using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer; using NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Hadouken.Models; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Hadouken { public interface IHadoukenProxy { HadoukenSystemInfo GetSystemInfo(HadoukenSettings settings); HadoukenTorrent[] GetTorrents(HadoukenSettings settings); IReadOnlyDictionary GetConfig(HadoukenSettings settings); string AddTorrentFile(HadoukenSettings settings, byte[] fileContent); void AddTorrentUri(HadoukenSettings settings, string torrentUrl); void RemoveTorrent(HadoukenSettings settings, string downloadId); void RemoveTorrentAndData(HadoukenSettings settings, string downloadId); } public class HadoukenProxy : IHadoukenProxy { private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient; private readonly Logger _logger; public HadoukenProxy(IHttpClient httpClient, Logger logger) { _httpClient = httpClient; _logger = logger; } public HadoukenSystemInfo GetSystemInfo(HadoukenSettings settings) { return ProcessRequest(settings, "core.getSystemInfo"); } public HadoukenTorrent[] GetTorrents(HadoukenSettings settings) { var result = ProcessRequest(settings, "webui.list"); return GetTorrents(result.Torrents); } public IReadOnlyDictionary GetConfig(HadoukenSettings settings) { return ProcessRequest>(settings, "webui.getSettings"); } public string AddTorrentFile(HadoukenSettings settings, byte[] fileContent) { return ProcessRequest(settings, "webui.addTorrent", "file", Convert.ToBase64String(fileContent), new { label = settings.Category }); } public void AddTorrentUri(HadoukenSettings settings, string torrentUrl) { ProcessRequest(settings, "webui.addTorrent", "url", torrentUrl, new { label = settings.Category }); } public void RemoveTorrent(HadoukenSettings settings, string downloadId) { ProcessRequest(settings, "webui.perform", "remove", new string[] { downloadId }); } public void RemoveTorrentAndData(HadoukenSettings settings, string downloadId) { ProcessRequest(settings, "webui.perform", "removedata", new string[] { downloadId }); } private T ProcessRequest(HadoukenSettings settings, string method, params object[] parameters) { var baseUrl = HttpRequestBuilder.BuildBaseUrl(settings.UseSsl, settings.Host, settings.Port, settings.UrlBase); baseUrl = HttpUri.CombinePath(baseUrl, "api"); var requestBuilder = new JsonRpcRequestBuilder(baseUrl, method, parameters); requestBuilder.LogResponseContent = true; requestBuilder.NetworkCredential = new BasicNetworkCredential(settings.Username, settings.Password); requestBuilder.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate"); var httpRequest = requestBuilder.Build(); HttpResponse response; try { response = _httpClient.Execute(httpRequest); } catch (HttpException ex) { throw new DownloadClientException("Unable to connect to Hadouken, please check your settings", ex); } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.TrustFailure) { throw new DownloadClientUnavailableException("Unable to connect to Hadouken, certificate validation failed.", ex); } throw new DownloadClientUnavailableException("Unable to connect to Hadouken, please check your settings", ex); } var result = Json.Deserialize>(response.Content); if (result.Error != null) { throw new DownloadClientException("Error response received from Hadouken: {0}", result.Error.ToString()); } return result.Result; } private HadoukenTorrent[] GetTorrents(object[][] torrentsRaw) { if (torrentsRaw == null) { return new HadoukenTorrent[0]; } var torrents = new List(); foreach (var item in torrentsRaw) { var torrent = MapTorrent(item); if (torrent != null) { torrent.IsFinished = torrent.Progress >= 1000; torrents.Add(torrent); } } return torrents.ToArray(); } private HadoukenTorrent MapTorrent(object[] item) { HadoukenTorrent torrent = null; try { torrent = new HadoukenTorrent() { InfoHash = Convert.ToString(item[0]), State = ParseState(Convert.ToInt32(item[1])), Name = Convert.ToString(item[2]), TotalSize = Convert.ToInt64(item[3]), Progress = Convert.ToDouble(item[4]), DownloadedBytes = Convert.ToInt64(item[5]), UploadedBytes = Convert.ToInt64(item[6]), DownloadRate = Convert.ToInt64(item[9]), Label = Convert.ToString(item[11]), Error = Convert.ToString(item[21]), SavePath = Convert.ToString(item[26]) }; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Failed to map Hadouken torrent data."); } return torrent; } private HadoukenTorrentState ParseState(int state) { if ((state & 1) == 1) { return HadoukenTorrentState.Downloading; } else if ((state & 2) == 2) { return HadoukenTorrentState.CheckingFiles; } else if ((state & 32) == 32) { return HadoukenTorrentState.Paused; } else if ((state & 64) == 64) { return HadoukenTorrentState.QueuedForChecking; } return HadoukenTorrentState.Unknown; } } }