import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import Icon from 'Components/Icon'; import TableRowCell from 'Components/Table/Cells/TableRowCell'; import Popover from 'Components/Tooltip/Popover'; import { icons, kinds, tooltipPositions } from 'Helpers/Props'; import styles from './QueueStatusCell.css'; function getDetailedPopoverBody(statusMessages) { return (
{{ title, messages }) => { return (
); }) }
); } function QueueStatusCell(props) { const { sourceTitle, status, trackedDownloadStatus, trackedDownloadState, statusMessages, errorMessage } = props; const hasWarning = trackedDownloadStatus === 'warning'; const hasError = trackedDownloadStatus === 'error'; // status === 'downloading' let iconName = icons.DOWNLOADING; let iconKind = kinds.DEFAULT; let title = 'Downloading'; if (hasWarning) { iconKind = kinds.WARNING; } if (status === 'paused') { iconName = icons.PAUSED; title = 'Paused'; } if (status === 'queued') { iconName = icons.QUEUED; title = 'Queued'; } if (status === 'completed') { iconName = icons.DOWNLOADED; title = 'Downloaded'; if (trackedDownloadState === 'importPending') { title += ' - Waiting to Import'; } if (trackedDownloadState === 'importing') { title += ' - Importing'; } if (trackedDownloadState === 'failedPending') { title += ' - Waiting to Process'; } } if (status === 'delay') { iconName = icons.PENDING; title = 'Pending'; } if (status === 'downloadClientUnavailable') { iconName = icons.PENDING; iconKind = kinds.WARNING; title = 'Pending - Download client is unavailable'; } if (status === 'failed') { iconName = icons.DOWNLOADING; iconKind = kinds.DANGER; title = 'Download failed'; } if (status === 'warning') { iconName = icons.DOWNLOADING; iconKind = kinds.WARNING; title = `Download warning: ${errorMessage || 'check download client for more details'}`; } if (hasError) { if (status === 'completed') { iconName = icons.DOWNLOAD; iconKind = kinds.DANGER; title = `Import failed: ${sourceTitle}`; } else { iconName = icons.DOWNLOADING; iconKind = kinds.DANGER; title = 'Download failed'; } } return ( } title={title} body={hasWarning || hasError ? getDetailedPopoverBody(statusMessages) : sourceTitle} position={tooltipPositions.RIGHT} canFlip={false} /> ); } QueueStatusCell.propTypes = { sourceTitle: PropTypes.string.isRequired, status: PropTypes.string.isRequired, trackedDownloadStatus: PropTypes.string.isRequired, trackedDownloadState: PropTypes.string.isRequired, statusMessages: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), errorMessage: PropTypes.string }; QueueStatusCell.defaultProps = { trackedDownloadStatus: 'ok', trackedDownloadState: 'downloading' }; export default QueueStatusCell;