using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AngleSharp.Html.Parser; using Jackett.Common.Helpers; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; using static Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig.ConfigurationData; using WebClient = Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients.WebClient; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] public class DonTorrent : IndexerBase { public override string Id => "dontorrent"; public override string Name => "DonTorrent"; public override string Description => "DonTorrent is a SPANISH public tracker for MOVIES / TV / GENERAL"; // in the event the redirect is inactive should have the latest working domain public override string SiteLink { get; protected set; } = ""; public override string[] AlternativeSiteLinks => new[] { "", "", "", "", "", "" }; public override string[] LegacySiteLinks => new[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", }; public override string Language => "es-ES"; public override string Type => "public"; public override TorznabCapabilities TorznabCaps => SetCapabilities(); private static class DonTorrentCatType { public static string Pelicula => "pelicula"; public static string Pelicula4K => "pelicula4k"; public static string Serie => "serie"; public static string SerieHD => "seriehd"; public static string Documental => "documental"; public static string Musica => "musica"; public static string Variado => "variado"; public static string Juego => "juego"; } private const string NewTorrentsUrl = "ultimos"; private const string SearchUrl = "buscar/"; private static Dictionary CategoriesMap => new Dictionary { { "/pelicula/", DonTorrentCatType.Pelicula }, { "/serie/", DonTorrentCatType.Serie }, { "/documental", DonTorrentCatType.Documental }, { "/musica/", DonTorrentCatType.Musica }, { "/variado/", DonTorrentCatType.Variado }, { "/juego/", DonTorrentCatType.Juego } //games, it can be pc or console }; public DonTorrent(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, WebClient w, Logger l, IProtectionService ps, ICacheService cs) : base(configService: configService, client: w, logger: l, p: ps, cacheService: cs, configData: new ConfigurationData()) { // avoid CLoudflare too many requests limiter webclient.requestDelay = 2.1; var matchWords = new BoolConfigurationItem("Match words in title") { Value = true }; configData.AddDynamic("MatchWords", matchWords); } private TorznabCapabilities SetCapabilities() { var caps = new TorznabCapabilities { TvSearchParams = new List { TvSearchParam.Q, TvSearchParam.Season, TvSearchParam.Ep }, MovieSearchParams = new List { MovieSearchParam.Q }, MusicSearchParams = new List { MusicSearchParam.Q, } }; caps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(DonTorrentCatType.Pelicula, TorznabCatType.Movies, "Pelicula"); caps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(DonTorrentCatType.Pelicula4K, TorznabCatType.MoviesUHD, "Peliculas 4K"); caps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(DonTorrentCatType.Serie, TorznabCatType.TVSD, "Serie"); caps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(DonTorrentCatType.SerieHD, TorznabCatType.TVHD, "Serie HD"); caps.Categories.AddCategoryMapping(DonTorrentCatType.Musica, TorznabCatType.Audio, "Música"); return caps; } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); var releases = await PerformQuery(new TorznabQuery()); await ConfigureIfOK(string.Empty, releases.Any(), () => throw new Exception("Could not find releases from this URL")); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed; } protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var matchWords = ((BoolConfigurationItem)configData.GetDynamic("MatchWords")).Value; matchWords = query.SearchTerm != "" && matchWords; // we remove parts from the original query query = ParseQuery(query); var releases = string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.SearchTerm) ? await PerformQueryNewest(query) : await PerformQuerySearch(query, matchWords); return releases; } public override async Task Download(Uri link) { var downloadUrl = link.ToString(); if (downloadUrl.Contains("") || downloadUrl.Contains("") || downloadUrl.Contains("") || downloadUrl.Contains("") || downloadUrl.Contains("") || downloadUrl.Contains("/torrents/series/")) { return await base.Download(link); } var parser = new HtmlParser(); // Eg var result = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(downloadUrl); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.ContentString, configData); using var dom = parser.ParseDocument(result.ContentString); //var info = dom.QuerySelectorAll("div.descargar > div.card > div.card-body").First(); //var title = info.QuerySelector("h2.descargarTitulo").TextContent; var dlStr = dom.QuerySelector("div.text-center > p > a"); //dl site starts with "//" and they accept https so use it downloadUrl = dlStr != null ? string.Format("https:{0}", dlStr.GetAttribute("href")) : ""; var content = await base.Download(new Uri(downloadUrl)); return content; } private async Task> PerformQueryNewest(TorznabQuery query) { var releases = new List(); var url = SiteLink + NewTorrentsUrl; var result = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(url); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.ContentString, configData); logger.Debug("\naaa"); try { var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); using var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.ContentString); var rows = doc.QuerySelector("div.seccion#ultimos_torrents > div.card > div.card-body > div"); var parsedDetailsLink = new List(); string rowTitle = null; string rowDetailsLink = null; string rowPublishDate = null; string rowQuality = null; foreach (var row in rows.Children) { if (row.TagName.Equals("DIV")) { //div class="h5 text-dark">PELÍCULAS: continue; } //2022-01-12 //Halloween Kills //(MicroHD-1080p) if (row.TagName.Equals("A")) { rowTitle = row.TextContent; rowDetailsLink = SiteLink + row.GetAttribute("href"); } if (row.TagName.Equals("SPAN")) { if (DateTime.TryParse(row.TextContent, out var publishDate)) { rowPublishDate = publishDate.ToString(); } //quality if (Regex.IsMatch(row.TextContent, "([()])")) { rowQuality = row.TextContent; } } if (row.TagName.Equals("BR")) { // we add parsed items to rowDetailsLink to avoid duplicates in newest torrents // list results if (!parsedDetailsLink.Contains(rowDetailsLink) && rowTitle != null) { var cat = GetCategory(rowTitle, rowDetailsLink); switch (cat) { case "pelicula": case "pelicula4k": case "serie": case "seriehd": case "musica": await ParseRelease(releases, rowDetailsLink, rowTitle, cat, rowQuality, query, false); parsedDetailsLink.Add(rowDetailsLink); break; default: break; } // clean the current row rowTitle = null; rowDetailsLink = null; rowPublishDate = null; rowQuality = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(result.ContentString, ex); } return releases; } private async Task> PerformQuerySearch(TorznabQuery query, bool matchWords) { var releases = new List(); // search only the longest word, we filter the results later var searchTerm = GetLongestWord(query.SearchTerm); var url = SiteLink + SearchUrl + searchTerm; var result = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(url, referer: url); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.ContentString, configData); try { var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); using var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.ContentString); var rows = doc.QuerySelectorAll("div.seccion#buscador > div.card > div.card-body > p"); if (rows.First().TextContent.Contains("Introduce alguna palabra para buscar con al menos 2 letras.")) { return releases; //no enough search terms } foreach (var row in rows.Skip(2)) { //href=/pelicula/6981/Saga-Spiderman var link = string.Format("{0}{1}", SiteLink.TrimEnd('/'), row.QuerySelector("p > span > a").GetAttribute("href")); var title = row.QuerySelector("p > span > a").TextContent; var cat = GetCategory(title, link); var quality = ""; switch (GetCategoryFromURL(link)) { case "pelicula": case "serie": quality = Regex.Replace(row.QuerySelector("p > span > span").TextContent, "([()])", ""); break; } switch (cat) { case "pelicula": case "pelicula4k": case "serie": case "seriehd": case "musica": await ParseRelease(releases, link, title, cat, quality, query, matchWords); break; default: //ignore different categories break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(result.ContentString, ex); } return releases; } private async Task ParseRelease(ICollection releases, string link, string title, string category, string quality, TorznabQuery query, bool matchWords) { // Remove trailing dot if there's one. title = title.Trim(); if (title.EndsWith(".")) title = title.Remove(title.Length - 1).Trim(); //There's no public publishDate //var publishDate = TryToParseDate(publishStr, DateTime.Now); // return results only for requested categories if (query.Categories.Any() && !query.Categories.Contains(MapTrackerCatToNewznab(category).First())) return; // match the words in the query with the titles if (matchWords && !CheckTitleMatchWords(query.SearchTerm, title)) return; switch (category) { case "pelicula": case "pelicula4k": await ParseMovieRelease(releases, link, query, title, quality); break; case "serie": case "seriehd": await ParseSeriesRelease(releases, link, query, title, quality); break; case "musica": await ParseMusicRelease(releases, link, query, title); break; default: break; } } private async Task ParseMusicRelease(ICollection releases, string link, TorznabQuery query, string title) { var result = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(link); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.ContentString, configData); var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); using var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.ContentString); var data = doc.QuerySelector("div.descargar > div.card > div.card-body"); //var _title = data.QuerySelector("h2.descargarTitulo").TextContent; //var data2 = data.QuerySelectorAll("div.d-inline-block > p"); //var yearStr = data2[0].TextContent; var data3 = data.QuerySelectorAll("div.text-center > div.d-inline-block"); var publishStr = data3[0].TextContent; //"Fecha: {0}" -- needs trimming var sizeStr = data3[1].TextContent; //"Tamaño: {0}" -- needs trimming, contains number of episodes available var publishDate = TryToParseDate(publishStr, DateTime.Now); var size = ParseUtil.GetBytes(sizeStr); var release = GenerateRelease(title, link, link, GetCategory(title, link), publishDate, size); releases.Add(release); } private async Task ParseSeriesRelease(ICollection releases, string link, TorznabQuery query, string title, string quality) { var result = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(link); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.ContentString, configData); var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); using var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.ContentString); var data = doc.QuerySelector("div.descargar > div.card > div.card-body"); //var _title = data.QuerySelector("h2.descargarTitulo").TextContent; //var data2 = data.QuerySelectorAll("div.d-inline-block > p"); //var quality = data2[0].TextContent; //"Formato: {0}" -- needs trimming //var episodes = data2[1].TextContent; //"Episodios: {0}" -- needs trimming, contains number of episodes available var data3 = data.QuerySelectorAll("div.d-inline-block > table.table > tbody > tr"); foreach (var row in data3) { var episodeData = row.QuerySelectorAll("td"); var episodeTitle = episodeData[0].TextContent; //it may contain two episodes divided by '&', eg '1x01 & 1x02' var downloadLink = "https:" + episodeData[1].QuerySelector("a").GetAttribute("href"); // URL like "//" var episodePublishStr = episodeData[2].TextContent; var episodePublish = TryToParseDate(episodePublishStr, DateTime.Now); // Convert the title to Scene format episodeTitle = ParseSeriesTitle(title, episodeTitle, query); // if the original query was in scene format, we filter the results to match episode // query.Episode != null means scene title if (query.Episode != null && !episodeTitle.Contains(query.GetEpisodeSearchString())) continue; // guess size var size = 512.Megabytes(); if (episodeTitle.ToLower().Contains("720p")) size = 1.Gigabytes(); if (episodeTitle.ToLower().Contains("1080p")) size = 4.Gigabytes(); size *= GetEpisodeCountFromTitle(episodeTitle); var release = GenerateRelease(episodeTitle, link, downloadLink, GetCategory(title, link), episodePublish, size); releases.Add(release); } } private async Task ParseMovieRelease(ICollection releases, string link, TorznabQuery query, string title, string quality) { title = title.Trim(); var result = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(link); if (result.Status != HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(result.ContentString, configData); var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); using var doc = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(result.ContentString); // parse tags in title, we need to put the year after the real title (before the tags) // Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 [subs. Integrados] var tags = ""; var queryMatches = Regex.Matches(title, @"[\[\(]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match m in queryMatches) { var tag = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().ToUpper(); if (tag.Equals("4K")) // Fix 4K quality. Eg Harry Potter Y La Orden Del Fénix [4k] quality = "(UHD 4K 2160p)"; else if (tag.Equals("FULLBLURAY")) // Fix 4K quality. Eg Harry Potter Y El Cáliz De Fuego (fullbluray) quality = "(COMPLETE BLURAY)"; else // Add the tag to the title tags += " " + tag; title = title.Replace(m.Groups[0].Value, ""); } title = title.Trim(); // clean quality if (quality != null) { var queryMatch = Regex.Match(quality, @"[\[\(]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (queryMatch.Success) quality = queryMatch.Groups[1].Value; quality = quality.Trim().Replace("-", " "); quality = Regex.Replace(quality, "HDRip", "BDRip", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // fix for Radarr } // add the year title = query.Year != null ? title + " " + query.Year : title; // add the tags title += tags; // add spanish title += " SPANISH"; // add quality if (quality != null) title += " " + quality; var info = doc.QuerySelectorAll("div.descargar > div.card > div.card-body").First(); var moreinfo = info.QuerySelectorAll("div.text-center > div.d-inline-block"); // guess size long size; if (moreinfo.Length == 2) size = ParseUtil.GetBytes(moreinfo[1].QuerySelector("p").TextContent); else if (title.ToLower().Contains("4k")) size = 50.Gigabytes(); else if (title.ToLower().Contains("1080p")) size = 4.Gigabytes(); else if (title.ToLower().Contains("720p")) size = 1.Gigabytes(); else size = 512.Megabytes(); var release = GenerateRelease(title, link, link, GetCategory(title, link), DateTime.Now, size); releases.Add(release); } private ReleaseInfo GenerateRelease(string title, string link, string downloadLink, string cat, DateTime publishDate, long size) { var dl = new Uri(downloadLink); var _link = new Uri(link); var release = new ReleaseInfo { Title = title, Details = _link, Link = dl, Guid = dl, Category = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(cat), PublishDate = publishDate, Size = size, Seeders = 1, Peers = 2, DownloadVolumeFactor = 0, UploadVolumeFactor = 1 }; return release; } private static bool CheckTitleMatchWords(string queryStr, string title) { // this code split the words, remove words with 2 letters or less, remove accents and lowercase var queryMatches = Regex.Matches(queryStr, @"\b[\w']*\b"); var queryWords = from m in queryMatches.Cast() where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Value) && m.Value.Length > 2 select Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-8").GetBytes(m.Value.ToLower())); var titleMatches = Regex.Matches(title, @"\b[\w']*\b"); var titleWords = from m in titleMatches.Cast() where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Value) && m.Value.Length > 2 select Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-8").GetBytes(m.Value.ToLower())); titleWords = titleWords.ToArray(); return queryWords.All(word => titleWords.Contains(word)); } private static TorznabQuery ParseQuery(TorznabQuery query) { // Eg. Marco.Polo.2014.S02E08 // the season/episode part is already parsed by Jackett // query.SanitizedSearchTerm = Marco.Polo.2014. // query.Season = 2 // query.Episode = 8 var searchTerm = query.SanitizedSearchTerm; // replace punctuation symbols with spaces // searchTerm = Marco Polo 2014 searchTerm = Regex.Replace(searchTerm, @"[-._\(\)@/\\\[\]\+\%]", " "); searchTerm = Regex.Replace(searchTerm, @"\s+", " "); searchTerm = searchTerm.Trim(); // we parse the year and remove it from search // searchTerm = Marco Polo // query.Year = 2014 var r = new Regex("([ ]+([0-9]{4}))$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var m = r.Match(searchTerm); if (m.Success) { query.Year = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); searchTerm = searchTerm.Replace(m.Groups[1].Value, ""); } // remove some words searchTerm = Regex.Replace(searchTerm, @"\b(espa[ñn]ol|spanish|castellano|spa)\b", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); query.SearchTerm = searchTerm; return query; } private static string ParseSeriesTitle(string title, string episodeTitle, TorznabQuery query) { // parse title // title = The Mandalorian - 1ª Temporada // title = The Mandalorian - 1ª Temporada [720p] // title = Grace and Frankie - 5ª Temporada [720p]: 5x08 al 5x13. var newTitle = title.Split(new[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim(); // newTitle = The Mandalorian // parse episode title var newEpisodeTitle = episodeTitle.Trim(); // episodeTitle = 5x08 al 5x13. // episodeTitle = 2x01 - 2x02 - 2x03. var matches = Regex.Matches(newEpisodeTitle, "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (matches.Count > 1) { newEpisodeTitle = ""; foreach (Match m in matches) if (newEpisodeTitle.Equals("")) newEpisodeTitle += "S" + m.Groups[1].Value.PadLeft(2, '0') + "E" + m.Groups[2].Value.PadLeft(2, '0'); else newEpisodeTitle += "-E" + m.Groups[2].Value.PadLeft(2, '0'); // newEpisodeTitle = S05E08-E13 // newEpisodeTitle = S02E01-E02-E03 } else { // episodeTitle = 1x04 - 05. var m = Regex.Match(newEpisodeTitle, "^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)[.]?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (m.Success) newEpisodeTitle = "S" + m.Groups[1].Value.PadLeft(2, '0') + "E" + m.Groups[2].Value.PadLeft(2, '0') + "-" + "E" + m.Groups[3].Value.PadLeft(2, '0'); // newEpisodeTitle = S01E04-E05 else { // episodeTitle = 1x02 // episodeTitle = 1x02 - // episodeTitle = 1x08 -​ CONTRASEÑA: WWW.​PCTNEW ORG bebe m = Regex.Match(newEpisodeTitle, "^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)(.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (m.Success) { newEpisodeTitle = "S" + m.Groups[1].Value.PadLeft(2, '0') + "E" + m.Groups[2].Value.PadLeft(2, '0'); // newEpisodeTitle = S01E02 if (!m.Groups[3].Value.Equals("")) newEpisodeTitle += " " + m.Groups[3].Value.Replace(" -", "").Trim(); // newEpisodeTitle = S01E08 CONTRASEÑA: WWW.​PCTNEW ORG bebe } } } // if the original query was in scene format, we have to put the year back // query.Episode != null means scene title var year = query.Episode != null && query.Year != null ? " " + query.Year : ""; newTitle += year + " " + newEpisodeTitle; newTitle += " SPANISH"; // multilanguage if (title.ToLower().Contains("ES-EN")) newTitle += " ENGLISH"; //quality if (title.ToLower().Contains("720p")) newTitle += " 720p"; else if (title.ToLower().Contains("1080p")) newTitle += " 1080p"; else newTitle += " SDTV"; if (title.ToLower().Contains("HDTV")) newTitle += " HDTV"; if (title.ToLower().Contains("x265")) newTitle += " x265"; else newTitle += " x264"; // return The Mandalorian S01E04 SPANISH 720p HDTV x264 return newTitle; } public static int GetEpisodeCountFromTitle(string title) { var matches = Regex.Matches(title, "E[0-9+]"); var count = matches.Count; if (count == 0) return 0; //no episodes in title //eg E1-E9 if (count == 2) { var first = title.Substring(matches[0].Index, matches[1].Index - matches[0].Index - 1); var last = title.Substring(matches[1].Index, 3); //"Exx" if (first.StartsWith("E") && last.StartsWith("E")) { var first_ep = int.Parse(first.Substring(1, 2)); var last_ep = int.Parse(last.Substring(1, 2)); return last_ep - first_ep + 1; //E01-E03 -> 3 episodes } } return count; } public static string GetCategory(string title, string url) { var cat = GetCategoryFromURL(url); switch (cat) { case "pelicula": case "pelicula4k": if (title.Contains("4K")) { cat = DonTorrentCatType.Pelicula4K; } break; case "serie": case "seriehd": if (title.Contains("720p") || title.Contains("1080p")) { cat = DonTorrentCatType.SerieHD; } break; default: break; } return cat; } public static string GetCategoryFromURL(string url) { return CategoriesMap .Where(categoryMap => url.Contains(categoryMap.Key)) .Select(categoryMap => categoryMap.Value) .FirstOrDefault(); } private static string GetLongestWord(string text) { var words = text.Split(' '); if (!words.Any()) return null; var longestWord = words.First(); foreach (var word in words) if (word.Length >= longestWord.Length) longestWord = word; return longestWord; } private static DateTime TryToParseDate(string dateToParse, DateTime dateDefault) { try { return DateTime.ParseExact(dateToParse, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch { // ignored } return dateDefault; } } }