#! /bin/bash outputFolder='./_output' testPackageFolder='./_tests/' sourceFolder='./src' #Artifact variables artifactsFolder="./_artifacts"; nuget='tools/nuget/nuget.exe'; CheckExitCode() { "$@" local status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo "error with $1" >&2 exit 1 fi return $status } ProgressStart() { echo "Start '$1'" } ProgressEnd() { echo "Finish '$1'" } UpdateVersionNumber() { if [ "$LIDARRVERSION" != "" ]; then echo "Updating Version Info" sed -i "s/[0-9.*]\+<\/AssemblyVersion>/$LIDARRVERSION<\/AssemblyVersion>/g" ./src/Directory.Build.props sed -i "s/[\$()A-Za-z-]\+<\/AssemblyConfiguration>/${BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME}<\/AssemblyConfiguration>/g" ./src/Directory.Build.props sed -i "s/<\/string>/$LIDARRVERSION<\/string>/g" ./macOS/Lidarr.app/Contents/Info.plist fi } CleanFolder() { local path=$1 find $path -name "*.transform" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing FluentValidation.Resources files" find $path -name "FluentValidation.resources.dll" -exec rm "{}" \; find $path -name "App.config" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing vshost files" find $path -name "*.vshost.exe" -exec rm "{}" \; echo "Removing Empty folders" find $path -depth -empty -type d -exec rm -r "{}" \; } LintUI() { ProgressStart 'ESLint' CheckExitCode yarn lint ProgressEnd 'ESLint' ProgressStart 'Stylelint' if [ "$os" = "windows" ]; then CheckExitCode yarn stylelint-windows else CheckExitCode yarn stylelint-linux fi ProgressEnd 'Stylelint' } Build() { ProgressStart 'Build' rm -rf $outputFolder rm -rf $testPackageFolder if [ $os = "windows" ]; then slnFile=$sourceFolder/Lidarr.Windows.sln else slnFile=$sourceFolder/Lidarr.Posix.sln fi CheckExitCode dotnet clean $slnFile -c Debug CheckExitCode dotnet clean $slnFile -c Release CheckExitCode dotnet msbuild -restore $slnFile -p:Configuration=Release -t:PublishAllRids ProgressEnd 'Build' } YarnInstall() { ProgressStart 'yarn install' yarn install #npm-cache install npm || CheckExitCode npm install --no-optional --no-bin-links ProgressEnd 'yarn install' } RunGulp() { ProgressStart 'Running gulp' CheckExitCode yarn run build --production ProgressEnd 'Running gulp' } PackageFiles() { local folder="$1" local framework="$2" local runtime="$3" rm -rf $folder mkdir -p $folder cp -r $outputFolder/$framework/$runtime/publish/* $folder cp -r $outputFolder/Lidarr.Update/$framework/$runtime/publish $folder/Lidarr.Update cp -r $outputFolder/UI $folder CleanFolder $folder echo "Adding LICENSE" cp LICENSE.md $folder } PackageLinux() { local framework="$1" ProgressStart "Creating Linux Package for $framework" local folder=$artifactsFolder/linux/$framework/Lidarr PackageFiles "$folder" $framework $runtime "linux-x64" echo "Removing Service helpers" rm -f $folder/ServiceUninstall.* rm -f $folder/ServiceInstall.* echo "Removing Lidarr.Windows" rm $folder/Lidarr.Windows.* echo "Adding Lidarr.Mono to UpdatePackage" cp $folder/Lidarr.Mono.* $folder/Lidarr.Update ProgressEnd "Creating Linux Package for $framework" } PackageMacOS() { local framework="$1" ProgressStart "Creating MacOS Package for $framework" local folder=$artifactsFolder/macos/$framework/Lidarr PackageFiles "$folder" "$framework" "osx-x64" echo "Adding Startup script" cp ./macOS/Lidarr $folder echo "Removing Service helpers" rm -f $folder/ServiceUninstall.* rm -f $folder/ServiceInstall.* echo "Removing Lidarr.Windows" rm $folder/Lidarr.Windows.* echo "Adding Lidarr.Mono to UpdatePackage" cp $folder/Lidarr.Mono.* $folder/Lidarr.Update ProgressEnd 'Creating MacOS Package' } PackageMacOSApp() { local framework="$1" ProgressStart "Creating macOS App Package for $framework" local folder=$artifactsFolder/macos-app/$framework rm -rf $folder mkdir -p $folder cp -r ./macOS/Lidarr.app $folder mkdir -p $folder/Lidarr.app/Contents/MacOS echo "Copying Binaries" cp -r $artifactsFolder/macos/$framework/Lidarr/* $folder/Lidarr.app/Contents/MacOS echo "Removing Update Folder" rm -r $folder/Lidarr.app/Contents/MacOS/Lidarr.Update ProgressEnd 'Creating macOS App Package' } PackageTests() { ProgressStart 'Creating Test Package' cp ./test.sh $testPackageFolder/net462/win-x64/publish cp ./test.sh $testPackageFolder/net462/linux-x64/publish cp ./test.sh $testPackageFolder/net462/osx-x64/publish if [ $os = "windows" ] ; then $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder/net462/win-x64/publish $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder/net462/linux-x64/publish $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder/net462/osx-x64/publish else mono $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder/net462/win-x64/publish mono $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder/net462/linux-x64/publish mono $nuget install NUnit.ConsoleRunner -Version 3.10.0 -Output $testPackageFolder/net462/osx-x64/publish fi rm -f $testPackageFolder/*.log.config # geckodriver.exe isn't copied by dotnet publish curl -Lo gecko.zip "https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.24.0/geckodriver-v0.24.0-win64.zip" unzip -o gecko.zip cp geckodriver.exe $testPackageFolder/net462/win-x64/publish CleanFolder $testPackageFolder ProgressEnd 'Creating Test Package' } PackageWindows() { local framework="$1" ProgressStart "Creating Windows Package for $framework" local folder=$artifactsFolder/windows/$framework/Lidarr PackageFiles "$folder" "$framework" "win-x64" echo "Removing Lidarr.Mono" rm -f $folder/Lidarr.Mono.* echo "Adding Lidarr.Windows to UpdatePackage" cp $folder/Lidarr.Windows.* $folder/Lidarr.Update ProgressEnd 'Creating Windows Package' } # Use mono or .net depending on OS case "$(uname -s)" in CYGWIN*|MINGW32*|MINGW64*|MSYS*) # on windows, use dotnet os="windows" ;; *) # otherwise use mono os="posix" ;; esac POSITIONAL=() if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "No arguments provided, building everything" BACKEND=YES FRONTEND=YES PACKAGES=YES LINT=YES fi while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in --backend) BACKEND=YES shift # past argument ;; --frontend) FRONTEND=YES shift # past argument ;; --packages) PACKAGES=YES shift # past argument ;; --lint) LINT=YES shift # past argument ;; --all) BACKEND=YES FRONTEND=YES PACKAGES=YES LINT=YES shift # past argument ;; *) # unknown option POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters if [ "$BACKEND" = "YES" ]; then UpdateVersionNumber Build PackageTests fi if [ "$FRONTEND" = "YES" ]; then YarnInstall RunGulp fi if [ "$LINT" = "YES" ]; then if [ -z "$FRONTEND" ]; then YarnInstall fi LintUI fi if [ "$PACKAGES" = "YES" ]; then UpdateVersionNumber PackageWindows "net462" PackageLinux "net462" PackageMacOS "net462" PackageMacOSApp "net462" fi