
289 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Jackett.Common.Indexers;
using Jackett.Common.Indexers.Meta;
using Jackett.Common.Models;
using Jackett.Common.Models.Config;
using Jackett.Common.Services.Interfaces;
using Jackett.Common.Utils.Clients;
using NLog;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions;
namespace Jackett.Common.Services
public class IndexerManagerService : IIndexerManagerService
private readonly ICacheService cacheService;
private readonly IIndexerConfigurationService configService;
private readonly IProtectionService protectionService;
private readonly WebClient webClient;
private readonly IProcessService processService;
private readonly IConfigurationService globalConfigService;
private readonly ServerConfig serverConfig;
private readonly Logger logger;
private readonly Dictionary<string, IIndexer> indexers = new Dictionary<string, IIndexer>();
private AggregateIndexer aggregateIndexer;
// this map is used to maintain backward compatibility when renaming the id of an indexer
// (the id is used in the torznab/download/search urls and in the indexer configuration file)
// if the indexer is removed, remove it from this list too
// use: {"<old id>", "<new id>"}
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> renamedIndexers = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"broadcastthenet", "broadcasthenet"},
{"cili180", "cilipro"},
{"liaorencili", "cilipro"},
{"metaliplayro", "romanianmetaltorrents"},
{"nnm-club", "noname-club"},
{"passtheheadphones", "redacted"},
{"rstorrent", "redstartorrent"},
{"tehconnectionme", "anthelion"},
{"transmithenet", "nebulance"},
{"yourexotic", "exoticaz"}
public IndexerManagerService(IIndexerConfigurationService config, IProtectionService protectionService, WebClient webClient, Logger l, ICacheService cache, IProcessService processService, IConfigurationService globalConfigService, ServerConfig serverConfig)
configService = config;
this.protectionService = protectionService;
this.webClient = webClient;
this.processService = processService;
this.globalConfigService = globalConfigService;
this.serverConfig = serverConfig;
logger = l;
cacheService = cache;
public void InitIndexers(IEnumerable<string> path)
private void MigrateRenamedIndexers()
foreach (var oldId in renamedIndexers.Keys)
var oldPath = configService.GetIndexerConfigFilePath(oldId);
if (File.Exists(oldPath))
// if the old configuration exists, we rename it to be used by the renamed indexer
logger.Info($"Old configuration detected: {oldPath}");
var newPath = configService.GetIndexerConfigFilePath(renamedIndexers[oldId]);
if (File.Exists(newPath))
File.Move(oldPath, newPath);
// backups
var oldPathBak = oldPath + ".bak";
var newPathBak = newPath + ".bak";
if (File.Exists(oldPathBak))
if (File.Exists(newPathBak))
File.Move(oldPathBak, newPathBak);
logger.Info($"Configuration renamed: {oldPath} => {newPath}");
private void InitIndexers()
logger.Info("Using HTTP Client: " + webClient.GetType().Name);
var allTypes = GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();
var allIndexerTypes = allTypes.Where(p => typeof(IIndexer).IsAssignableFrom(p));
var allInstantiatableIndexerTypes = allIndexerTypes.Where(p => !p.IsInterface && !p.IsAbstract);
var allNonMetaInstantiatableIndexerTypes = allInstantiatableIndexerTypes.Where(p => !typeof(BaseMetaIndexer).IsAssignableFrom(p));
var indexerTypes = allNonMetaInstantiatableIndexerTypes.Where(p => p.Name != "CardigannIndexer");
var ixs = indexerTypes.Select(type =>
var constructorArgumentTypes = new Type[] { typeof(IIndexerConfigurationService), typeof(WebClient), typeof(Logger), typeof(IProtectionService) };
var constructor = type.GetConstructor(constructorArgumentTypes);
if (constructor != null)
// create own webClient instance for each indexer (seperate cookies stores, etc.)
var indexerWebClientInstance = (WebClient)Activator.CreateInstance(webClient.GetType(), processService, logger, globalConfigService, serverConfig);
var arguments = new object[] { configService, indexerWebClientInstance, logger, protectionService };
var indexer = (IIndexer)constructor.Invoke(arguments);
return indexer;
logger.Error("Cannot instantiate " + type.Name);
return null;
foreach (var idx in ixs)
if (idx == null)
indexers.Add(idx.Id, idx);
private void InitCardigannIndexers(IEnumerable<string> path)
logger.Info("Loading Cardigann definitions from: " + string.Join(", ", path));
var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder()
// .IgnoreUnmatchedProperties()
var directoryInfos = path.Select(p => new DirectoryInfo(p));
var existingDirectories = directoryInfos.Where(d => d.Exists);
var files = existingDirectories.SelectMany(d => d.GetFiles("*.yml"));
var definitions = files.Select(file =>
logger.Debug("Loading Cardigann definition " + file.FullName);
var DefinitionString = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
var definition = deserializer.Deserialize<IndexerDefinition>(DefinitionString);
return definition;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "Error while parsing Cardigann definition " + file.FullName + ": " + ex.Message);
return null;
}).Where(definition => definition != null);
var cardigannIndexers = definitions.Select(definition =>
// create own webClient instance for each indexer (seperate cookies stores, etc.)
var indexerWebClientInstance = (WebClient)Activator.CreateInstance(webClient.GetType(), processService, logger, globalConfigService, serverConfig);
IIndexer indexer = new CardigannIndexer(configService, indexerWebClientInstance, logger, protectionService, definition);
return indexer;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "Error while creating Cardigann instance from Definition: " + ex.Message);
return null;
}).Where(cardigannIndexer => cardigannIndexer != null).ToList(); // Explicit conversion to list to avoid repeated resource loading
foreach (var indexer in cardigannIndexers)
if (indexers.ContainsKey(indexer.Id))
logger.Debug(string.Format("Ignoring definition ID={0}: Indexer already exists", indexer.Id));
indexers.Add(indexer.Id, indexer);
logger.Info("Cardigann definitions loaded: " + string.Join(", ", indexers.Keys));
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "Error while loading Cardigann definitions: " + ex.Message);
public void InitAggregateIndexer()
var omdbApiKey = serverConfig.OmdbApiKey;
IFallbackStrategyProvider fallbackStrategyProvider = null;
IResultFilterProvider resultFilterProvider = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(omdbApiKey))
var imdbResolver = new OmdbResolver(webClient, omdbApiKey, serverConfig.OmdbApiUrl);
fallbackStrategyProvider = new ImdbFallbackStrategyProvider(imdbResolver);
resultFilterProvider = new ImdbTitleResultFilterProvider(imdbResolver);
fallbackStrategyProvider = new NoFallbackStrategyProvider();
resultFilterProvider = new NoResultFilterProvider();
logger.Info("Adding aggregate indexer");
aggregateIndexer = new AggregateIndexer(fallbackStrategyProvider, resultFilterProvider, configService, webClient, logger, protectionService)
Indexers = indexers.Values
public IIndexer GetIndexer(string name)
// old id of renamed indexer is used to maintain backward compatibility
// both, the old id and the new one can be used until we remove it from renamedIndexers
var realName = name;
if (renamedIndexers.ContainsKey(name))
realName = renamedIndexers[name];
logger.Warn($"Indexer {name} has been renamed to {realName}. Please, update the URL of the feeds. " +
"This may stop working in the future.");
if (indexers.ContainsKey(realName))
return indexers[realName];
if (realName == "all")
return aggregateIndexer;
logger.Error("Request for unknown indexer: " + realName);
throw new Exception("Unknown indexer: " + realName);
public IWebIndexer GetWebIndexer(string name)
if (indexers.ContainsKey(name))
return indexers[name] as IWebIndexer;
else if (name == "all")
return aggregateIndexer as IWebIndexer;
logger.Error("Request for unknown indexer: " + name);
throw new Exception("Unknown indexer: " + name);
public IEnumerable<IIndexer> GetAllIndexers() => indexers.Values.OrderBy(_ => _.DisplayName);
public async Task TestIndexer(string name)
var indexer = GetIndexer(name);
var browseQuery = new TorznabQuery
QueryType = "search",
SearchTerm = "",
IsTest = true
var result = await indexer.ResultsForQuery(browseQuery);
logger.Info(string.Format("Found {0} releases from {1}", result.Releases.Count(), indexer.DisplayName));
if (result.Releases.Count() == 0)
throw new Exception("Found no results while trying to browse this tracker");
cacheService.CacheRssResults(indexer, result.Releases);
public void DeleteIndexer(string name)
var indexer = GetIndexer(name);