--- id: dark-shadow name: Dark-Shadow description: "Dark-Shadow is a GERMAN Private site for TV / MOVIES / GENERAL" language: de-DE type: private encoding: UTF-8 links: - https://dark-shadow.me/ legacylinks: - https://dark-shadow.ml/ - https://projekt.dark-shadow.me/ caps: categorymappings: # Movie - {id: 32, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Filme HD"} - {id: 114, cat: Movies/UHD, desc: "Filme UHD"} - {id: 140, cat: Movies/BluRay, desc: "Filme BluRay"} - {id: 28, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Filme SD"} - {id: 138, cat: Movies, desc: "Filme Pack`s"} # Serien - {id: 57, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Serien HD"} - {id: 139, cat: TV/UHD, desc: "Serien UHD"} - {id: 60, cat: TV/SD, desc: "Serien SD"} - {id: 59, cat: TV, desc: "Serien Pack`s"} # Audio - {id: 110, cat: Audio/MP3, desc: "Audio MP3"} - {id: 48, cat: Audio/Lossless, desc: "Audio Flac"} - {id: 52, cat: Audio, desc: "Audio Pack"} - {id: 63, cat: Audio/Audiobook, desc: "Audio Hörbuch"} - {id: 120, cat: Audio/Video, desc: "Audio Videos"} # Apps - {id: 12, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Apps Windows"} - {id: 125, cat: PC/Mac, desc: "Apps Mac-OSX"} - {id: 11, cat: PC/Mobile-Other, desc: "Apps Mobil"} - {id: 141, cat: PC/ISO, desc: "Apps Other"} # Doku - {id: 14, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Doku HD"} - {id: 15, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Doku SD"} - {id: 123, cat: TV/Documentary, desc: "Doku Pack`s"} # Spiel - {id: 17, cat: PC/Games, desc: "Spiel PC"} - {id: 24, cat: Console, desc: "Spiel Konsole"} - {id: 126, cat: Console/Other, desc: "Spiel Mobil"} - {id: 121, cat: Console, desc: "Spiel Wimmelbild"} # Sport - {id: 61, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "Sport HD"} - {id: 62, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "Sport SD"} - {id: 144, cat: TV/Sport, desc: "Sport Wrestling"} # ePaper - {id: 96, cat: Books/Mags, desc: "ePaper Zeitungen"} - {id: 136, cat: Books/EBook, desc: "ePaper E-Book"} - {id: 137, cat: Books/Comics, desc: "ePaper Comics"} # XXX - {id: 143, cat: XXX/x264, desc: "XXX HD / SD"} - {id: 75, cat: XXX/Pack, desc: "XXX Pack's"} - {id: 142, cat: XXX/ImageSet, desc: "XXX Pic's"} # Internal - {id: 128, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "Internal Film HD"} - {id: 129, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Internal Film SD"} - {id: 130, cat: TV/HD, desc: "Internal Serien HD"} - {id: 131, cat: TV/SD, desc: "Internal Serie SD"} - {id: 132, cat: Other, desc: "Internal Sonstiges"} modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] music-search: [q] book-search: [q] settings: - name: username type: text label: Username - name: password type: password label: Password - name: freeleech type: checkbox label: Filter freeleech only default: false - name: sort type: select label: Sort requested from site default: added options: added: created seeds: seeders size: size name: title - name: type type: select label: Order requested from site default: desc options: desc: desc asc: asc login: path: login.php method: form form: form[action="/login.php"] cookies: ["JAVA=OK"] # avoid jscheck redirect inputs: username: "{{ .Config.username }}" password: "{{ .Config.password }}" error: - selector: div#login_error test: path: index.php selector: a[href="logout.php"] search: paths: - path: selection.php inputs: $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}c{{.}}=1&{{end}}" search: "{{ .Keywords }}" # 0 name, 1 descr, 2 both blah: 0 orderby: "{{ .Config.sort }}" sort: "{{ .Config.type }}" keywordsfilters: # prefix and postfix percent wildcard as well as replacing spaces between words - name: re_replace args: ["\\W+", "%"] - name: re_replace args: ["^(.+)$", "%$1%"] rows: selector: "div.selection_wrap{{ if .Config.freeleech }}:root:has(div.onlyup){{ else }}{{ end }}" fields: category_p1: selector: div.kat_cat_pic_name category_p2: selector: div.kat_cat_pic_name_b categorydesc: text: "{{ .Result.category_p1 }} {{ .Result.category_p2 }}" title: selector: a.selection_a filters: # remove [REQ] and anything else in [] that prefixes titles - name: re_replace args: ["^(\\[.*\\])(.*)", "$2"] details: selector: a.selection_a attribute: href download: selector: a[href^="download_ssl.php?torrent="] attribute: href poster: selector: div[id^="details"] img attribute: src size: selector: div.selection_unter_ad grabs: selector: div.selection_unter_ae date_day: # Heute 13:30:04 # Gestern 09:10:10 selector: div.selection_unter_ab:not(:contains(".")) optional: true filters: - name: replace args: ["Heute", "Today"] - name: replace args: ["Gestern", "Yesterday"] - name: append args: " +01:00" # CET date_year: # 30.02.2018 um 23:12:50 selector: div.selection_unter_ab:contains(".") optional: true filters: - name: replace args: [" um", ""] - name: append args: " +01:00" # CET - name: dateparse args: "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz" date: text: "{{ if or .Result.date_year .Result.date_day }}{{ or .Result.date_year .Result.date_day }}{{ else }}now{{ end }}" description: selector: selection_unter_af seeders: selector: div.selection_unter_aa leechers: selector: div.selection_unter_aaa downloadvolumefactor: case: ":root:has(div.onlyup)": 0 "*": 1 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 minimumratio: text: 1.0 minimumseedtime: # 36 hours (as seconds = 36 x 60 x 60) text: 129600 # 3xT