Updated Troubleshooting (markdown)

ilike2burnthing 2024-04-08 22:15:38 +01:00
parent f8d60033b7
commit 4a6f0bb849
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ This can happen for a variety of reasons and is unfortunately tricky to diagnose
Possible reasons:
- Have you enabled freeleech only in the indexer config? It may be that the site does not have any freeleech torrents to show. Or the site may have enabled a global freeleech mode, but the search page does not show this info.
- Try turning off the freeleech option and see if you get results.
- Have you changed some appearance/style/layout/theme setting? This may not be compatible with the indexer, so revert to defaults, or check the indexer config for specific required settings.
- The site is being blocked by an ISP provider.
- Use a Browser on the same machine that is running Jackett, access the Site using the same address as the Indexer's config **SiteLink** and confirm that this is the case. Just be aware that if your browser has an inbuilt VPN like Opera for instance, then Jackett will not be seeing the same WAN paths that your browser does).
- Try using any of the **Alternate** Site Links in the indexer config and see if they work for you.