using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using FluentValidation.Results; using MailKit.Net.Smtp; using MailKit.Security; using MimeKit; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Email { public class Email : NotificationBase { private readonly Logger _logger; public override string Name => "Email"; public Email(Logger logger) { _logger = logger; } public override string Link => null; public override void OnGrab(GrabMessage grabMessage) { var body = $"{grabMessage.Message} sent to queue."; SendEmail(Settings, ALBUM_GRABBED_TITLE_BRANDED, body); } public override void OnReleaseImport(AlbumDownloadMessage message) { var body = $"{message.Message} Downloaded and sorted."; SendEmail(Settings, ALBUM_DOWNLOADED_TITLE_BRANDED, body); } public override void OnHealthIssue(HealthCheck.HealthCheck message) { SendEmail(Settings, HEALTH_ISSUE_TITLE_BRANDED, message.Message); } public override void OnDownloadFailure(DownloadFailedMessage message) { SendEmail(Settings, DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE_BRANDED, message.Message); } public override void OnImportFailure(AlbumDownloadMessage message) { SendEmail(Settings, IMPORT_FAILURE_TITLE_BRANDED, message.Message); } public override ValidationResult Test() { var failures = new List(); failures.AddIfNotNull(Test(Settings)); return new ValidationResult(failures); } public ValidationFailure Test(EmailSettings settings) { const string body = "Success! You have properly configured your email notification settings"; try { SendEmail(settings, "Radarr - Test Notification", body); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Unable to send test email"); return new ValidationFailure("Server", "Unable to send test email"); } return null; } private void SendEmail(EmailSettings settings, string subject, string body, bool htmlBody = false) { var email = new MimeMessage(); email.From.Add(ParseAddress("From", settings.From)); email.To.AddRange(settings.To.Select(x => ParseAddress("To", x))); email.Cc.AddRange(settings.CC.Select(x => ParseAddress("CC", x))); email.Bcc.AddRange(settings.Bcc.Select(x => ParseAddress("BCC", x))); email.Subject = subject; email.Body = new TextPart(htmlBody ? "html" : "plain") { Text = body }; _logger.Debug("Sending email Subject: {0}", subject); try { Send(email, settings); _logger.Debug("Email sent. Subject: {0}", subject); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("Error sending email. Subject: {0}", email.Subject); _logger.Debug(ex, ex.Message); throw; } _logger.Debug("Finished sending email. Subject: {0}", email.Subject); } private void Send(MimeMessage email, EmailSettings settings) { using (var client = new SmtpClient()) { client.Timeout = 10000; var serverOption = SecureSocketOptions.Auto; if (settings.RequireEncryption) { if (settings.Port == 465) { serverOption = SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect; } else { serverOption = SecureSocketOptions.StartTls; } } _logger.Debug("Connecting to mail server"); client.Connect(settings.Server, settings.Port, serverOption); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Username)) { _logger.Debug("Authenticating to mail server"); client.Authenticate(settings.Username, settings.Password); } _logger.Debug("Sending to mail server"); client.Send(email); _logger.Debug("Sent to mail server, disconnecting"); client.Disconnect(true); _logger.Debug("Disconnecting from mail server"); } } private MailboxAddress ParseAddress(string type, string address) { try { return MailboxAddress.Parse(address); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "{0} email address '{1}' invalid", type, address); throw; } } } }