--- id: extratorrent-cd name: ExtraTorrent.cd description: "ExtraTorrent.cd is a Public tracker, a popular alternative to the original ET site, providing Movie / TV / General magnets" language: en-us type: public encoding: UTF-8 followredirect: true links: - https://extratorrent.si/ legacylinks: - https://extratorrent.unblockit.pro/ - https://extratorrent.unblockit.one/ # for .ag caps: categories: other: Other modes: search: [q] tv-search: [q, season, ep] movie-search: [q] settings: - name: info type: info default: ExtraTorrent-cd does not use categories. In your software Indexer settings, set the category to 7000. search: paths: - path: "search/?search={{ .Keywords }}" rows: selector: tr[class^="tl"] filters: - name: andmatch fields: category: text: other #8228 title: selector: a[href*="/torrent/"][title^="view"] details: selector: a[href*="/torrent/"] attribute: href filters: - name: replace args: ["///", "//"] download: selector: a[href^="magnet:?xt="] attribute: href date: selector: td:nth-last-of-type(5):contains("Y-day-"), td:nth-last-of-type(5):contains("Today-") optional: true filters: - name: replace args: ["\xA0", " "] - name: re_replace args: ["(Today-.*)", "Today"] - name: re_replace args: ["(Y-day-.*)", "Yesterday"] - name: fuzzytime date: selector: td:nth-last-of-type(5):contains(":"):not(:contains("Y-day-")):not(:contains("Today-")) optional: true filters: - name: replace args: ["\xA0", " "] - name: fuzzytime date: selector: td:nth-last-of-type(5):not(:contains(":")):not(:contains("Y-day-")):not(:contains("Today-")) optional: true filters: - name: replace args: ["\xA0", "-"] - name: dateparse args: "01-02-2006" size: selector: td:nth-last-of-type(4) seeders: text: 0 seeders: optional: true selector: td.sy, td.sn leechers: text: 0 leechers: optional: true selector: td.ly, td.ln downloadvolumefactor: text: 0 uploadvolumefactor: text: 1 # engine n/a