--- id: mixtapetorrent name: MixtapeTorrent description: "MixtapeTorrent is a Public Music site for MixTapes" language: en-US type: public encoding: UTF-8 links: - http://www.mixtapetorrent.com/ # does not support https NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID caps: categories: # while the site has categories for searching, it does not include them in the results. 1: Audio modes: search: [q] music-search: [q] settings: [] download: selectors: - selector: table#attachments > tbody > tr.odd > td > a attribute: href search: paths: # http://www.mixtapetorrent.com/search/node/2020+type:story - path: "search/node/{{ if .Keywords }}{{ .Keywords }}{{ else }}2020{{ end }} type:story" rows: selector: dl.search-results > dt, dl.search-results > dd after: 1 filters: - name: andmatch fields: category: text: 1 title: selector: a details: selector: a attribute: href download: selector: a attribute: href description: selector: p date: selector: p.search-info filters: - name: regexp args: "(\\w{3} \\d{1,2} \\d{4} - \\d{1,2}:\\d{2}[a|p]m)" - name: append args: " -07:00" # PDT - name: dateparse args: "MMM d yyyy - h:mmtt zzz" size: text: "128 MB" seeders: text: 1 leechers: text: 1 downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 # engine n/a