'use strict'; define([ 'app', 'Series/Index/List/CollectionView', 'Series/Index/Posters/CollectionView', 'Series/Index/EmptyView', 'Series/SeriesCollection', 'Cells/AirDateCell', 'Cells/SeriesTitleCell', 'Cells/SeriesStatusCell', 'Cells/TemplatedCell', 'Shared/Toolbar/ToolbarLayout', 'Config', 'Shared/LoadingView' ], function ( App, ListCollectionView, PosterCollectionView, EmptyView, SeriesCollection, AirDateCell, SeriesTitleCell, SeriesStatusCell, TemplatedCell, ToolbarLayout, Config, LoadingView) { NzbDrone.Series.Index.SeriesIndexLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: 'Series/Index/SeriesIndexLayoutTemplate', regions: { series : '#x-series', toolbar: '#x-toolbar' }, columns: [ { name : 'status', label: '', cell : SeriesStatusCell }, { name : 'this', label: 'Title', cell : SeriesTitleCell }, { name : 'seasonCount', label: 'Seasons', cell : 'integer' }, { name : 'quality', label: 'Quality', cell : 'integer' }, { name : 'network', label: 'Network', cell : 'string' }, { name : 'nextAiring', label: 'Next Airing', cell : AirDateCell }, { name : 'this', label : 'Episodes', sortable: false, template: 'Series/EpisodeProgressTemplate', cell : TemplatedCell }, { name : 'this', label : '', sortable: false, template: 'Series/Index/Table/ControlsColumnTemplate', cell : TemplatedCell } ], leftSideButtons: { type : 'default', storeState: false, items : [ { title: 'Add Series', icon : 'icon-plus', route: 'series/add' }, { title : 'RSS Sync', icon : 'icon-rss', command : 'rsssync', successMessage: 'RSS Sync Completed', errorMessage : 'RSS Sync Failed!' }, { title : 'Update Library', icon : 'icon-refresh', command : 'refreshseries', successMessage: 'Library was updated!', errorMessage : 'Library update failed!' } ] }, _showTable: function () { var view = new Backgrid.Grid( { row : NzbDrone.Series.Index.Table.Row, columns : this.columns, collection: this.seriesCollection, className : 'table table-hover' }); this._fetchCollection(view); }, _showList: function () { var view = new ListCollectionView(); this._fetchCollection(view); }, _showPosters: function () { var view = new PosterCollectionView(); this._fetchCollection(view); }, _showEmpty: function () { this.series.show(new EmptyView()); }, _fetchCollection: function (view) { var self = this; if (this.seriesCollection.models.length === 0) { this.series.show(new LoadingView()); this.seriesCollection.fetch() .done(function () { if (self.seriesCollection.models.length === 0) { self._showEmpty(); } else { view.collection = self.seriesCollection; self.series.show(view); } }); } else { view.collection = this.seriesCollection; this.series.show(view); } }, initialize: function () { this.seriesCollection = new SeriesCollection(); }, onShow: function () { //TODO: Move this outside of the function - 'this' is not available for the call back though (use string like events?) var viewButtons = { type : 'radio', storeState : true, menuKey : 'seriesViewMode', defaultAction: 'listView', items : [ { key : 'tableView', title : '', icon : 'icon-table', callback: this._showTable }, { key : 'listView', title : '', icon : 'icon-list', callback: this._showList }, { key : 'posterView', title : '', icon : 'icon-picture', callback: this._showPosters } ] }; this.toolbar.show(new ToolbarLayout({ right : [ viewButtons], left : [ this.leftSideButtons], context: this })); } }); return NzbDrone.Series.Index.SeriesIndexLayou; });