
191 lines
8.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace Jackett.Common.Models
public class TorznabCapabilitiesCategories
private readonly List<CategoryMapping> _categoryMapping = new List<CategoryMapping>();
private readonly List<TorznabCategory> _torznabCategoryTree = new List<TorznabCategory>();
public List<string> GetTrackerCategories() => _categoryMapping
.Where(m => m.NewzNabCategory < 100000)
.Select(m => m.TrackerCategory).Distinct().ToList();
public List<TorznabCategory> GetTorznabCategoryTree(bool sorted = false)
if (!sorted)
return _torznabCategoryTree;
// we build a new tree, original is unsorted
// first torznab categories ordered by id and then custom cats ordered by name
var sortedTree = _torznabCategoryTree
.Select(c =>
var sortedSubCats = c.SubCategories.OrderBy(x => x.ID);
var newCat = new TorznabCategory(c.ID, c.Name);
return newCat;
}).OrderBy(x => x.ID >= 100000 ? "zzz" + x.Name : x.ID.ToString()).ToList();
return sortedTree;
public List<TorznabCategory> GetTorznabCategoryList(bool sorted = false)
var tree = GetTorznabCategoryTree(sorted);
// create a flat list (without subcategories)
var newFlatList = new List<TorznabCategory>();
foreach (var cat in tree)
return newFlatList;
public void AddCategoryMapping(string trackerCategory, TorznabCategory torznabCategory, string trackerCategoryDesc = null)
_categoryMapping.Add(new CategoryMapping(trackerCategory, trackerCategoryDesc, torznabCategory.ID));
if (trackerCategoryDesc == null)
// create custom cats (1:1 categories) if trackerCategoryDesc is defined
// - if trackerCategory is "integer" we use that number to generate custom category id
// - if trackerCategory is "string" we compute a hash to generate fixed integer id for the custom category
// the hash is not perfect but it should work in most cases. we can't use sequential numbers because
// categories are updated frequently and the id must be fixed to work in 3rd party apps
if (!int.TryParse(trackerCategory, out var trackerCategoryInt))
var hashed = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(trackerCategory));
trackerCategoryInt = BitConverter.ToUInt16(hashed, 0); // id between 0 and 65535 < 100000
var customCat = new TorznabCategory(trackerCategoryInt + 100000, trackerCategoryDesc);
_categoryMapping.Add(new CategoryMapping(trackerCategory, trackerCategoryDesc, customCat.ID));
public List<string> MapTorznabCapsToTrackers(TorznabQuery query, bool mapChildrenCatsToParent = false)
var expandedQueryCats = ExpandTorznabQueryCategories(query, mapChildrenCatsToParent);
var result = _categoryMapping
.Where(c => expandedQueryCats.Contains(c.NewzNabCategory))
.Select(mapping => mapping.TrackerCategory).Distinct().ToList();
return result;
public ICollection<int> MapTrackerCatToNewznab(string trackerCategory)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trackerCategory))
return new List<int>();
var cats = _categoryMapping
.Where(m =>
!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.TrackerCategory) &&
string.Equals(m.TrackerCategory, trackerCategory, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.Select(c => c.NewzNabCategory).ToList();
return cats;
public ICollection<int> MapTrackerCatDescToNewznab(string trackerCategoryDesc)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trackerCategoryDesc))
return new List<int>();
var cats = _categoryMapping
.Where(m =>
!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.TrackerCategoryDesc) &&
string.Equals(m.TrackerCategoryDesc, trackerCategoryDesc, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.Select(c => c.NewzNabCategory).ToList();
return cats;
public int[] SupportedCategories(int[] categories)
if (categories == null || categories.Length == 0)
return new int[0];
var subCategories = _torznabCategoryTree.SelectMany(c => c.SubCategories);
var allCategories = _torznabCategoryTree.Concat(subCategories);
return allCategories.Where(c => categories.Contains(c.ID)).Select(c => c.ID).ToArray();
public void Concat(TorznabCapabilitiesCategories rhs)
// exclude indexer specific categories (>= 100000)
// we don't concat _categoryMapping because it makes no sense for the aggregate indexer
rhs.GetTorznabCategoryList().Where(x => x.ID < 100000).ToList().ForEach(AddTorznabCategoryTree);
/// <summary>
/// If there are parent categories in TorznabQuery.Categories the children categories are added
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">Search query</param>
/// <param name="mapChildrenCatsToParent">If enabled, children categories will add the parent category to the list</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<int> ExpandTorznabQueryCategories(TorznabQuery query, bool mapChildrenCatsToParent = false)
var expandedQueryCats = new List<int>();
foreach (var queryCategory in query.Categories)
if (queryCategory >= 100000)
var parentCat = _torznabCategoryTree.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == queryCategory);
if (parentCat != null)
// if it's parent cat we add all the children
expandedQueryCats.AddRange(parentCat.SubCategories.Select(c => c.ID));
else if (mapChildrenCatsToParent)
// if it's child cat and mapChildrenCatsToParent is enabled we add the parent
var queryCategoryTorznab = new TorznabCategory(queryCategory, "");
parentCat = _torznabCategoryTree.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(queryCategoryTorznab));
if (parentCat != null)
return expandedQueryCats.Distinct().ToList();
private void AddTorznabCategoryTree(TorznabCategory torznabCategory)
// build the category tree
if (TorznabCatType.ParentCats.Contains(torznabCategory))
// parent cat
if (!_torznabCategoryTree.Contains(torznabCategory))
// child or custom cat
var parentCat = TorznabCatType.ParentCats.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(torznabCategory));
if (parentCat != null)
// child cat
var nodeCat = _torznabCategoryTree.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Equals(parentCat));
if (nodeCat != null)
// parent cat already exists
if (!nodeCat.Contains(torznabCategory))
// create parent cat and add child
nodeCat = parentCat.CopyWithoutSubCategories();
// custom cat