--- id: tormac name: Tormac description: "Tormac is a RUSSIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV / GENERAL for Apple products" language: ru-RU type: private encoding: windows-1251 links: - https://tormac.org/ caps: categorymappings: # Apple Macintosh - {id: 10, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Mac OS на Macintosh"} # OSX86 Hackintosh - {id: 46, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Mac OS на PC"} # Программы для Мак - {id: 2, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - Audio"} - {id: 3, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - Video"} - {id: 4, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - Graphics"} - {id: 95, cat: PC/Mac, desc: " |- Вспомогательный инструментарий - presets, effects, brush.."} - {id: 79, cat: PC/Mac, desc: " |- Архив Программы - Graphics"} - {id: 5, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - System Utilities"} - {id: 23, cat: PC/Mac, desc: " |- Средства разработки приложений"} - {id: 78, cat: PC/Mac, desc: " |- Архив Программы - System & Utilities"} - {id: 6, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - Office/PrePress/Database"} - {id: 7, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - Network / WEB"} - {id: 63, cat: PC/Mac, desc: " |- Веб-разработка, инструментарий"} - {id: 8, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Программы - 3D/CAD/Engineering"} - {id: 9, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Игры/Games"} - {id: 64, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Разное/Other"} - {id: 91, cat: PC/Mac, desc: " |- Патчи и другой инструментарий"} # Книги, руководства по Apple - {id: 30, cat: Books, desc: "Книги, Журналы"} - {id: 31, cat: Other, desc: "Видео Apple / Обучающее видео"} # iPhone / iPod / iPad / Apple TV - {id: 32, cat: PC/Mobile-iOS, desc: "Программы и игры из App Store"} - {id: 33, cat: PC/Mobile-iOS, desc: "iOS. Анлок, джейлбрейк и т.п."} # Apple Audio - {id: 34, cat: Audio/Lossless, desc: "Музыка Lossless (ALAC)"} - {id: 35, cat: Audio/MP3, desc: "Музыка Lossy (AAC)"} - {id: 36, cat: Audio/Audiobook, desc: "Аудиокниги (AAC/ALAC)"} # Видео для iPod / iPad / iPhone / AppleTV - {id: 37, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "AppleTV - SD"} - {id: 38, cat: Movies/SD, desc: " |- Фильмы для iPod, iPhone, iPad"} - {id: 39, cat: TV/SD, desc: " |- Сериалы для iPod, iPhone, iPad"} - {id: 40, cat: Audio/Video, desc: " |- Музыкальное видео для iPod, iPhone, iPad"} - {id: 41, cat: TV/HD, desc: "AppleTV - HD"} - {id: 42, cat: Movies/HD, desc: " |- Фильмы HD для Apple TV"} - {id: 92, cat: TV/Other, desc: " |- Мультфильмы HD для Apple TV"} - {id: 94, cat: TV/Other, desc: " |- Мультсериалы HD для Apple TV"} - {id: 93, cat: TV/Anime, desc: " |- Аниме HD для Apple TV"} - {id: 43, cat: TV/HD, desc: " |- Сериалы HD для Apple TV"} - {id: 44, cat: Audio/Video, desc: " |- Музыкальное видео HD для Apple TV"} # Разное - {id: 55, cat: Other/Misc, desc: "Тестовый раздел"} - {id: 56, cat: Other/Misc, desc: " |- Раздачи девелоперских релизов"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] music-search: [q] book-search: [q] allowrawsearch: true settings: - name: cookie type: text label: Cookie - name: info_cookie type: info label: How to get the Cookie default: "
  1. Login to this tracker with your browser
  2. Open the DevTools panel by pressing F12
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. Click on the Doc button (Chrome Browser) or HTML button (FireFox)
  5. Refresh the page by pressing F5
  6. Click on the first row entry
  7. Select the Headers tab on the Right panel
  8. Find 'cookie:' in the Request Headers section
  9. Select and Copy the whole cookie string (everything after 'cookie: ') and Paste here.
" - name: stripcyrillic type: checkbox label: Strip Cyrillic Letters default: false - name: addrussiantotitle type: checkbox label: Add RUS to end of all titles to improve language detection by Sonarr and Radarr. Will cause English-only results to be misidentified. default: false - name: freeleech_50 type: checkbox label: Search freeleech and 50% freeleech only default: false - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: 1 options: 1: created 10: seeders 7: size 2: title - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: 2 options: 2: desc 1: asc - name: info_activity type: info label: Account Inactivity default: "Inactive accounts are automatically deleted after 90 days from the moment the system first detects inactivity." login: method: cookie inputs: cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}" test: path: index.php selector: "a[onclick=\"return post2url('login.php', {logout: 1});\"]" search: paths: - path: tracker.php inputs: $raw: "{{ if .Categories }}{{ range .Categories }}f[]={{.}}&{{end}}{{ else }}f[]=-1{{ end }}" prev_my: 0 prev_new: 0 prev_oop: 0 prev_sg: 1 # sort by 1=registered 2=topicTitle 4=completed 10=seed 11=leech 12=up 13=down 5=replies 6=views 7=size 8=lastPost 9=seedLastSeen o: "{{ .Config.sort }}" # 1=asc 2=desc s: "{{ .Config.type }}" # -1=all time tm: -1 nm: "{{ .Keywords }}" sg: "{{ if .Config.freeleech_50 }}1{{ else }}{{ end }}" keywordsfilters: - name: diacritics args: replace - name: re_replace # S01 to сезон 1 args: ["(?i)\\bS0*(\\d+)\\b", "сезон $1"] - name: re_replace # E02 to сери 1 args: ["(?i)\\bE0*(\\d+)\\b", "сери $1"] - name: re_replace # S01E02 to сезон 1 сери 2 args: ["(?i)\\bS0*(\\d+)E0*(\\d+)\\b", "сезон $1 сери $2"] rows: selector: tr.tCenter fields: category: selector: a[href^="tracker.php?f="] attribute: href filters: - name: querystring args: f title: selector: a[href^="./viewtopic.php?t="] filters: # normalize to SXXEYY format - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)[CС]езоны?[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?).+?(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*из\\s*(\\w?)", "S$1E$2 of $3"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*[CС]езоны?.+?(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*из\\s*(\\w?)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))?", "S$1E$2 of $3"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*[CС]езоны?.+?(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))\\s+из\\s*(\\w?)", "S$1E$2 of $3"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)[CС]езоны?[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?).+?(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*из\\s*(\\w?)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))?", "S$1E$2 of $3"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)[CС]езоны?[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?).+?(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))\\s+из\\s*(\\w?)", "S$1E$2 of $3"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)[CС]езоны?[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?).+?(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)", "S$1E$2"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*[CС]езоны?.+?(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))", "S$1E$2"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)[CС]езоны?[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?).+?(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))", "S$1E$2"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)[CС]езоны?[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)", "S$1"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s+[CС]езоны?", "S$1"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*из\\s*(\\w?)", "E$1 of $2"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s*из\\s*(\\w?)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))", "E$1 of $2"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s+(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))\\s+из\\s*(\\w?)", "E$1 of $2"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))[\\s:]*(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)", "E$1"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)\\s+(?:\\s*(?:[CС]ери[ияй]|Эпизод|Выпуски?))", "E$1"] - name: re_replace args: ["(\\([\\p{IsCyrillic}\\W]+\\))|(^[\\p{IsCyrillic}\\W\\d]+\\/ )|([\\p{IsCyrillic} \\-]+,+)|([\\p{IsCyrillic}]+)", "{{ if .Config.stripcyrillic }}{{ else }}$1$2$3$4{{ end }}"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)\\bHDTV[-\\s]?Rip\\b", "HDTV"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)\\bSAT[-\\s]?Rip\\b", "HDTV"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)\\bWEB[-\\s]?DL[-\\s]?Rip\\b", "WEB-DL"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)\\bWEB\\sRip\\b", "WEBRip"] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)\\bWEB\\sDL\\b", "WEB-DL"] - name: re_replace args: ["[\\[\\(\\{<«][\\s\\W]*[\\]\\)\\}>»]", ""] - name: re_replace args: ["^[\\s&,\\.!\\?\\+\\-_\\|\\/':]+", ""] - name: re_replace args: ["(?i)^\\(\\s*([SE]\\d+.*?)\\s*\\)[\\s\\/\\|]*(.+)", "$2 $1"] - name: append args: "{{ if .Config.addrussiantotitle }} RUS{{ else }}{{ end }}" details: selector: a[href^="./viewtopic.php?t="] attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="dl.php?t="] attribute: href size: selector: td.tor-size > u seeders: selector: td[title="Сиды"] b filters: - name: replace args: ["никогда", "0"] leechers: selector: td.leechmed > b grabs: selector: td:nth-child(9) date: selector: td[title="Добавлен"] > u downloadvolumefactor: case: img[src$="default/images/tor_gold.gif"]: 0 img[src$="default/images/tor_silver.gif"]: 0.5 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 minimumratio: text: 0.31 description_verified: case: span.tor-approved: "Verified:" span.tor-not-approved: "Unverified:" description: selector: a[href^="./viewtopic.php?t="] filters: - name: prepend args: "{{ .Result.description_verified }} " # TorrentPier II