--- site: hdchina name: HDChina description: "HDChina (HDWing) is a CHINESE Private Torrent Tracker for HD MOVIES / TV" language: zh-cn type: private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://hdchina.org/ legacylinks: - https://hdchina.club/ caps: categorymappings: - {id: 20, cat: Movies/BluRay, desc: "Movie Full BD"} - {id: 17, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Movie 1080p"} - {id: 16, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Movie 1080i"} - {id: 9, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Movie 720p"} - {id: 13, cat: TV, desc: "EU/US TV series"} - {id: 25, cat: TV, desc: "Chinese TV series"} - {id: 26, cat: TV, desc: "Kor Drama"} - {id: 24, cat: TV, desc: "Jpn Drama"} - {id: 21, cat: TV, desc: "EU/US TV series pack"} - {id: 22, cat: TV, desc: "Chinese TV series pack"} - {id: 23, cat: TV, desc: "JPN/KOR drama pack"} - {id: 27, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "iPad Video"} - {id: 5, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Documentary"} - {id: 15, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "Sports"} - {id: 14, cat: TV/Anime, desc: "Animation"} - {id: 401, cat: TV, desc: "TV Shows"} - {id: 402, cat: Audio, desc: "Vocal Concert"} - {id: 406, cat: Audio, desc: "Music Video"} - {id: 408, cat: Audio, desc: "Music"} - {id: 19, cat: Audio, desc: "Audio Track"} - {id: 405, cat: Audio, desc: "Drama"} - {id: 404, cat: Books, desc: "Book"} - {id: 409, cat: Other, desc: "Other"} - {id: 410, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "4K UltraHD"} - {id: 411, cat: TV, desc: "Travel"} - {id: 412, cat: TV, desc: "Food"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep, imdbid] movie-search: [q, imdbid] settings: - name: cookie type: text label: Cookie - name: info type: info label: How to get the Cookie default: "
  1. Login to this tracker in your browser
  2. Open the DevTools panel by pressing F12
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. Click on the Doc button
  5. Refresh the page by pressing F5
  6. Select the Headers tab
  7. Find 'cookie:' in the Request Headers section
  8. Copy & paste the whole cookie string to here
" login: method: cookie inputs: cookie: "{{ .Config.cookie }}" test: path: torrents.php search: paths: - path: torrents.php inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}cat{{.}}=1&{{end}}" search: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}{{ .Query.IMDBID }}{{else}}{{ .Keywords }}{{end}}" incldead: 0 spstate: 0 inclbookmarked: 0 search_area: "{{ if .Query.IMDBID }}4{{else}}0{{end}}" search_mode: 0 rows: selector: table.torrent_list > tbody > tr:has(a[href^="?cat="]) fields: title: selector: td:nth-child(2) a category: selector: a[href^="?cat="] attribute: href filters: - name: querystring args: cat details: selector: a[href^="details.php?id="] attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="download.php?hash="] attribute: href size: selector: td.t_size grabs: selector: td.t_completed seeders: selector: td.t_torrents leechers: selector: td.t_leech date: selector: td.t_time filters: - name: replace args: ["时", " hours"] - name: replace args: ["分", " minutes"] - name: replace args: ["天", " days"] - name: replace args: ["年", " year"] - name: replace args: ["月", " months"] - name: append args: " ago" downloadvolumefactor: case: img.pro_free: 0 img.pro_free2up: 0 img.pro_50pctdown: 0.5 img.pro_50pctdown2up: 0.5 img.pro_30pctdown: 0.3 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: case: img.pro_50pctdown2up: 2 img.pro_free2up: 2 img.pro_2up: 2 "*": 1 # NexusPHP tbc