using System; using System.IO; using NzbDrone.Common.Disk; using NzbDrone.Common.EnvironmentInfo; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration.Events; using NzbDrone.Core.Update; namespace NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.Checks { [CheckOn(typeof(ConfigFileSavedEvent))] public class UpdateCheck : HealthCheckBase { private readonly IDiskProvider _diskProvider; private readonly IAppFolderInfo _appFolderInfo; private readonly ICheckUpdateService _checkUpdateService; private readonly IConfigFileProvider _configFileProvider; private readonly IOsInfo _osInfo; public UpdateCheck(IDiskProvider diskProvider, IAppFolderInfo appFolderInfo, ICheckUpdateService checkUpdateService, IConfigFileProvider configFileProvider, IOsInfo osInfo) { _diskProvider = diskProvider; _appFolderInfo = appFolderInfo; _checkUpdateService = checkUpdateService; _configFileProvider = configFileProvider; _osInfo = osInfo; } public override HealthCheck Check() { var startupFolder = _appFolderInfo.StartUpFolder; var uiFolder = Path.Combine(startupFolder, "UI"); if ((OsInfo.IsWindows || _configFileProvider.UpdateAutomatically) && _configFileProvider.UpdateMechanism == UpdateMechanism.BuiltIn && !_osInfo.IsDocker) { if (OsInfo.IsOsx && startupFolder.GetAncestorFolders().Contains("AppTranslocation")) { return new HealthCheck(GetType(), HealthCheckResult.Error, string.Format("Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is in an App Translocation folder.", startupFolder), "Cannot install update because startup folder is in an App Translocation folder."); } if (!_diskProvider.FolderWritable(startupFolder)) { return new HealthCheck(GetType(), HealthCheckResult.Error, string.Format("Cannot install update because startup folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.", startupFolder, Environment.UserName), "Cannot install update because startup folder is not writable by the user"); } if (!_diskProvider.FolderWritable(uiFolder)) { return new HealthCheck(GetType(), HealthCheckResult.Error, string.Format("Cannot install update because UI folder '{0}' is not writable by the user '{1}'.", uiFolder, Environment.UserName), "Cannot install update because UI folder is not writable by the user"); } } if (BuildInfo.BuildDateTime < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-14)) { if (_checkUpdateService.AvailableUpdate() != null) { return new HealthCheck(GetType(), HealthCheckResult.Warning, "New update is available"); } } return new HealthCheck(GetType()); } } }