using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] public class ShowRSS : BaseWebIndexer { private string SearchAllUrl => SiteLink + "other/all.rss"; private string BrowseUrl => SiteLink + "browse/"; public override string[] LegacySiteLinks { get; protected set; } = { "" }; private new ConfigurationData configData => base.configData; public ShowRSS(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient wc, Logger l, IProtectionService ps) : base(id: "showrss", name: "ShowRSS", description: "showRSS is a service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows", link: "", caps: TorznabUtil.CreateDefaultTorznabTVCaps(), configService: configService, client: wc, logger: l, p: ps, configData: new ConfigurationData()) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; Language = "en-us"; Type = "public"; } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { configData.LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); var releases = await PerformQuery(new TorznabQuery()); await ConfigureIfOK(string.Empty, releases.Any(), () => throw new Exception("Could not find releases from this URL")); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.RequiresTesting; } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var releases = new List(); var episodeSearchUrl = string.Format(SearchAllUrl); var result = await RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(episodeSearchUrl); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlDoc.LoadXml(result.ContentString); foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("item")) { var title = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[local-name()='raw_title']").InnerText; if (!query.MatchQueryStringAND(title)) continue; // guess category from title var category = title.Contains("720p") || title.Contains("1080p") ? TorznabCatType.TVHD.ID : TorznabCatType.TVSD.ID; var magnetUri = new Uri(node.SelectSingleNode("link")?.InnerText); var publishDate = DateTime.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode("pubDate").InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var infoHash = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[local-name()='info_hash']").InnerText; var commentsUri = new Uri(BrowseUrl + node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[local-name()='show_id']").InnerText); var release = new ReleaseInfo { Title = title, Comments = commentsUri, Category = new List { category }, Guid = magnetUri, PublishDate = publishDate, InfoHash = infoHash, MagnetUri = magnetUri, Size = 0, Seeders = 1, Peers = 2, DownloadVolumeFactor = 0, UploadVolumeFactor = 1, }; releases.Add(release); } } catch (Exception e) { OnParseError(result.ContentString, e); } return releases; } } }