using CommandLine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Jackett.Console { public class ConsoleOptions { [Option('i', "Install", HelpText = "Install Jackett windows service (Must be admin)")] public bool Install { get; set; } [Option('r', "ReserveUrls", HelpText = "(Re)Register windows port reservations (Required for listening on all interfaces).")] public bool ReserveUrls { get; set; } [Option('u', "Uninstall", HelpText = "Uninstall Jackett windows service (Must be admin).")] public bool Uninstall { get; set; } [Option('l', "Logging", HelpText = "Log all requests/responses to Jackett")] public bool Logging { get; set; } [Option('t', "Tracing", HelpText = "Enable tracing")] public bool Tracing { get; set; } [Option('c', "UseCurlExec", HelpText = "Execute curl rather than libcurl for all outgoing requests.")] public bool UseCurlExec { get; set; } [Option('s', "Start", HelpText = "Start the Jacket Windows service (Must be admin)")] public bool StartService { get; set; } [Option('k', "Stop", HelpText = "Stop the Jacket Windows service (Must be admin)")] public bool StopService { get; set; } [Option('l', "ListenPublic", HelpText = "Listen publicly")] public bool? ListenPublic { get; set; } [Option('h', "Help", HelpText = "Show Help")] public bool ShowHelp { get; set; } [Option('v', "Version", HelpText = "Show Version")] public bool ShowVersion { get; set; } [Option('p', "Port", HelpText = "Web server port")] public int Port { get; set; } [Option('m', "MigrateSettings", HelpText = "Migrate settings manually (Must be admin on Windows)")] public bool MigrateSettings { get; set; } } }