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mirror of https://github.com/lidarr/Lidarr synced 2025-03-08 21:03:44 +00:00
Qstick 6932046c5f
New: Set up CI with Azure Pipelines (#897)
* Set up CI with Azure Pipelines

[skip ci]

* Remove Travis, Build Multiple Environments

* Change Task Type to Bash

* Checkout submodules

* Remove Appveyor Tests, Add Azure Tests

* Oops Forget Steps

* bad name

* test script fixes

* add tests to build job

* fixup tests

* name test runs

* fpcalc and artifacts

* Try to fix installer

* Publish separately

* Try publish

* Another go at artifacts

* Tidy up

* Add sentry, assembly info patching and bump version

* Only patch one AssemblyInfo; set node version 10

* Try pipeline artifacts again

* Tidy up - pipeline artifact seems to be way forward

* Fix installer publish

* first go at test job seperation

* job names and depends/consitions for tests

* pusblish single file test artifact

* pipeline artifact for test

* blitz the pattern filter

* windows test jobs

* mac tests, checkout on test jobs

* try to download build artifact to test job

* download and extract artifact

* Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and print some sqlite debug info on mac tests

* fixup! tests

* integration test fixes

* fixup! integration test fixes

* fixup! integration test fixes

* more fixup

* use bash cp

* test fixups

* mkdir before copy

* linux works! add osx integration tests

* im tooo tired

* coverage attempt

* coverage seperate stage

* windows paths for integration test

* switch coverage to windows where opencover actually works

* fix test script

* one last go

* Simplify installer, try to fix name

* Try to parallelize backend and frontend build

* Try adding a matrix

* Try matrix jobs not stages

* Try to fix package step

* Remove opencover install

* Try to fix tests

* coverage fixes

* revert build.sh changes

* triggers so we don't double build

* Publish coverage package so we can debug

* try coverage no build, output artifact

* use the full pipeline workspace from build job

* fix automation tests for new ui

* Assorted fix attempts

* Another go

* MacOS debug

* Tidy up, try to fix mac

* Fix mac fpcalc, add mac integration tests

* Add cross platform automation tests

* Fix packages

* Try to fix Automation tests

* Don't wait on the installer to create standard packages

* Fixes

* delete logentries reference

* run automation tests in headless mode

* try install firefox mac

* Revert "try install firefox mac"

This reverts commit 4684bb1901.

* test sonarcloud prepare outputs

* basic analyze and upload

* don't limit fetch depth on analyze

* manual scanner do front and backend?

* full analyize with tests, coverage

* should depend on tests, coverage

* no need for condition on coverage

* Fix up build numbering

* Try to fix sonar

* Separate coverage calculation and publication

* Try to fix coverage upload
2019-08-13 13:15:59 -04:00

138 lines
4.3 KiB

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