using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AngleSharp.Dom; using AngleSharp.Html.Dom; using AngleSharp.Html.Parser; using Jackett.Common.Helpers; using Jackett.Common.Models; using Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig; using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces; using Jackett.Common.Utils; using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NLog; using static Jackett.Common.Models.IndexerConfig.ConfigurationData; namespace Jackett.Common.Indexers { public class CardigannIndexer : BaseWebIndexer { protected IndexerDefinition Definition; protected WebResult landingResult; protected IHtmlDocument landingResultDocument; protected List DefaultCategories = new List(); private new ConfigurationData configData { get => base.configData; set => base.configData = value; } protected readonly string[] OptionalFields = { "imdb", "rageid", "tmdbid", "tvdbid", "poster" }; private static readonly string[] _SupportedLogicFunctions = { "and", "or", "eq", "ne" }; private static readonly string[] _LogicFunctionsUsingStringLiterals = { "eq", "ne" }; // Matches a logic function above and 2 or more of (.varname) or .varname or "string literal" in any combination private static readonly Regex _LogicFunctionRegex = new Regex( @$"\b({string.Join("|", _SupportedLogicFunctions.Select(Regex.Escape))})(?:\s+(\(?\.[^\)\s]+\)?|""[^""]+"")){{2,}}"); public CardigannIndexer(IIndexerConfigurationService configService, Utils.Clients.WebClient wc, Logger l, IProtectionService ps, ICacheService cs, IndexerDefinition Definition) : base(configService: configService, client: wc, logger: l, p: ps, cacheService: cs ) { this.Definition = Definition; Id = Definition.Id; // Add default data if necessary if (Definition.Settings == null) { Definition.Settings = new List { new settingsField { Name = "username", Label = "Username", Type = "text" }, new settingsField { Name = "password", Label = "Password", Type = "password" } }; } if (Definition.Encoding == null) Definition.Encoding = "UTF-8"; if (Definition.Login != null && Definition.Login.Method == null) Definition.Login.Method = "form"; if (Definition.Search.Paths == null) { Definition.Search.Paths = new List(); } // convert definitions with a single search Path to a Paths entry if (Definition.Search.Path != null) { Definition.Search.Paths.Add(new searchPathBlock { Path = Definition.Search.Path, Inheritinputs = true }); } // init missing mandatory attributes DisplayName = Definition.Name; DisplayDescription = Definition.Description; if (Definition.Links.Count > 1) AlternativeSiteLinks = Definition.Links.ToArray(); DefaultSiteLink = Definition.Links[0]; if (Definition.Legacylinks != null) LegacySiteLinks = Definition.Legacylinks.ToArray(); Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Definition.Encoding); if (!DefaultSiteLink.EndsWith("/")) DefaultSiteLink += "/"; Language = Definition.Language; Type = Definition.Type; TorznabCaps = new TorznabCapabilities(); TorznabCaps.ParseCardigannSearchModes(Definition.Caps.Modes); // init config Data configData = new ConfigurationData(); foreach (var Setting in Definition.Settings) { ConfigurationItem item; var itemName = Setting.Label ?? Setting.Name; if (Setting.Type != null) { switch (Setting.Type) { case "checkbox": item = new BoolConfigurationItem(itemName) { Value = false }; if (Setting.Default != null && Setting.Default == "true") { ((BoolConfigurationItem)item).Value = true; } break; case "password": case "text": item = new StringConfigurationItem(itemName) { Value = Setting.Default }; break; case "multi-select": if (Setting.Options == null) { throw new Exception("Options must be given for the 'multi-select' type."); } item = new MultiSelectConfigurationItem(itemName, Setting.Options) { Values = Setting.Defaults }; break; case "select": if (Setting.Options == null) { throw new Exception("Options must be given for the 'select' type."); } item = new SingleSelectConfigurationItem(itemName, Setting.Options) { Value = Setting.Default }; break; case "info": item = new DisplayInfoConfigurationItem(itemName, Setting.Default); break; default: throw new Exception($"Invalid setting type '{Setting.Type}' specified."); } } else { item = new StringConfigurationItem(itemName) { Value = Setting.Default }; } configData.AddDynamic(Setting.Name, item); } if (Definition.Caps.Categories != null) { foreach (var Category in Definition.Caps.Categories) { var cat = TorznabCatType.GetCatByName(Category.Value); if (cat == null) { logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): invalid Torznab category for id {1}: {2}", Id, Category.Key, Category.Value)); continue; } AddCategoryMapping(Category.Key, cat); } } if (Definition.Caps.Categorymappings != null) { foreach (var Categorymapping in Definition.Caps.Categorymappings) { TorznabCategory TorznabCat = null; if ( != null) { TorznabCat = TorznabCatType.GetCatByName(; if (TorznabCat == null) { logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): invalid Torznab category for id {1}: {2}", Id,,; continue; } } AddCategoryMapping(, TorznabCat, Categorymapping.desc); if (Categorymapping.Default) DefaultCategories.Add(; } } LoadValuesFromJson(null); } public override void LoadValuesFromJson(JToken jsonConfig, bool useProtectionService = false) { base.LoadValuesFromJson(jsonConfig, useProtectionService); // add self signed cert to trusted certs if (Definition.Certificates != null) { foreach (var certificateHash in Definition.Certificates) webclient.AddTrustedCertificate(new Uri(SiteLink).Host, certificateHash); } } protected Dictionary GetBaseTemplateVariables() { var variables = new Dictionary { [".Config.sitelink"] = SiteLink, [".True"] = "True", [".False"] = null, [".Today.Year"] = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() }; foreach (var setting in Definition.Settings) { var configurationItem = configData.GetDynamic(setting.Name); if (configurationItem == null) continue; var variableKey = ".Config." + setting.Name; switch (configurationItem) { case BoolConfigurationItem boolItem: { variables[variableKey] = variables[boolItem.Value ? ".True" : ".False"]; break; } case StringConfigurationItem stringItem: { variables[variableKey] = stringItem.Value; break; } case PasswordConfigurationItem passwordItem: { variables[variableKey] = passwordItem.Value; break; } case SingleSelectConfigurationItem selectItem: { variables[variableKey] = selectItem.Value; break; } case MultiSelectConfigurationItem multiSelectItem: { variables[variableKey] = multiSelectItem.Values; break; } case DisplayImageConfigurationItem displayImageItem: { variables[variableKey] = displayImageItem.Value; break; } case DisplayInfoConfigurationItem displayInfoItem: { variables[variableKey] = displayInfoItem.Value; break; } case HiddenStringConfigurationItem hiddenStringItem: { variables[variableKey] = hiddenStringItem.Value; break; } default: { //TODO Should this throw a NotSupportedException, as it used to? break; } } } return variables; } // A very bad implementation of the golang template/text templating engine. // But it should work for most basic constucts used by Cardigann definitions. protected delegate string TemplateTextModifier(string str); protected string applyGoTemplateText(string template, Dictionary variables = null, TemplateTextModifier modifier = null) { if (variables == null) { variables = GetBaseTemplateVariables(); } // handle re_replace expression // Example: {{ re_replace .Query.Keywords "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" "%" }} var ReReplaceRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*re_replace\s+(\..+?)\s+""(.*?)""\s+""(.*?)""\s*}}"); var ReReplaceRegexMatches = ReReplaceRegex.Match(template); while (ReReplaceRegexMatches.Success) { var all = ReReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[0].Value; var variable = ReReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[1].Value; var regexp = ReReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[2].Value; var newvalue = ReReplaceRegexMatches.Groups[3].Value; var ReplaceRegex = new Regex(regexp); var input = (string)variables[variable]; var expanded = ReplaceRegex.Replace(input, newvalue); if (modifier != null) expanded = modifier(expanded); template = template.Replace(all, expanded); ReReplaceRegexMatches = ReReplaceRegexMatches.NextMatch(); } // handle join expression // Example: {{ join .Categories "," }} var JoinRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*join\s+(\..+?)\s+""(.*?)""\s*}}"); var JoinMatches = JoinRegex.Match(template); while (JoinMatches.Success) { var all = JoinMatches.Groups[0].Value; var variable = JoinMatches.Groups[1].Value; var delimiter = JoinMatches.Groups[2].Value; var input = (ICollection)variables[variable]; var expanded = string.Join(delimiter, input); if (modifier != null) expanded = modifier(expanded); template = template.Replace(all, expanded); JoinMatches = JoinMatches.NextMatch(); } var logicMatch = _LogicFunctionRegex.Match(template); while (logicMatch.Success) { var functionStartIndex = logicMatch.Groups[0].Index; var functionLength = logicMatch.Groups[0].Length; var functionName = logicMatch.Groups[1].Value; // Use Group.Captures to get each matching string in a repeating Match.Group // Strip () around variable names here, as they are optional. Use quotes to differentiate variables and literals var parameters = logicMatch.Groups[2].Captures.Cast().Select(c => c.Value.Trim('(', ')')).ToList(); var functionResult = ""; // If the function can't use string literals, fail silently by removing the literals. if (!_LogicFunctionsUsingStringLiterals.Contains(functionName)) parameters.RemoveAll(param => param.StartsWith("\"")); switch (functionName) { case "and": // returns first null or empty, else last variable case "or": // returns first not null or empty, else last variable var isAnd = functionName == "and"; foreach (var parameter in parameters) { functionResult = parameter; // (null as string) == null // (if null or empty) break if and, continue if or // (if neither null nor empty) continue if and, break if or if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variables[parameter] as string) == isAnd) break; } break; case "eq": // Returns .True if equal case "ne": // Returns .False if equal { var wantEqual = functionName == "eq"; // eq/ne take exactly 2 params. Update the length to match // This removes the whitespace between params 2 and 3. // It shouldn't matter because the match starts at a word boundary if (parameters.Count > 2) functionLength = logicMatch.Groups[2].Captures[2].Index - functionStartIndex; // Take first two parameters, convert vars to values and strip quotes on string literals // Counting distinct gives us 1 if equal and 2 if not. var isEqual = parameters.Take(2).Select(param => param.StartsWith("\"") ? param.Trim('"') : variables[param] as string) .Distinct().Count() == 1; functionResult = isEqual == wantEqual ? ".True" : ".False"; break; } } template = template.Remove(functionStartIndex, functionLength) .Insert(functionStartIndex, functionResult); // Rerunning match instead of using nextMatch allows us to support nested functions // like {{if and eq (.Var1) "string1" eq (.Var2) "string2"}} // No performance is lost because Match/NextMatch are lazy evaluated and pause execution after first match logicMatch = _LogicFunctionRegex.Match(template); } // handle if ... else ... expression var IfElseRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*if\s*(.+?)\s*}}(.*?){{\s*else\s*}}(.*?){{\s*end\s*}}"); var IfElseRegexMatches = IfElseRegex.Match(template); while (IfElseRegexMatches.Success) { string conditionResult = null; var all = IfElseRegexMatches.Groups[0].Value; var condition = IfElseRegexMatches.Groups[1].Value; var onTrue = IfElseRegexMatches.Groups[2].Value; var onFalse = IfElseRegexMatches.Groups[3].Value; if (condition.StartsWith(".")) { var conditionResultState = false; var value = variables[condition]; if (value == null) conditionResultState = false; else if (value is string) conditionResultState = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)value); else if (value is ICollection) conditionResultState = ((ICollection)value).Count > 0; else throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpceted type for variable {0}: {1}", condition, value.GetType())); if (conditionResultState) { conditionResult = onTrue; } else { conditionResult = onFalse; } } else { throw new NotImplementedException("CardigannIndexer: Condition operation '" + condition + "' not implemented"); } template = template.Replace(all, conditionResult); IfElseRegexMatches = IfElseRegexMatches.NextMatch(); } // handle range expression var RangeRegex = new Regex(@"{{\s*range\s*(.+?)\s*}}(.*?){{\.}}(.*?){{end}}"); var RangeRegexMatches = RangeRegex.Match(template); while (RangeRegexMatches.Success) { var expanded = string.Empty; var all = RangeRegexMatches.Groups[0].Value; var variable = RangeRegexMatches.Groups[1].Value; var prefix = RangeRegexMatches.Groups[2].Value; var postfix = RangeRegexMatches.Groups[3].Value; foreach (var value in (ICollection)variables[variable]) { var newvalue = value; if (modifier != null) newvalue = modifier(newvalue); expanded += prefix + newvalue + postfix; } template = template.Replace(all, expanded); RangeRegexMatches = RangeRegexMatches.NextMatch(); } // handle simple variables var VariablesRegEx = new Regex(@"{{\s*(\..+?)\s*}}"); var VariablesRegExMatches = VariablesRegEx.Match(template); while (VariablesRegExMatches.Success) { var expanded = string.Empty; var all = VariablesRegExMatches.Groups[0].Value; var variable = VariablesRegExMatches.Groups[1].Value; var value = (string)variables[variable]; if (modifier != null) value = modifier(value); template = template.Replace(all, value); VariablesRegExMatches = VariablesRegExMatches.NextMatch(); } return template; } protected bool checkForError(WebResult loginResult, IList errorBlocks) { if (loginResult.Status == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) // e.g. used by YGGtorrent throw new ExceptionWithConfigData("401 Unauthorized, check your credentials", configData); if (errorBlocks == null) return true; // no error var ResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var ResultDocument = ResultParser.ParseDocument(loginResult.ContentString); foreach (var error in errorBlocks) { var selection = ResultDocument.QuerySelector(error.Selector); if (selection != null) { var errorMessage = selection.TextContent; if (error.Message != null) { errorMessage = handleSelector(error.Message, ResultDocument.FirstElementChild); } throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Error: {0}", errorMessage.Trim()), configData); } } return true; // no error } protected async Task DoLogin() { var Login = Definition.Login; if (Login == null) return true; if (Login.Method == "post") { var pairs = new Dictionary(); foreach (var Input in Definition.Login.Inputs) { var value = applyGoTemplateText(Input.Value); pairs.Add(Input.Key, value); } var LoginUrl = resolvePath(Login.Path).ToString(); configData.CookieHeader.Value = null; var loginResult = await RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(LoginUrl, pairs, null, true, null, SiteLink, true); configData.CookieHeader.Value = loginResult.Cookies; checkForError(loginResult, Definition.Login.Error); } else if (Login.Method == "form") { var LoginUrl = resolvePath(Login.Path).ToString(); var queryCollection = new NameValueCollection(); var pairs = new Dictionary(); var FormSelector = Login.Form; if (FormSelector == null) FormSelector = "form"; // landingResultDocument might not be initiated if the login is caused by a relogin during a query if (landingResultDocument == null) { var ConfigurationResult = await GetConfigurationForSetup(true); if (ConfigurationResult == null) // got captcha { return false; } } var form = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector(FormSelector); if (form == null) { throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Login failed: No form found on {0} using form selector {1}", LoginUrl, FormSelector), configData); } var inputs = form.QuerySelectorAll("input"); if (inputs == null) { throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Login failed: No inputs found on {0} using form selector {1}", LoginUrl, FormSelector), configData); } var submitUrlstr = form.GetAttribute("action"); if (Login.Submitpath != null) submitUrlstr = Login.Submitpath; foreach (var input in inputs) { var name = input.GetAttribute("name"); if (name == null) continue; var value = input.GetAttribute("value"); if (value == null) value = ""; pairs[name] = value; } foreach (var Input in Definition.Login.Inputs) { var value = applyGoTemplateText(Input.Value); var input = Input.Key; if (Login.Selectors) { var inputElement = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector(Input.Key); if (inputElement == null) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Login failed: No input found using selector {0}", Input.Key), configData); input = inputElement.GetAttribute("name"); } pairs[input] = value; } // selector inputs if (Login.Selectorinputs != null) { foreach (var Selectorinput in Login.Selectorinputs) { string value = null; try { value = handleSelector(Selectorinput.Value, landingResultDocument.FirstElementChild); pairs[Selectorinput.Key] = value; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error while parsing selector input={0}, selector={1}, value={2}: {3}", Selectorinput.Key, Selectorinput.Value.Selector, value, ex.Message)); } } } // getselector inputs if (Login.Getselectorinputs != null) { foreach (var Selectorinput in Login.Getselectorinputs) { string value = null; try { value = handleSelector(Selectorinput.Value, landingResultDocument.FirstElementChild); queryCollection[Selectorinput.Key] = value; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error while parsing get selector input={0}, selector={1}, value={2}: {3}", Selectorinput.Key, Selectorinput.Value.Selector, value, ex.Message)); } } } if (queryCollection.Count > 0) submitUrlstr += "?" + queryCollection.GetQueryString(); var submitUrl = resolvePath(submitUrlstr, new Uri(LoginUrl)); // automatically solve simpleCaptchas, if used var simpleCaptchaPresent = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector("script[src*=\"simpleCaptcha\"]"); if (simpleCaptchaPresent != null) { var captchaUrl = resolvePath("simpleCaptcha.php?numImages=1"); var simpleCaptchaResult = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(captchaUrl.ToString(), referer: LoginUrl); var simpleCaptchaJSON = JObject.Parse(simpleCaptchaResult.ContentString); var captchaSelection = simpleCaptchaJSON["images"][0]["hash"].ToString(); pairs["captchaSelection"] = captchaSelection; pairs["submitme"] = "X"; } if (Login.Captcha != null) { var Captcha = Login.Captcha; if (Captcha.Type == "image") { var CaptchaText = (StringConfigurationItem)configData.GetDynamic("CaptchaText"); if (CaptchaText != null) { var input = Captcha.Input; if (Login.Selectors) { var inputElement = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector(Captcha.Input); if (inputElement == null) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Login failed: No captcha input found using {0}", Captcha.Input), configData); input = inputElement.GetAttribute("name"); } pairs[input] = CaptchaText.Value; } } if (Captcha.Type == "text") { var CaptchaAnswer = (StringConfigurationItem)configData.GetDynamic("CaptchaAnswer"); if (CaptchaAnswer != null) { var input = Captcha.Input; if (Login.Selectors) { var inputElement = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector(Captcha.Input); if (inputElement == null) throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Login failed: No captcha input found using {0}", Captcha.Input), configData); input = inputElement.GetAttribute("name"); } pairs[input] = CaptchaAnswer.Value; } } } // clear landingResults/Document, otherwise we might use an old version for a new relogin (if GetConfigurationForSetup() wasn't called before) landingResult = null; landingResultDocument = null; WebResult loginResult = null; var enctype = form.GetAttribute("enctype"); if (enctype == "multipart/form-data") { var headers = new Dictionary(); var boundary = "---------------------------" + (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds.ToString().Replace(".", ""); var bodyParts = new List(); foreach (var pair in pairs) { var part = "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + pair.Key + "\"\r\n" + "\r\n" + pair.Value; bodyParts.Add(part); } bodyParts.Add("--" + boundary + "--"); headers.Add("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary); var body = string.Join("\r\n", bodyParts); loginResult = await RequestWithCookiesAsync( submitUrl.ToString(), configData.CookieHeader.Value, RequestType.POST, SiteLink, pairs, headers, body); } else { loginResult = await RequestLoginAndFollowRedirect(submitUrl.ToString(), pairs, configData.CookieHeader.Value, true, null, LoginUrl, true); } configData.CookieHeader.Value = loginResult.Cookies; checkForError(loginResult, Definition.Login.Error); } else if (Login.Method == "cookie") { configData.CookieHeader.Value = ((StringConfigurationItem)configData.GetDynamic("cookie")).Value; } else if (Login.Method == "get") { var queryCollection = new NameValueCollection(); foreach (var Input in Definition.Login.Inputs) { var value = applyGoTemplateText(Input.Value); queryCollection.Add(Input.Key, value); } var LoginUrl = resolvePath(Login.Path + "?" + queryCollection.GetQueryString()).ToString(); configData.CookieHeader.Value = null; var loginResult = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(LoginUrl, referer: SiteLink); configData.CookieHeader.Value = loginResult.Cookies; checkForError(loginResult, Definition.Login.Error); } else if (Login.Method == "oneurl") { var OneUrl = applyGoTemplateText(Definition.Login.Inputs["oneurl"]); var LoginUrl = resolvePath(Login.Path + OneUrl).ToString(); configData.CookieHeader.Value = null; var loginResult = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(LoginUrl, referer: SiteLink); configData.CookieHeader.Value = loginResult.Cookies; checkForError(loginResult, Definition.Login.Error); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Login method " + Definition.Login.Method + " not implemented"); } logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Cookies after login: {1}", Id, CookieHeader)); return true; } protected string getRedirectDomainHint(string requestUrl, string RedirectUrl) { if (requestUrl.StartsWith(SiteLink) && !RedirectUrl.StartsWith(SiteLink)) { var uri = new Uri(RedirectUrl); return uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host + "/"; } return null; } protected string getRedirectDomainHint(WebResult result) => getRedirectDomainHint(result.Request.Url, result.RedirectingTo); protected async Task TestLogin() { var Login = Definition.Login; if (Login == null || Login.Test == null) return false; // test if login was successful var LoginTestUrl = resolvePath(Login.Test.Path).ToString(); var headers = ParseCustomHeaders(Definition.Search?.Headers, GetBaseTemplateVariables()); var testResult = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(LoginTestUrl, headers: headers); if (testResult.IsRedirect) { var errormessage = "Login Failed, got redirected."; var DomainHint = getRedirectDomainHint(testResult); if (DomainHint != null) { errormessage += " Try changing the indexer URL to " + DomainHint + "."; if (Definition.Followredirect) { configData.SiteLink.Value = DomainHint; SiteLink = configData.SiteLink.Value; SaveConfig(); errormessage += " Updated site link, please try again."; } } throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(errormessage, configData); } if (Login.Test.Selector != null) { var testResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var testResultDocument = testResultParser.ParseDocument(testResult.ContentString); var selection = testResultDocument.QuerySelectorAll(Login.Test.Selector); if (selection.Length == 0) { throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(string.Format("Login failed: Selector \"{0}\" didn't match", Login.Test.Selector), configData); } } return true; } protected bool CheckIfLoginIsNeeded(WebResult Result, IHtmlDocument document) { if (Result.IsRedirect) { var DomainHint = getRedirectDomainHint(Result); if (DomainHint != null) { var errormessage = "Got redirected to another domain. Try changing the indexer URL to " + DomainHint + "."; if (Definition.Followredirect) { configData.SiteLink.Value = DomainHint; SiteLink = configData.SiteLink.Value; SaveConfig(); errormessage += " Updated site link, please try again."; } throw new ExceptionWithConfigData(errormessage, configData); } return true; } if (Definition.Login == null || Definition.Login.Test == null) return false; if (Definition.Login.Test.Selector != null) { var selection = document.QuerySelectorAll(Definition.Login.Test.Selector); if (selection.Length == 0) { return true; } } return false; } public override async Task GetConfigurationForSetup() { try { return await GetConfigurationForSetup(false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Exception in GetConfigurationForSetup (" + Id + "): " + e); return configData; } } public async Task GetConfigurationForSetup(bool automaticlogin) { var Login = Definition.Login; if (Login == null || Login.Method != "form") return configData; var LoginUrl = resolvePath(Login.Path); configData.CookieHeader.Value = null; if (Login.Cookies != null) configData.CookieHeader.Value = string.Join("; ", Login.Cookies); landingResult = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(LoginUrl.AbsoluteUri, referer: SiteLink); // Some sites have a temporary redirect before the login page, we need to process it. if (Definition.Followredirect) { await FollowIfRedirect(landingResult, LoginUrl.AbsoluteUri, overrideCookies: landingResult.Cookies, accumulateCookies: true); } var hasCaptcha = false; var htmlParser = new HtmlParser(); landingResultDocument = htmlParser.ParseDocument(landingResult.ContentString); if (Login.Captcha != null) { var Captcha = Login.Captcha; if (Captcha.Type == "image") { var captchaElement = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector(Captcha.Selector); if (captchaElement != null) { hasCaptcha = true; var CaptchaUrl = resolvePath(captchaElement.GetAttribute("src"), LoginUrl); var captchaImageData = await RequestWithCookiesAsync( CaptchaUrl.ToString(), landingResult.Cookies, referer: LoginUrl.AbsoluteUri); var CaptchaImage = new DisplayImageConfigurationItem("Captcha Image"); var CaptchaText = new StringConfigurationItem("Captcha Text"); CaptchaImage.Value = captchaImageData.ContentBytes; configData.AddDynamic("CaptchaImage", CaptchaImage); configData.AddDynamic("CaptchaText", CaptchaText); } else { logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): No captcha image found", Id)); } } else if (Captcha.Type == "text") { var captchaElement = landingResultDocument.QuerySelector(Captcha.Selector); if (captchaElement != null) { hasCaptcha = true; var CaptchaChallenge = new DisplayInfoConfigurationItem("Captcha Challenge", captchaElement.TextContent); var CaptchaAnswer = new StringConfigurationItem("Captcha Answer"); configData.AddDynamic("CaptchaChallenge", CaptchaChallenge); configData.AddDynamic("CaptchaAnswer", CaptchaAnswer); } else { logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): No captcha image found", Id)); } } else { throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Captcha type \"{0}\" is not implemented", Captcha.Type)); } } if (hasCaptcha && automaticlogin) { configData.LastError.Value = "Got captcha during automatic login, please reconfigure manually"; logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Found captcha during automatic login, aborting", Id)); return null; } return configData; } public override async Task ApplyConfiguration(JToken configJson) { LoadValuesFromJson(configJson); await DoLogin(); await TestLogin(); IsConfigured = true; SaveConfig(); return IndexerConfigurationStatus.Completed; } protected string applyFilters(string Data, List Filters, Dictionary variables = null) { if (Filters == null) return Data; foreach (var Filter in Filters) { switch (Filter.Name) { case "querystring": var param = (string)Filter.Args; Data = ParseUtil.GetArgumentFromQueryString(Data, param); break; case "timeparse": case "dateparse": var layout = (string)Filter.Args; try { var Date = DateTimeUtil.ParseDateTimeGoLang(Data, layout); Data = Date.ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern); } catch (FormatException ex) { logger.Debug(ex.Message); } break; case "regexp": var pattern = (string)Filter.Args; var Regexp = new Regex(pattern); var Match = Regexp.Match(Data); Data = Match.Groups[1].Value; break; case "re_replace": var regexpreplace_pattern = (string)Filter.Args[0]; var regexpreplace_replacement = (string)Filter.Args[1]; regexpreplace_replacement = applyGoTemplateText(regexpreplace_replacement, variables); var regexpreplace_regex = new Regex(regexpreplace_pattern); Data = regexpreplace_regex.Replace(Data, regexpreplace_replacement); break; case "split": var sep = (string)Filter.Args[0]; var pos = (string)Filter.Args[1]; var posInt = int.Parse(pos); var strParts = Data.Split(sep[0]); if (posInt < 0) { posInt += strParts.Length; } Data = strParts[posInt]; break; case "replace": var from = (string)Filter.Args[0]; var to = (string)Filter.Args[1]; to = applyGoTemplateText(to, variables); Data = Data.Replace(from, to); break; case "trim": var cutset = (string)Filter.Args; if (cutset != null) Data = Data.Trim(cutset[0]); else Data = Data.Trim(); break; case "prepend": var prependstr = (string)Filter.Args; Data = applyGoTemplateText(prependstr, variables) + Data; break; case "append": var str = (string)Filter.Args; Data += applyGoTemplateText(str, variables); break; case "tolower": Data = Data.ToLower(); break; case "toupper": Data = Data.ToUpper(); break; case "urldecode": Data = WebUtilityHelpers.UrlDecode(Data, Encoding); break; case "urlencode": Data = WebUtilityHelpers.UrlEncode(Data, Encoding); break; case "timeago": case "reltime": Data = DateTimeUtil.FromTimeAgo(Data).ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern); break; case "fuzzytime": Data = DateTimeUtil.FromUnknown(Data).ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern); break; case "validfilename": Data = StringUtil.MakeValidFileName(Data, '_', false); break; case "diacritics": var diacriticsOp = (string)Filter.Args; if (diacriticsOp == "replace") { // Should replace diacritics charcaters with their base character // It's not perfect, e.g. "ŠĐĆŽ - šđčćž" becomes "SĐCZ-sđccz" var stFormD = Data.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD); var len = stFormD.Length; var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var uc = System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(stFormD[i]); if (uc != System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark) { sb.Append(stFormD[i]); } } Data = (sb.ToString().Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC)); } else throw new Exception("unsupported diacritics filter argument"); break; case "jsonjoinarray": var jsonjoinarrayJSONPath = (string)Filter.Args[0]; var jsonjoinarraySeparator = (string)Filter.Args[1]; var jsonjoinarrayO = JObject.Parse(Data); var jsonjoinarrayOResult = jsonjoinarrayO.SelectToken(jsonjoinarrayJSONPath); var jsonjoinarrayOResultStrings = jsonjoinarrayOResult.Select(j => j.ToString()); Data = string.Join(jsonjoinarraySeparator, jsonjoinarrayOResultStrings); break; case "hexdump": // this is mainly for debugging invisible special char related issues var HexData = string.Join("", Data.Select(c => c + "(" + ((int)c).ToString("X2") + ")")); logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): strdump: {1}", Id, HexData)); break; case "strdump": // for debugging var DebugData = Data.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\xA0", "\\xA0"); var strTag = (string)Filter.Args; if (strTag != null) strTag = string.Format("({0}):", strTag); else strTag = ":"; logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): strdump{1} {2}", Id, strTag, DebugData)); break; default: break; } } return Data; } protected IElement QuerySelector(IElement Element, string Selector) { // AngleSharp doesn't support the :root pseudo selector, so we check for it manually if (Selector.StartsWith(":root")) { Selector = Selector.Substring(5); while (Element.ParentElement != null) { Element = Element.ParentElement; } } return Element.QuerySelector(Selector); } protected string handleSelector(selectorBlock Selector, IElement Dom, Dictionary variables = null, bool required = true) { if (Selector.Text != null) { return applyFilters(applyGoTemplateText(Selector.Text, variables), Selector.Filters, variables); } var selection = Dom; string value = null; if (Selector.Selector != null) { if (Dom.Matches(Selector.Selector)) selection = Dom; else selection = QuerySelector(Dom, Selector.Selector); if (selection == null) { if (required) throw new Exception(string.Format("Selector \"{0}\" didn't match {1}", Selector.Selector, Dom.ToHtmlPretty())); return null; } } if (Selector.Remove != null) { foreach (var i in selection.QuerySelectorAll(Selector.Remove)) { i.Remove(); } } if (Selector.Case != null) { foreach (var Case in Selector.Case) { if (selection.Matches(Case.Key) || QuerySelector(selection, Case.Key) != null) { value = Case.Value; break; } } if (value == null) { if (required) throw new Exception(string.Format("None of the case selectors \"{0}\" matched {1}", string.Join(",", Selector.Case), selection.ToHtmlPretty())); return null; } } else if (Selector.Attribute != null) { value = selection.GetAttribute(Selector.Attribute); if (value == null) { if (required) throw new Exception(string.Format("Attribute \"{0}\" is not set for element {1}", Selector.Attribute, selection.ToHtmlPretty())); return null; } } else { value = selection.TextContent; } return applyFilters(ParseUtil.NormalizeSpace(value), Selector.Filters, variables); } protected Uri resolvePath(string path, Uri currentUrl = null) => new Uri(currentUrl ?? new Uri(SiteLink), path); protected override async Task> PerformQuery(TorznabQuery query) { var releases = new List(); var Search = Definition.Search; // init template context var variables = GetBaseTemplateVariables(); variables[".Query.Type"] = query.QueryType; variables[".Query.Q"] = query.SearchTerm; variables[".Query.Series"] = null; variables[".Query.Ep"] = query.Episode; variables[".Query.Season"] = query.Season; variables[".Query.Movie"] = null; variables[".Query.Year"] = query.Year.ToString(); variables[".Query.Limit"] = query.Limit.ToString(); variables[".Query.Offset"] = query.Offset.ToString(); variables[".Query.Extended"] = query.Extended.ToString(); variables[".Query.Categories"] = query.Categories; variables[".Query.APIKey"] = query.ApiKey; variables[".Query.TVDBID"] = query.TvdbID.ToString(); variables[".Query.TVRageID"] = query.RageID; variables[".Query.IMDBID"] = query.ImdbID; variables[".Query.IMDBIDShort"] = query.ImdbIDShort; variables[".Query.TMDBID"] = query.TmdbID.ToString(); variables[".Query.TVMazeID"] = null; variables[".Query.TraktID"] = null; variables[".Query.Album"] = query.Album; variables[".Query.Artist"] = query.Artist; variables[".Query.Label"] = query.Label; variables[".Query.Track"] = query.Track; //variables[".Query.Genre"] = query.Genre ?? new List(); variables[".Query.Episode"] = query.GetEpisodeSearchString(); variables[".Query.Author"] = query.Author; variables[".Query.Title"] = query.Title; var mappedCategories = MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(query); if (mappedCategories.Count == 0) { mappedCategories = DefaultCategories; } variables[".Categories"] = mappedCategories; var KeywordTokens = new List(); var KeywordTokenKeys = new List { "Q", "Series", "Movie", "Year" }; foreach (var key in KeywordTokenKeys) { var Value = (string)variables[".Query." + key]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Value)) KeywordTokens.Add(Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)variables[".Query.Episode"])) KeywordTokens.Add((string)variables[".Query.Episode"]); variables[".Query.Keywords"] = string.Join(" ", KeywordTokens); variables[".Keywords"] = applyFilters((string)variables[".Query.Keywords"], Search.Keywordsfilters); // TODO: prepare queries first and then send them parallel var SearchPaths = Search.Paths; foreach (var SearchPath in SearchPaths) { // skip path if categories don't match if (SearchPath.Categories != null && mappedCategories.Count > 0) { var invertMatch = (SearchPath.Categories[0] == "!"); var hasIntersect = mappedCategories.Intersect(SearchPath.Categories).Any(); if (invertMatch) hasIntersect = !hasIntersect; if (!hasIntersect) continue; } // build search URL // HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode seems to only encode spaces, we use UrlEncode and replace + with %20 as a workaround var searchUrl = resolvePath(applyGoTemplateText(SearchPath.Path, variables, WebUtility.UrlEncode).Replace("+", "%20")).AbsoluteUri; var queryCollection = new List>(); var method = RequestType.GET; if (string.Equals(SearchPath.Method, "post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { method = RequestType.POST; } var InputsList = new List>(); if (SearchPath.Inheritinputs) InputsList.Add(Search.Inputs); InputsList.Add(SearchPath.Inputs); foreach (var Inputs in InputsList) { if (Inputs != null) { foreach (var Input in Inputs) { if (Input.Key == "$raw") { var rawStr = applyGoTemplateText(Input.Value, variables, WebUtility.UrlEncode); foreach (var part in rawStr.Split('&')) { var parts = part.Split(new[] { '=' }, 2); var key = parts[0]; if (key.Length == 0) continue; var value = ""; if (parts.Count() == 2) value = parts[1]; queryCollection.Add(key, value); } } else queryCollection.Add(Input.Key, applyGoTemplateText(Input.Value, variables)); } } } if (method == RequestType.GET) { if (queryCollection.Count > 0) searchUrl += "?" + queryCollection.GetQueryString(Encoding); } var searchUrlUri = new Uri(searchUrl); // send HTTP request var headers = ParseCustomHeaders(Search.Headers, variables); var response = await RequestWithCookiesAsync( searchUrl, method: method, headers: headers, data: queryCollection); if (response.IsRedirect && SearchPath.Followredirect) await FollowIfRedirect(response); var results = response.ContentString; try { var SearchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var SearchResultDocument = SearchResultParser.ParseDocument(results); // check if we need to login again var loginNeeded = CheckIfLoginIsNeeded(response, SearchResultDocument); if (loginNeeded) { logger.Info(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Relogin required", Id)); var LoginResult = await DoLogin(); if (!LoginResult) throw new Exception(string.Format("Relogin failed")); await TestLogin(); response = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(searchUrl, method: method, data: queryCollection); if (response.IsRedirect && SearchPath.Followredirect) await FollowIfRedirect(response); results = response.ContentString; SearchResultDocument = SearchResultParser.ParseDocument(results); } checkForError(response, Definition.Search.Error); if (Search.Preprocessingfilters != null) { results = applyFilters(results, Search.Preprocessingfilters, variables); SearchResultDocument = SearchResultParser.ParseDocument(results); logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): result after preprocessingfilters: {1}", Id, results)); } var rowsSelector = applyGoTemplateText(Search.Rows.Selector, variables); var RowsDom = SearchResultDocument.QuerySelectorAll(rowsSelector); var Rows = new List(); foreach (var RowDom in RowsDom) { Rows.Add(RowDom); } // merge following rows for After selector var After = Definition.Search.Rows.After; if (After > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i += 1) { var CurrentRow = Rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < After; j += 1) { var MergeRowIndex = i + j + 1; var MergeRow = Rows[MergeRowIndex]; var MergeNodes = new List(); foreach (var node in MergeRow.ChildNodes) { MergeNodes.Add(node); } CurrentRow.Append(MergeNodes.ToArray()); } Rows.RemoveRange(i + 1, After); } } foreach (var Row in Rows) { try { var release = new ReleaseInfo(); // Parse fields foreach (var Field in Search.Fields) { var FieldParts = Field.Key.Split('|'); var FieldName = FieldParts[0]; var FieldModifiers = new List(); for (var i = 1; i < FieldParts.Length; i++) FieldModifiers.Add(FieldParts[i]); string value = null; var variablesKey = ".Result." + FieldName; var isOptional = OptionalFields.Contains(Field.Key) || FieldModifiers.Contains("optional") || Field.Value.Optional; try { value = handleSelector(Field.Value, Row, variables, !isOptional); if (isOptional && value == null) { variables[variablesKey] = null; continue; } switch (FieldName) { case "download": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { value = null; release.Link = null; break; } if (value.StartsWith("magnet:")) { release.MagnetUri = new Uri(value); value = release.MagnetUri.ToString(); } else { release.Link = resolvePath(value, searchUrlUri); value = release.Link.ToString(); } break; case "magnet": var magnetUri = new Uri(value); release.MagnetUri = magnetUri; value = magnetUri.ToString(); break; case "infohash": release.InfoHash = value; break; case "details": var url = resolvePath(value, searchUrlUri); release.Details = url; value = url.ToString(); break; case "title": if (FieldModifiers.Contains("append")) release.Title += value; else release.Title = value; value = release.Title; break; case "description": if (FieldModifiers.Contains("append")) release.Description += value; else release.Description = value; value = release.Description; break; case "category": var cats = MapTrackerCatToNewznab(value); if (cats.Any()) { if (release.Category == null || FieldModifiers.Contains("noappend")) release.Category = cats; else release.Category = release.Category.Union(cats).ToList(); } value = release.Category.ToString(); break; case "size": release.Size = ReleaseInfo.GetBytes(value); value = release.Size.ToString(); break; case "leechers": var leechers = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(value); leechers = leechers < 5000000L ? leechers : 0; // to fix #6558 if (release.Peers == null) release.Peers = leechers; else release.Peers += leechers; value = leechers.ToString(); break; case "seeders": release.Seeders = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(value); release.Seeders = release.Seeders < 5000000L ? release.Seeders : 0; // to fix #6558 if (release.Peers == null) release.Peers = release.Seeders; else release.Peers += release.Seeders; value = release.Seeders.ToString(); break; case "date": release.PublishDate = DateTimeUtil.FromUnknown(value); value = release.PublishDate.ToString(DateTimeUtil.Rfc1123ZPattern); break; case "files": release.Files = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(value); value = release.Files.ToString(); break; case "grabs": release.Grabs = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(value); value = release.Grabs.ToString(); break; case "downloadvolumefactor": release.DownloadVolumeFactor = ParseUtil.CoerceDouble(value); value = release.DownloadVolumeFactor.ToString(); break; case "uploadvolumefactor": release.UploadVolumeFactor = ParseUtil.CoerceDouble(value); value = release.UploadVolumeFactor.ToString(); break; case "minimumratio": release.MinimumRatio = ParseUtil.CoerceDouble(value); value = release.MinimumRatio.ToString(); break; case "minimumseedtime": release.MinimumSeedTime = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(value); value = release.MinimumSeedTime.ToString(); break; case "imdb": release.Imdb = ParseUtil.GetLongFromString(value); value = release.Imdb.ToString(); break; case "tmdbid": var TmdbIDRegEx = new Regex(@"(\d+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); var TmdbIDMatch = TmdbIDRegEx.Match(value); var TmdbID = TmdbIDMatch.Groups[1].Value; release.TMDb = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(TmdbID); value = release.TMDb.ToString(); break; case "rageid": var RageIDRegEx = new Regex(@"(\d+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); var RageIDMatch = RageIDRegEx.Match(value); var RageID = RageIDMatch.Groups[1].Value; release.RageID = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(RageID); value = release.RageID.ToString(); break; case "tvdbid": var TVDBIdRegEx = new Regex(@"(\d+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); var TVDBIdMatch = TVDBIdRegEx.Match(value); var TVDBId = TVDBIdMatch.Groups[1].Value; release.TVDBId = ParseUtil.CoerceLong(TVDBId); value = release.TVDBId.ToString(); break; case "author": release.Author = value; break; case "booktitle": release.BookTitle = value; break; case "poster": if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { var poster = resolvePath(value, searchUrlUri); release.Poster = poster; } value = release.Poster.ToString(); break; default: break; } variables[variablesKey] = value; } catch (Exception ex) { if (!variables.ContainsKey(variablesKey)) variables[variablesKey] = null; if (isOptional) { variables[variablesKey] = null; continue; } throw new Exception(string.Format("Error while parsing field={0}, selector={1}, value={2}: {3}", Field.Key, Field.Value.Selector, (value == null ? "" : value), ex.Message)); } } var Filters = Definition.Search.Rows.Filters; var SkipRelease = false; if (Filters != null) { foreach (var Filter in Filters) { switch (Filter.Name) { case "andmatch": var CharacterLimit = -1; if (Filter.Args != null) CharacterLimit = int.Parse(Filter.Args); if (query.ImdbID != null && TorznabCaps.MovieSearchImdbAvailable) break; // skip andmatch filter for imdb searches if (query.TmdbID != null && TorznabCaps.MovieSearchTmdbAvailable) break; // skip andmatch filter for tmdb searches if (query.TvdbID != null && TorznabCaps.TvSearchTvdbAvailable) break; // skip andmatch filter for tvdb searches var queryKeywords = variables[".Keywords"] as string; if (!query.MatchQueryStringAND(release.Title, CharacterLimit, queryKeywords)) { logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): skipping {1} (andmatch filter)", Id, release.Title)); SkipRelease = true; } break; case "strdump": // for debugging logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): row strdump: {1}", Id, Row.ToHtmlPretty())); break; default: logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Unsupported rows filter: {1}", Id, Filter.Name)); break; } } } if (SkipRelease) continue; // if DateHeaders is set go through the previous rows and look for the header selector var DateHeaders = Definition.Search.Rows.Dateheaders; if (release.PublishDate == DateTime.MinValue && DateHeaders != null) { var PrevRow = Row.PreviousElementSibling; string value = null; if (PrevRow == null) // continue with parent { var Parent = Row.ParentElement; if (Parent != null) PrevRow = Parent.PreviousElementSibling; } while (PrevRow != null) { var CurRow = PrevRow; logger.Debug(PrevRow.OuterHtml); try { value = handleSelector(DateHeaders, CurRow); break; } catch (Exception) { // do nothing } PrevRow = CurRow.PreviousElementSibling; if (PrevRow == null) // continue with parent { var Parent = CurRow.ParentElement; if (Parent != null) PrevRow = Parent.PreviousElementSibling; } } if (value == null && DateHeaders.Optional == false) throw new Exception(string.Format("No date header row found for {0}", release.ToString())); if (value != null) release.PublishDate = DateTimeUtil.FromUnknown(value); } releases.Add(release); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Error while parsing row '{1}':\n\n{2}", Id, Row.ToHtmlPretty(), ex)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnParseError(results, ex); } } if (query.Limit > 0) releases = releases.Take(query.Limit).ToList(); return releases; } protected async Task handleRequest(requestBlock request, Dictionary variables = null, string referer = null) { var requestLinkStr = resolvePath(applyGoTemplateText(request.Path, variables)).ToString(); logger.Debug($"CardigannIndexer ({Id}): handleRequest() requestLinkStr= {requestLinkStr}"); Dictionary pairs = null; var queryCollection = new NameValueCollection(); var method = RequestType.GET; if (string.Equals(request.Method, "post", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { method = RequestType.POST; pairs = new Dictionary(); } foreach (var Input in request.Inputs) { var value = applyGoTemplateText(Input.Value, variables); if (method == RequestType.GET) queryCollection.Add(Input.Key, value); else if (method == RequestType.POST) pairs.Add(Input.Key, value); } if (queryCollection.Count > 0) { if (!requestLinkStr.Contains("?")) requestLinkStr += "?" + queryCollection.GetQueryString(Encoding, separator: request.Queryseparator).Substring(1); else requestLinkStr += queryCollection.GetQueryString(Encoding, separator: request.Queryseparator); } var response = await RequestWithCookiesAndRetryAsync(requestLinkStr, null, method, referer, pairs); logger.Debug($"CardigannIndexer ({Id}): handleRequest() remote server returned {response.Status.ToString()}" + (response.IsRedirect ? " => " + response.RedirectingTo : "")); return response; } protected IDictionary AddTemplateVariablesFromUri(IDictionary variables, Uri uri, string prefix = "") { variables[prefix + ".AbsoluteUri"] = uri.AbsoluteUri; variables[prefix + ".AbsolutePath"] = uri.AbsolutePath; variables[prefix + ".Scheme"] = uri.Scheme; variables[prefix + ".Host"] = uri.Host; variables[prefix + ".Port"] = uri.Port.ToString(); variables[prefix + ".PathAndQuery"] = uri.PathAndQuery; variables[prefix + ".Query"] = uri.Query; var queryString = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(uri.Query); foreach (var key in queryString.Keys) { //If we have supplied the same query string multiple time, just take the first. variables[prefix + ".Query." + key] = queryString[key].First(); } return variables; } public override async Task Download(Uri link) { var method = RequestType.GET; if (Definition.Download != null) { var Download = Definition.Download; var variables = GetBaseTemplateVariables(); AddTemplateVariablesFromUri(variables, link, ".DownloadUri"); if (Download.Before != null) await handleRequest(Download.Before, variables, link.ToString()); if (Download.Method == "post") method = RequestType.POST; if (Download.Selector != null) { var selector = applyGoTemplateText(Download.Selector, variables); var headers = ParseCustomHeaders(Definition.Search?.Headers, variables); var response = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(link.ToString(), headers: headers); if (response.IsRedirect) response = await RequestWithCookiesAsync(response.RedirectingTo, headers: headers); var results = response.ContentString; var searchResultParser = new HtmlParser(); var searchResultDocument = searchResultParser.ParseDocument(results); var downloadElement = searchResultDocument.QuerySelector(selector); if (downloadElement != null) { logger.Debug(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Download selector {1} matched:{2}", Id, selector, downloadElement.ToHtmlPretty())); var href = ""; if (Download.Attribute != null) { href = downloadElement.GetAttribute(Download.Attribute); if (href == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("Attribute \"{0}\" is not set for element {1}", Download.Attribute, downloadElement.ToHtmlPretty())); } else { href = downloadElement.TextContent; } href = applyFilters(href, Download.Filters, variables); link = resolvePath(href, link); } else { logger.Error(string.Format("CardigannIndexer ({0}): Download selector {1} didn't match:\n{2}", Id, Download.Selector, results)); throw new Exception(string.Format("Download selector {0} didn't match", Download.Selector)); } } } return await base.Download(link, method, link.ToString()); } private Dictionary ParseCustomHeaders(Dictionary> customHeaders, Dictionary variables) { if (customHeaders == null) return null; // FIXME: fix jackett header handling (allow it to specifiy the same header multipe times) var headers = new Dictionary(); foreach (var header in customHeaders) headers.Add(header.Key, applyGoTemplateText(header.Value[0], variables)); return headers; } } }