : title; // add the tags title += tags.ToUpper(); // add suffix and calculate the size var size = TryToParseSize(sizeStr, DivxTotalFizeSizes.Peliculas); if (cat == DivxTotalCategories.Peliculas) title += " SPANISH DVDRip XviD"; else if (cat == DivxTotalCategories.PeliculasHd || cat == DivxTotalCategories.Peliculas3D) title += " SPANISH BDRip x264"; else if (cat == DivxTotalCategories.PeliculasDvdr) { title += " SPANISH DVDR"; size = TryToParseSize(sizeStr, DivxTotalFizeSizes.PeliculasDvdr); } else throw new Exception("Unknown category " + cat); GenerateRelease(releases, title, commentsLink, commentsLink, cat, publishDate, size); } private void GenerateRelease(ICollection releases, string title, string commentsLink, string downloadLink, string cat, DateTime publishDate, long size) { // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer var release = new ReleaseInfo(); release.Title = title; release.Comments = new Uri(commentsLink); release.Link = new Uri(downloadLink); release.Guid = release.Link; release.Category = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(cat); release.PublishDate = publishDate; release.Size = size; release.Files = 1; release.Seeders = 1; release.Peers = 2; release.MinimumRatio = 1; release.MinimumSeedTime = 172800; // 48 hours release.DownloadVolumeFactor = 0; release.UploadVolumeFactor = 1; releases.Add(release); } private static string OnclickToDownloadLink(string onclick) { // onclick="post('/download/torrent.php', {u: 'aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGl2eHRvdGF='});" var base64EncodedData = onclick.Split('\'')[3]; var base64EncodedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64EncodedData); return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(base64EncodedBytes); } private static bool CheckTitleMatchWords(string queryStr, string title) { // this code split the words, remove words with 2 letters or less, remove accents and lowercase var queryMatches = Regex.Matches(queryStr, @"\b[\w']*\b"); var queryWords = from m in queryMatches.Cast() where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Value) && m.Value.Length > 2 select Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-8").GetBytes(m.Value.ToLower())); var titleMatches = Regex.Matches(title, @"\b[\w']*\b"); var titleWords = from m in titleMatches.Cast() where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Value) && m.Value.Length > 2 select Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-8").GetBytes(m.Value.ToLower())); titleWords = titleWords.ToArray(); return queryWords.All(word => titleWords.Contains(word)); } private static TorznabQuery ParseQuery(TorznabQuery query) { // Eg. Marco.Polo.2014.S02E08 // the season/episode part is already parsed by Jackett // query.SanitizedSearchTerm = Marco.Polo.2014. // query.Season = 2 // query.Episode = 8 var searchTerm = query.SanitizedSearchTerm; // replace punctuation symbols with spaces // searchTerm = Marco Polo 2014 searchTerm = Regex.Replace(searchTerm, @"[-._\(\)@/\\\[\]\+\%]", " "); searchTerm = Regex.Replace(searchTerm, @"\s+", " "); searchTerm = searchTerm.Trim(); // we parse the year and remove it from search // searchTerm = Marco Polo // query.Year = 2014 var r = new Regex("([ ]+([0-9]{4}))$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var m = r.Match(searchTerm); if (m.Success) { query.Year = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); searchTerm = searchTerm.Replace(m.Groups[1].Value, ""); } // remove some words searchTerm = Regex.Replace(searchTerm, @"\b(espa[ñn]ol|spanish|castellano|spa)\b", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); query.SearchTerm = searchTerm; return query; } private static string ParseDivxTotalSeriesTitle(string episodeTitle, TorznabQuery query) { // episodeTitle = American Horror Story6x04 var newTitle = episodeTitle; try { var r = new Regex("(([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)[^0-9]*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var m = r.Match(newTitle); if (m.Success) { var season = "S" + m.Groups[2].Value.PadLeft(2, '0'); var episode = "E" + m.Groups[3].Value.PadLeft(2, '0'); // if the original query was in scene format, we have to put the year back // query.Episode != null means scene title var year = query.Episode != null && query.Year != null ? " " + query.Year : ""; newTitle = newTitle.Replace(m.Groups[1].Value, year + " " + season + episode); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } newTitle += " SPANISH SDTV XviD"; // return American Horror Story S06E04 SPANISH SDTV XviD return newTitle; } private static DateTime TryToParseDate(string dateToParse, DateTime dateDefault) { try { return DateTime.ParseExact(dateToParse, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch { // ignored } return dateDefault; } private static long TryToParseSize(string sizeToParse, long sizeDefault) { try { return ReleaseInfo.GetBytes(sizeToParse); } catch { // ignored } return sizeDefault; } } }