--- id: idope name: iDope description: "iDope is a Public torrent search engine presenting direct magnet links" language: en-US type: public encoding: UTF-8 requestDelay: 2 links: - https://idope.se/ legacylinks: - https://idope.black-mirror.xyz/ - https://idope.unblocked.casa/ - https://idope.proxyportal.fun/ - https://idope.uk-unblock.xyz/ - https://idope.ind-unblock.xyz/ - https://idope.unblocked.bar/ - https://idope.proxyportal.pw/ - https://idope.uk-unblock.pro/ - https://idope.unblocked.rest/ - https://idope.unblocked.monster/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 0, cat: Other, desc: Others} - {id: 1, cat: Movies, desc: Movies} - {id: 2, cat: Other, desc: Video} - {id: 3, cat: TV, desc: TV} - {id: 4, cat: TV/Anime, desc: Anime} - {id: 5, cat: XXX, desc: XXX} - {id: 6, cat: Audio, desc: Music} - {id: 7, cat: PC/Games, desc: Games} - {id: 8, cat: PC, desc: Apps} - {id: 9, cat: Books, desc: Books} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] music-search: [q] book-search: [q] settings: - name: itorrents-links type: checkbox label: Add download links via itorrents.org default: false - name: info type: info label: ITorrents Note default: Without the itorrents option only magnet links will be provided. - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site (Applies only to search with Keywords) default: -3 options: -3: "created desc" -1: "seeders desc" -2: "size desc" 3: "created asc" 1: "seeders asc" 2: "size asc" - name: flaresolverr type: info label: FlareSolverr default: This site may use Cloudflare DDoS Protection, therefore Jackett requires FlareSolverr to access it. search: paths: # present trending results if there are no search parms supplied # sort torrent-list by age in descending order - path: "{{ if .Keywords }}torrent-list/{{ .Keywords }}?o={{ .Config.sort }}&c={{ range .Categories }}{{.}}{{end}}{{ else }}browse.html{{ end }}" - path: "{{ if .Keywords }}torrent-list/{{ .Keywords }}?p=2&o={{ .Config.sort }}&c={{ range .Categories }}{{.}}{{end}}{{ else }}browse.html?&p=2{{ end }}" rows: selector: div.resultdiv fields: category: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.resultdivbottoncategory optional: true default: 0 case: ":contains(\"Others\")": 0 ":contains(\"Movies\")": 1 ":contains(\"Video\")": 2 ":contains(\"TV\")": 3 ":contains(\"Anime\")": 4 ":contains(\"XXX\")": 5 ":contains(\"Music\")": 6 ":contains(\"Games\")": 7 ":contains(\"Apps\")": 8 ":contains(\"Books\")": 9 title: selector: div.resultdivtop a div.resultdivtopname details: selector: div.resultdivtop a attribute: href download_itorrents: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.hideinfohash filters: - name: toupper - name: prepend args: http://itorrents.org/torrent/ - name: append args: ".torrent" download: text: "{{ if .Config.itorrents-links }}{{ .Result.download_itorrents }}{{ else }}{{ end }}" infohash: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.hideinfohash date: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.resulttime div.resultdivbottontime filters: - name: timeago size: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.resultlength div.resultdivbottonlength files: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.resultfile div.resultdivbottonfiles seeders: selector: div.resultdivbotton div.resultseed div.resultdivbottonseed leechers: text: 0 downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 # engine n/a