
388 lines
15 KiB

* CurlS#arp
* Copyright (c) 2014 Dr. Masroor Ehsan (masroore@gmail.com)
* Portions copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Jeff Phillips (jeff@jeffp.net)
* This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which you
* should have received as part of this distribution.
* You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
* copies of this Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, under the terms of the LICENSE file.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF
* ANY KIND, either express or implied.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CurlSharp
/// <summary>
/// This trivial class wraps the internal <c>curl_forms</c> struct.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CurlForms
/// <summary>The <see cref="CurlFormOption" />.</summary>
public CurlFormOption Option;
/// <summary>Value for the option.</summary>
public Object Value;
/// <summary>
/// Wraps a section of multipart form data to be submitted via the
/// <see cref="CurlOption.HttpPost" /> option in the
/// <see cref="CurlEasy.SetOpt" /> member of the <see cref="CurlEasy" /> class.
/// </summary>
public class CurlHttpMultiPartForm : IDisposable
// the two curlform pointers
private readonly IntPtr[] _pItems;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
/// This is thrown
/// if <see cref="Curl" /> hasn't bee properly initialized.
/// </exception>
public CurlHttpMultiPartForm()
_pItems = new IntPtr[2];
_pItems[0] = IntPtr.Zero;
_pItems[1] = IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>
/// Free unmanaged resources.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Destructor
/// </summary>
// for CurlEasy.SetOpt()
internal IntPtr GetHandle()
return _pItems[0];
/// <summary>
/// Add a multi-part form section.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">
/// Argument list, as described in the remarks.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A <see cref="CurlFormCode" />, hopefully
/// <c>CurlFormCode.Ok</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This is definitely the workhorse method for this class. It
/// should be called in roughly the same manner as
/// <c>curl_formadd()</c>, except you would omit the first two
/// <c>struct curl_httppost**</c> arguments (<c>firstitem</c> and
/// <c>lastitem</c>), which are wrapped in this class. So you should
/// pass arguments in the following sequence:
/// <para>
/// <c>
/// CurlHttpMultiPartForm.AddSection(option1, value1, ..., optionX, valueX,
/// CurlFormOption.End)
/// </c>
/// ;
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// For a complete list of possible options, see the documentation for
/// the <see cref="CurlFormOption" /> enumeration.
/// </para>
/// <note>
/// The pointer options (<c>PtrName</c>, etc.) make an
/// internal copy of the passed <c>byte</c> array. Therefore, any
/// changes you make to the client copy of this array AFTER calling
/// this method, won't be reflected internally with <c>cURL</c>. The
/// purpose of providing the pointer options is to support the
/// posting of non-string binary data.
/// </note>
/// </remarks>
public CurlFormCode AddSection(params object[] args)
var nCount = args.Length;
var nRealCount = nCount;
var retCode = CurlFormCode.Ok;
CurlForms[] aForms = null;
// one arg or even number of args is an error
if ((nCount == 1) || (nCount%2 == 0))
return CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
// ensure the last argument is End
var iCode = (CurlFormOption)
Convert.ToInt32(args.GetValue(nCount - 1));
if (iCode != CurlFormOption.End)
return CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
// walk through any passed arrays to get the true number of
// items and ensure the child arrays are properly (and not
// prematurely) terminated with End
for (var i = 0; i < nCount; i += 2)
iCode = (CurlFormOption) Convert.ToInt32(args.GetValue(i));
switch (iCode)
case CurlFormOption.Array:
aForms = args.GetValue(i + 1) as CurlForms[];
if (aForms == null)
return CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
var nFormsCount = aForms.Length;
for (var j = 0; j < nFormsCount; j++)
var pcf = aForms.GetValue(j) as CurlForms;
if (pcf == null)
return CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
if (j == nFormsCount - 1)
if (pcf.Option != CurlFormOption.End)
return CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
if (pcf.Option == CurlFormOption.End)
return CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
// -2 accounts for the fact that we're a) not
// including the item with End and b) not
// including Array in what we pass to cURL
nRealCount += 2*(nFormsCount - 2);
// allocate the IntPtr array for the data
var aPointers = new IntPtr[nRealCount];
for (var i = 0; i < nRealCount - 1; i++)
aPointers[i] = IntPtr.Zero;
aPointers[nRealCount - 1] = (IntPtr) CurlFormOption.End;
// now we go through the args
aForms = null;
var formArrayPos = 0;
var argArrayPos = 0;
var ptrArrayPos = 0;
Object obj = null;
while ((retCode == CurlFormCode.Ok) &&
(ptrArrayPos < nRealCount))
if (aForms != null)
var pcf = aForms.GetValue(formArrayPos++)
as CurlForms;
if (pcf == null)
retCode = CurlFormCode.UnknownOption;
iCode = pcf.Option;
obj = pcf.Value;
iCode = (CurlFormOption) Convert.ToInt32(
obj = (iCode == CurlFormOption.End)
? null
: args.GetValue(argArrayPos++);
switch (iCode)
// handle byte-array pointer-related items
case CurlFormOption.PtrName:
case CurlFormOption.PtrContents:
case CurlFormOption.BufferPtr:
var bytes = obj as byte[];
if (bytes == null)
retCode = CurlFormCode.UnknownOption;
var nLen = bytes.Length;
var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nLen);
if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = (IntPtr) iCode;
// copy bytes to unmanaged buffer
for (var j = 0; j < nLen; j++)
Marshal.WriteByte(ptr, bytes[j]);
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = ptr;
retCode = CurlFormCode.Memory;
// length values
case CurlFormOption.NameLength:
case CurlFormOption.ContentsLength:
case CurlFormOption.BufferLength:
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = (IntPtr) iCode;
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = (IntPtr)
// strings
case CurlFormOption.CopyName:
case CurlFormOption.CopyContents:
case CurlFormOption.FileContent:
case CurlFormOption.File:
case CurlFormOption.ContentType:
case CurlFormOption.Filename:
case CurlFormOption.Buffer:
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = (IntPtr) iCode;
var s = obj as String;
if (s == null)
retCode = CurlFormCode.UnknownOption;
var p = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(s);
if (p != IntPtr.Zero)
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = p;
retCode = CurlFormCode.Memory;
// array case: already handled
case CurlFormOption.Array:
if (aForms != null)
retCode = CurlFormCode.IllegalArray;
aForms = obj as CurlForms[];
if (aForms == null)
retCode = CurlFormCode.UnknownOption;
// slist
case CurlFormOption.ContentHeader:
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = (IntPtr) iCode;
var s = obj as CurlSlist;
if (s == null)
retCode = CurlFormCode.UnknownOption;
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = s.Handle;
// erroneous stuff
case CurlFormOption.Nothing:
retCode = CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
// end
case CurlFormOption.End:
if (aForms != null) // end of form
aForms = null;
formArrayPos = 0;
aPointers[ptrArrayPos++] = (IntPtr) iCode;
// default is unknown
retCode = CurlFormCode.UnknownOption;
// ensure we didn't come up short on parameters
if (ptrArrayPos != nRealCount)
retCode = CurlFormCode.Incomplete;
// if we're OK here, call into curl
if (retCode == CurlFormCode.Ok)
retCode = (CurlFormCode) NativeMethods.curl_shim_formadd(_pItems, aPointers, nRealCount);
retCode = (CurlFormCode) NativeMethods.curl_formadd(ref _pItems[0], ref _pItems[1],
(int) aPointers[0], aPointers[1],
(int) aPointers[2], aPointers[3],
(int) aPointers[4]);
// unmarshal native allocations
for (var i = 0; i < nRealCount - 1; i += 2)
iCode = (CurlFormOption) (int) aPointers[i];
switch (iCode)
case CurlFormOption.CopyName:
case CurlFormOption.CopyContents:
case CurlFormOption.FileContent:
case CurlFormOption.File:
case CurlFormOption.ContentType:
case CurlFormOption.Filename:
case CurlFormOption.Buffer:
// byte buffer cases
case CurlFormOption.PtrName:
case CurlFormOption.PtrContents:
case CurlFormOption.BufferPtr:
if (aPointers[i + 1] != IntPtr.Zero)
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(aPointers[i + 1]);
return retCode;
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
lock (this)
if (disposing)
// clean up managed objects
// clean up native objects
if (_pItems[0] != IntPtr.Zero)
_pItems[0] = IntPtr.Zero;
_pItems[1] = IntPtr.Zero;