--- id: gamera name: Gamera (駕瞑羅) description: "Gamera (駕瞑羅) is a CHINESE Private Torrent Tracker for Japanese Monster and Superhero MOVIES / TV" language: zh-CN type: private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://gamerapt.link/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 410, cat: Movies, desc: "Monster怪兽"} - {id: 410, cat: TV, desc: "Monster怪兽"} - {id: 411, cat: Movies, desc: "Kamen Rider假面骑士"} - {id: 411, cat: TV, desc: "Kamen Rider假面骑士"} - {id: 412, cat: Movies, desc: "Ultraman奥特曼"} - {id: 412, cat: TV, desc: "Ultraman奥特曼"} - {id: 413, cat: Movies, desc: "Team战队"} - {id: 413, cat: TV, desc: "Team战队"} - {id: 414, cat: Movies, desc: "Other其他特摄"} - {id: 414, cat: TV, desc: "Other其他特摄"} - {id: 415, cat: Movies, desc: "Musical特摄音乐"} - {id: 415, cat: TV, desc: "Musical特摄音乐"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q, imdbid, doubanid] settings: - name: cookie type: text label: Cookie - name: info type: info label: How to get the Cookie default: "
  1. Login to this tracker with your browser
  2. Open the DevTools panel by pressing F12
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. Click on the Doc button (Chrome Browser) or HTML button (FireFox)
  5. Refresh the page by pressing F5
  6. Click on the first row entry
  7. Select the Headers tab on the Right panel
  8. Find 'cookie:' in the Request Headers section
  9. Select and Copy the whole cookie string (everything after 'cookie: ') and Paste here.
" - name: freeleech type: checkbox label: Search freeleech only default: false - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: 4 options: 4: created 7: seeders 5: size 1: title - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: desc options: desc: desc asc: asc - name: info_tpp type: info label: Results Per Page default: For best results, change the Torrents per page: setting to 100 on your account profile. - name: info_activity type: info label: Account Inactivity default: "Account retention rules:
  1. Veteran User or above will be retained forever
  2. Elite User or above will not be deleted after parking (in the control panel)
  3. Users with a non-parked account will be deleted if they have not logged in for more than 365 consecutive days.
" login: method: cookie inputs: cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}" test: path: index.php selector: a[href="logout.php"] search: paths: - path: torrents.php inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}cat{{.}}=1&{{end}}" search: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}{{ .Query.IMDBID }}{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if or .Query.IMDBID .Query.DoubanID }} {{ else }}{{ .Keywords }}{{ end }}{{ if .Query.DoubanID }}{{ .Query.DoubanID }}{{ else }}{{ end }}" # 0 incldead, 1 active, 2 dead incldead: 0 # 0 all, 1 normal, 2 free, 3 2x, 4 2xfree, 5 50%, 6 2x50%, 7 30% spstate: "{{ if .Config.freeleech }}2{{ else }}0{{ end }}" # 0 title, 1 descr, 3 uploader search_area: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}4{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if .Query.DoubanID }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}{{ if or .Query.IMDBID .Query.DoubanID }}{{ else }}0{{ end }}" # 0 AND, 2 exact search_mode: 0 sort: "{{ .Config.sort }}" type: "{{ .Config.type }}" notnewword: 1 rows: selector: table.torrents > tbody > tr:has(table.torrentname) fields: category: selector: a[href^="?cat="] attribute: href filters: - name: querystring args: cat title_default: selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] title: selector: a[title][href^="details.php?id="] attribute: title optional: true default: "{{ .Result.title_default }}" details: selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="download.php?id="] attribute: href poster: selector: img[data-src] attribute: data-src imdbid: # site currently only has a badge and rating, the id is not present. just in case a future update. selector: a[href*="imdb.com/title/tt"] attribute: href doubanid: # site currently only has a badge and rating, the id is not present. just in case a future update. selector: a[href*="movie.douban.com/subject/"] attribute: href date_elapsed: # time type: time elapsed (default) selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(5) > span[title] attribute: title optional: true filters: - name: append args: " +08:00" - name: dateparse args: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz" date_added: # time added selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(5):not(:has(span)) optional: true filters: - name: append args: " +08:00" # CST - name: dateparse args: "yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss zzz" date: text: "{{ if or .Result.date_elapsed .Result.date_added }}{{ or .Result.date_elapsed .Result.date_added }}{{ else }}now{{ end }}" size: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(4) seeders: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(3) leechers: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(2) grabs: selector: td.rowfollow:nth-last-of-type(1) downloadvolumefactor: case: img.pro_free: 0 img.pro_free2up: 0 img.pro_50pctdown: 0.5 img.pro_50pctdown2up: 0.5 img.pro_30pctdown: 0.3 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: case: img.pro_50pctdown2up: 2 img.pro_free2up: 2 img.pro_2up: 2 "*": 1 description: selector: td:nth-child(2) remove: a, b, font, img, span minimumratio: text: 0.2 # NexusPHP KEMURIKUSA 2019-01-09