using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Cloud; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover; using NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.SkyHook.Resource; using NzbDrone.Core.Music; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Profiles.Metadata; namespace NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.SkyHook { public class SkyHookProxy : IProvideArtistInfo, ISearchForNewArtist, IProvideAlbumInfo, ISearchForNewAlbum { private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient; private readonly Logger _logger; private readonly IArtistService _artistService; private readonly IAlbumService _albumService; private readonly IHttpRequestBuilderFactory _requestBuilder; private readonly IConfigService _configService; private readonly IMetadataProfileService _metadataProfileService; private IHttpRequestBuilderFactory _customerRequestBuilder; public SkyHookProxy(IHttpClient httpClient, ILidarrCloudRequestBuilder requestBuilder, IArtistService artistService, IAlbumService albumService, Logger logger, IConfigService configService, IMetadataProfileService metadataProfileService) { _httpClient = httpClient; _configService = configService; _metadataProfileService = metadataProfileService; _requestBuilder = requestBuilder.Search; _artistService = artistService; _albumService = albumService; _logger = logger; } public Tuple> GetArtistInfo(string foreignArtistId, int metadataProfileId) { _logger.Debug("Getting Artist with LidarrAPI.MetadataID of {0}", foreignArtistId); SetCustomProvider(); var metadataProfile = _metadataProfileService.Exists(metadataProfileId) ? _metadataProfileService.Get(metadataProfileId) : _metadataProfileService.All().FirstOrDefault(); var primaryTypes = metadataProfile.PrimaryAlbumTypes.Where(s => s.Allowed).Select(s => s.PrimaryAlbumType.Name); var secondaryTypes = metadataProfile.SecondaryAlbumTypes.Where(s => s.Allowed).Select(s => s.SecondaryAlbumType.Name); var httpRequest = _customerRequestBuilder.Create() .SetSegment("route", "artist/" + foreignArtistId) .AddQueryParam("primTypes", string.Join("|", primaryTypes)) .AddQueryParam("secTypes", string.Join("|", secondaryTypes)) .Build(); httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true; var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get(httpRequest); if (httpResponse.HasHttpError) { if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { throw new ArtistNotFoundException(foreignArtistId); } else if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { throw new BadRequestException(foreignArtistId); } else { throw new HttpException(httpRequest, httpResponse); } } var albums = httpResponse.Resource.Albums.Select(MapAlbum); var artist = MapArtist(httpResponse.Resource); return new Tuple>(artist, albums.ToList()); } public Tuple> GetAlbumInfo(string foreignAlbumId, string releaseId) { _logger.Debug("Getting Album with LidarrAPI.MetadataID of {0}", foreignAlbumId); SetCustomProvider(); var httpRequest = _customerRequestBuilder.Create() .SetSegment("route", "album/" + foreignAlbumId) .AddQueryParam("release", releaseId ?? string.Empty) .Build(); httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true; var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get(httpRequest); if (httpResponse.HasHttpError) { if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { throw new AlbumNotFoundException(foreignAlbumId); } else if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { throw new BadRequestException(foreignAlbumId); } else { throw new HttpException(httpRequest, httpResponse); } } var tracks = httpResponse.Resource.Tracks.Select(MapTrack); var album = MapAlbum(httpResponse.Resource); return new Tuple>(album, tracks.ToList()); } public List SearchForNewArtist(string title) { try { var lowerTitle = title.ToLowerInvariant(); if (lowerTitle.StartsWith("lidarr:") || lowerTitle.StartsWith("lidarrid:")) { var slug = lowerTitle.Split(':')[1].Trim(); Guid searchGuid; bool isValid = Guid.TryParse(slug, out searchGuid); if (slug.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || slug.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace) || isValid == false) { return new List(); } try { var metadataProfile = _metadataProfileService.All().First().Id; //Change this to Use last Used profile? return new List { GetArtistInfo(searchGuid.ToString(), metadataProfile).Item1 }; } catch (ArtistNotFoundException) { return new List(); } } SetCustomProvider(); var httpRequest = _customerRequestBuilder.Create() .SetSegment("route", "search") .AddQueryParam("type", "artist") .AddQueryParam("query", title.ToLower().Trim()) //.AddQueryParam("images","false") // Should pass these on import search to avoid looking to fanart and wiki //.AddQueryParam("overview","false") .Build(); var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get>(httpRequest); return httpResponse.Resource.SelectList(MapSearhResult); } catch (HttpException) { throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Unable to communicate with LidarrAPI.", title); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, ex.Message); throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Invalid response received from LidarrAPI.", title); } } public List SearchForNewAlbum(string title, string artist, DateTime releaseDate) { try { var lowerTitle = title.ToLowerInvariant(); if (lowerTitle.StartsWith("lidarr:") || lowerTitle.StartsWith("lidarrid:")) { var slug = lowerTitle.Split(':')[1].Trim(); Guid searchGuid; bool isValid = Guid.TryParse(slug, out searchGuid); if (slug.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || slug.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace) || isValid == false) { return new List(); } try { return new List { GetAlbumInfo(searchGuid.ToString(), null).Item1 }; } catch (ArtistNotFoundException) { return new List(); } } SetCustomProvider(); var httpRequest = _customerRequestBuilder.Create() .SetSegment("route", "search") .AddQueryParam("type", "album") .AddQueryParam("query", title.ToLower().Trim()) .AddQueryParam("artist", artist.ToLower().Trim()) .Build(); var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get>(httpRequest); return httpResponse.Resource.SelectList(MapSearhResult); } catch (HttpException) { throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Unable to communicate with LidarrAPI.", title); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, ex.Message); throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Invalid response received from LidarrAPI.", title); } } private Artist MapSearhResult(ArtistResource resource) { var artist = _artistService.FindById(resource.Id) ?? MapArtist(resource); return artist; } private Album MapSearhResult(AlbumResource resource) { var album = _albumService.FindById(resource.Id) ?? MapAlbum(resource); return album; } private static Album MapAlbum(AlbumResource resource) { Album album = new Album(); album.Title = resource.Title; album.ForeignAlbumId = resource.Id; album.ReleaseDate = resource.ReleaseDate; album.CleanTitle = Parser.Parser.CleanArtistName(album.Title); album.AlbumType = resource.Type; if (resource.Images != null) { album.Images = resource.Images.Select(MapImage).ToList(); } album.Label = resource.Labels; album.Media = resource.Media.Select(MapMedium).ToList(); album.SecondaryTypes = resource.SecondaryTypes.Select(MapSecondaryTypes).ToList(); if (resource.Releases != null) { album.Releases = resource.Releases.Select(MapAlbumRelease).ToList(); album.CurrentRelease = album.Releases.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == resource.SelectedRelease); } if (resource.Artist != null) { album.Artist = new Artist { ForeignArtistId = resource.Artist.Id, Name = resource.Artist.Name }; } return album; } private static Medium MapMedium(MediumResource resource) { Medium medium = new Medium { Name = resource.Name, Number = resource.Position, Format = resource.Format }; return medium; } private static AlbumRelease MapAlbumRelease(ReleaseResource resource) { AlbumRelease albumRelease = new AlbumRelease { Id = resource.Id, ReleaseDate = resource.ReleaseDate, TrackCount = resource.TrackCount, Format = resource.Format, MediaCount = resource.MediaCount, Country = resource.Country, Disambiguation = resource.Disambiguation, Label = resource.Label }; return albumRelease; } private static Track MapTrack(TrackResource resource) { Track track = new Track { Title = resource.TrackName, ForeignTrackId = resource.Id, TrackNumber = resource.TrackNumber, AbsoluteTrackNumber = resource.TrackPosition, Duration = resource.DurationMs, MediumNumber = resource.MediumNumber }; return track; } private static Artist MapArtist(ArtistResource resource) { Artist artist = new Artist(); artist.Name = resource.ArtistName; artist.ForeignArtistId = resource.Id; artist.Genres = resource.Genres; artist.Overview = resource.Overview; artist.CleanName = Parser.Parser.CleanArtistName(artist.Name); artist.SortName = Parser.Parser.NormalizeTitle(artist.Name); artist.Disambiguation = resource.Disambiguation; artist.ArtistType = resource.Type; artist.Images = resource.Images.Select(MapImage).ToList(); artist.Status = MapArtistStatus(resource.Status); artist.Ratings = MapRatings(resource.Rating); artist.Links = resource.Links.Select(MapLink).ToList(); return artist; } private static Member MapMembers(MemberResource arg) { var newMember = new Member { Name = arg.Name, Instrument = arg.Instrument }; if (arg.Image != null) { newMember.Images = new List { new MediaCover.MediaCover(MediaCoverTypes.Headshot, arg.Image) }; } return newMember; } private static ArtistStatusType MapArtistStatus(string status) { if (status == null) { return ArtistStatusType.Continuing; } if (status.Equals("ended", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return ArtistStatusType.Ended; } return ArtistStatusType.Continuing; } private static Ratings MapRatings(RatingResource rating) { if (rating == null) { return new Ratings(); } return new Ratings { Votes = rating.Count, Value = rating.Value }; } private static MediaCover.MediaCover MapImage(ImageResource arg) { return new MediaCover.MediaCover { Url = arg.Url, CoverType = MapCoverType(arg.CoverType) }; } private static Links MapLink(LinkResource arg) { return new Links { Url = arg.Target, Name = arg.Type }; } private static MediaCoverTypes MapCoverType(string coverType) { switch (coverType.ToLower()) { case "poster": return MediaCoverTypes.Poster; case "banner": return MediaCoverTypes.Banner; case "fanart": return MediaCoverTypes.Fanart; case "cover": return MediaCoverTypes.Cover; case "disc": return MediaCoverTypes.Disc; case "logo": return MediaCoverTypes.Logo; default: return MediaCoverTypes.Unknown; } } private static SecondaryAlbumType MapSecondaryTypes(string albumType) { switch (albumType.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "compilation": return SecondaryAlbumType.Compilation; case "soundtrack": return SecondaryAlbumType.Soundtrack; case "spokenword": return SecondaryAlbumType.Spokenword; case "interview": return SecondaryAlbumType.Interview; case "audiobook": return SecondaryAlbumType.Audiobook; case "live": return SecondaryAlbumType.Live; case "remix": return SecondaryAlbumType.Remix; case "dj-mix": return SecondaryAlbumType.DJMix; case "mixtape/street": return SecondaryAlbumType.Mixtape; case "demo": return SecondaryAlbumType.Demo; default: return SecondaryAlbumType.Studio; } } private void SetCustomProvider() { if (_configService.MetadataSource.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { _customerRequestBuilder = new HttpRequestBuilder(_configService.MetadataSource.TrimEnd("/") + "/{route}").CreateFactory(); } else { _customerRequestBuilder = _requestBuilder; } } } }