
203 lines
7.7 KiB

id: thegeeks
name: The Geeks
description: "Technology E-Learning"
language: en-US
type: private
encoding: UTF-8
- https://thegeeks.click/
- {id: 212, cat: Other, desc: "AudioBook : Fiction"}
- {id: 56, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : History - War/Politics"}
- {id: 209, cat: Other, desc: "Business : Startup/Dev"}
- {id: 9, cat: Other, desc: "Food/Cooking/Nutrition"}
- {id: 60, cat: Other, desc: "Performing Arts"}
- {id: 213, cat: Other, desc: "AudioBook : Non-Fiction"}
- {id: 35, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Home / Property"}
- {id: 214, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Artificial Intelligence"}
- {id: 28, cat: Other, desc: "Business :Misc"}
- {id: 37, cat: Other, desc: "Game Shows / Quiz Shows"}
- {id: 45, cat: Other, desc: "Photography"}
- {id: 71, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Antiques / Collecting"}
- {id: 78, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Horizon"}
- {id: 40, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Certification Courses"}
- {id: 2, cat: Other, desc: "Games: Cards/Tabletop/etc"}
- {id: 11, cat: Other, desc: "Political Studies"}
- {id: 82, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Architecture/Building"}
- {id: 69, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Misc"}
- {id: 44, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Digital Audio/Video"}
- {id: 23, cat: Other, desc: "Hobbies: Misc"}
- {id: 61, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Biology"}
- {id: 72, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Astronomy / Space"}
- {id: 75, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Nature"}
- {id: 48, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Games Dev/Guides"}
- {id: 1, cat: Other, desc: "Languages / Linguistics"}
- {id: 77, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Chemistry"}
- {id: 85, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Childrens Ed"}
- {id: 54, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : News/World Reports"}
- {id: 3, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Graphics "}
- {id: 20, cat: Other, desc: "Law & Justice"}
- {id: 12, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Math/Statistics"}
- {id: 38, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Crime/ Investigation"}
- {id: 83, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Nova"}
- {id: 42, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Lang/DBs"}
- {id: 30, cat: Other, desc: "Literature"}
- {id: 10, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Medicine/Health "}
- {id: 59, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Earth / Environment"}
- {id: 27, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Paleontology"}
- {id: 49, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Network/Hardware"}
- {id: 16, cat: Other, desc: "Magic & Illusion"}
- {id: 29, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Philosophy"}
- {id: 18, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Engineering"}
- {id: 67, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Pets/Animal Keeping"}
- {id: 43, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Operating Systems"}
- {id: 26, cat: Other, desc: "Music: History / Theory"}
- {id: 76, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Physics"}
- {id: 4, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Fine/Visual Arts"}
- {id: 53, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Social Experiment"}
- {id: 46, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Security/Encryption"}
- {id: 15, cat: Other, desc: "Music: Learning / Courses"}
- {id: 14, cat: Other, desc: "Science: Psych/Sociolgy"}
- {id: 39, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Fly on The Wall"}
- {id: 73, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Survivalism"}
- {id: 52, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Software Training"}
- {id: 206, cat: Other, desc: "Native American Studies"}
- {id: 80, cat: Other, desc: "Sports - Live/Highlights"}
- {id: 84, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : FrontLine"}
- {id: 32, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Travel / Culture"}
- {id: 41, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Theory/Ref/Mags"}
- {id: 201, cat: Other, desc: "Occultism: Academic / Referenc"}
- {id: 22, cat: Other, desc: "Sports/Exercise/Outdoors"}
- {id: 36, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Gardening/Agriculture"}
- {id: 34, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : Vehicles/Transport"}
- {id: 47, cat: Other, desc: "Comp: Web Development"}
- {id: 210, cat: Other, desc: "Tattoos/Body Art"}
- {id: 24, cat: Other, desc: "Stock Media"}
- {id: 58, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : History - Biographies"}
- {id: 207, cat: Other, desc: "Business : Economics"}
- {id: 68, cat: Other, desc: "Crafts/Jewelry"}
- {id: 202, cat: Other, desc: "Occultism: Mythology Folklore"}
- {id: 33, cat: Other, desc: "Style & Fashion"}
- {id: 55, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : History - Civilization"}
- {id: 211, cat: Other, desc: "Business : Investing"}
- {id: 21, cat: Other, desc: "DIY / Workshop"}
- {id: 203, cat: Other, desc: "Paranormal"}
- {id: 31, cat: Other, desc: "Docu : History - Misc"}
- {id: 208, cat: Other, desc: "Business : Marketing"}
- {id: 25, cat: Other, desc: "Exam Prep / Education"}
- {id: 204, cat: Other, desc: "Parapsychology"}
- {id: 215, cat: Other, desc: "Sexuality/Seductn/Body Img"}
search: [q]
- name: cookie
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- name: info
type: info
label: How to get the Cookie
default: "<ol><li>Login to this tracker with your browser</li><li>Open the <b>DevTools</b> panel by pressing <b>F12</b></li><li>Select the <b>Network</b> tab</li><li>Click on the <b>Doc</b> button (Chrome Browser) or <b>HTML</b> button (FireFox)</li><li>Refresh the page by pressing <b>F5</b></li><li>Click on the first row entry</li><li>Select the <b>Headers</b> tab on the Right panel</li><li>Find <b>'cookie:'</b> in the <b>Request Headers</b> section</li><li><b>Select</b> and <b>Copy</b> the whole cookie string <i>(everything after 'cookie: ')</i> and <b>Paste</b> here.</li></ol>"
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