--- site: mteamtp name: M-Team - TP description: "M-Team TP (MTTP) is a CHINESE Private Torrent Tracker for HD MOVIES / TV / XXX" language: zh-cn type: private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://pt.m-team.cc/ legacylinks: - https://tp.m-team.cc/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 401, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Movie(電影)/SD"} - {id: 419, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Movie(電影)/HD"} - {id: 420, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "Movie(電影)/DVDiSo"} - {id: 421, cat: Movies/BluRay, desc: "Movie(電影)/Blu-Ray"} - {id: 439, cat: Movies/Other, desc: "Movie(電影)/Remux"} - {id: 403, cat: TV/SD, desc: "TV Series(影劇/綜藝)/SD"} - {id: 402, cat: TV/HD, desc: "TV Series(影劇/綜藝)/HD"} - {id: 435, cat: TV/SD, desc: "TV Series(影劇/綜藝)/DVDiSo"} - {id: 438, cat: TV/HD, desc: "TV Series(影劇/綜藝)/BD"} - {id: 404, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "紀錄教育"} - {id: 405, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Anime(動畫)"} - {id: 406, cat: Audio/Video, desc: "MV(演唱)"} - {id: 408, cat: Audio/Other, desc: "Music(AAC/ALAC)"} - {id: 434, cat: Audio, desc: "Music(無損)"} - {id: 407, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "Sports(運動)"} - {id: 422, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Software(軟體)"} - {id: 423, cat: PC/Games, desc: "PCGame(PC遊戲)"} - {id: 427, cat: Books, desc: "eBook(電子書)"} - {id: 409, cat: Other, desc: "Misc(其他)"} # adult - {id: 410, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(有碼)/HD Censored"} - {id: 429, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(無碼)/HD Uncensored"} - {id: 424, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(有碼)/SD Censored"} - {id: 430, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(無碼)/SD Uncensored"} - {id: 426, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(無碼)/DVDiSo Uncensored"} - {id: 437, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(有碼)/DVDiSo Censored"} - {id: 431, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(有碼)/Blu-Ray Censored"} - {id: 432, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(無碼)/Blu-Ray Uncensored"} - {id: 436, cat: XXX, desc: "AV(網站)/0Day"} - {id: 425, cat: XXX, desc: "IV(寫真影集)/Video Collection"} - {id: 433, cat: XXX, desc: "IV(寫真圖集)/Picture Collection"} - {id: 411, cat: XXX, desc: "H-Game(遊戲)"} - {id: 412, cat: XXX, desc: "H-Anime(動畫)"} - {id: 413, cat: XXX, desc: "H-Comic(漫畫)"} modes: search: [q, imdbid] tv-search: [q, season, ep, imdbid] movie-search: [q, imdbid] settings: - name: username type: text label: Username - name: password type: password label: Password - name: info type: info label: "" default: For best results disable the torrent name tooltip (User CP/Tracker Settings/Torrents Page). Otherwise long release names will be cut off. login: path: takelogin.php method: post inputs: username: "{{ .Config.username }}" password: "{{ .Config.password }}" error: - selector: td.embedded:has(h2:contains("failed")) test: path: torrents.php ratio: path: torrents.php selector: table#info_block filters: - name: regexp args: "Ratio:\\s(.*?)\\s\\s" search: paths: - path: torrents.php categorymappings: ["!", 410, 429, 424, 430, 426, 437, 431, 432, 436, 425, 433, 411, 412, 413] - path: adult.php categorymappings: [410, 429, 424, 430, 426, 437, 431, 432, 436, 425, 433, 411, 412, 413] method: post inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}cat{{.}}=1&{{end}}" search: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}{{ .Query.IMDBID }}{{else}}{{ .Keywords }}{{end}}" incldead: 1 spstate: 0 search_area: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}4{{else}}0{{end}}" search_mode: 0 rows: selector: table.torrents > tbody > tr:has(table.torrentname) fields: title: # shortened for long release names selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] > b title: optional: true # not available if IMDB tooltips are turned on selector: a[title][href^="details.php?id="] attribute: title category: selector: a[href^="?cat="] attribute: href filters: - name: querystring args: cat details: selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="download.php?id="] attribute: href banner: selector: img[alt="torrent thumbnail"] attribute: src filters: - name: replace args: ["pic/nopic.jpg", ""] size: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-child(6) grabs: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-child(3) seeders: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-child(5) leechers: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-child(4) date: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-child(7):not(:has(span)) optional: true filters: - name: append args: " +08:00" - name: dateparse args: "2006-01-0215:04:05 -07:00" date: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-child(7) > span[title] optional: true attribute: title filters: - name: append args: " +08:00" - name: dateparse args: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -07:00" downloadvolumefactor: case: img.pro_free: 0 img.pro_free2up: 0 img.pro_50pctdown: 0.5 img.pro_50pctdown2up: 0.5 img.pro_30pctdown: 0.3 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: case: img.pro_50pctdown2up: 2 img.pro_free2up: 2 img.pro_2up: 2 "*": 1 description: selector: td:nth-child(2) remove: a, img # NexusPHP