Copyright \u00A9 2015-2016 podle M. Bokhorst (M66B) NetGuard vyžaduje Android 5.0 nebo novější Používáním NetGuard, souhlasíte s GNU General Public License verze 3 Great care has been taken to develop and test NetGuard, however it is impossible to guarantee NetGuard will work correctly on every device. \n\nBy using NetGuard, you agree to the GNU General Public License version 3 Hledat aplikaci Filtr aplikací Zobrazit uživatelské aplikace Zobrazit systémové aplikace Zobrazit aplikace bez internetu Zobrazit zakázané aplikace Seřadit aplikace Řadit podle názvu Seřadit podle využití dat Zobrazit záznam Nastavení Pozvat Legend Podpora O programu Další Povolit Blokován Live updates Načíst znovu Zobrazit název Show organization PCAP povolena PCAP export Vymazat Obnovit Add Delete Protocol Source port Destination address Destination port Destination application For an external server select \'nobody\' Výchozí nastavení Blokovat Wi-Fi Blokovat mobilní data Zapnout Wi-Fi při zapnutí obrazovky Zapnout mobilní data při zapnutí obrazovky Blokovat roaming Možnosti Vzhled: %1$s Použít tmavý motiv Automaticky povolit po %1$s minutách Delay screen off %1$s minutes Možnosti sítě Allow tethering Domácí sítě Wi-Fi: %1$s Handle metered Wi-Fi networks Consider 2G unmetered Consider 3G unmetered Consider LTE unmetered Ignore national roaming Pokročilé možnosti Spravovat systémové aplikace Protokolovat přístup k Internetu Upozornění na připojení k Internetu Filtrování provozu Store resolved domain names Track network usage Reset network usage Block domain names Port forwarding VPN IPv4: %s VPN IPv6: %s VPN DNS: %s PCAP record size: %s B PCAP max. file size: %s MB Speed notification Zobrazit oznámení o rychlosti Show top applications Speed baseline: %s KB/s Sample interval: %s ms Number of samples: %s s Záloha Exportovat nastavení Importovat nastavení Import hosts file Hosts file download URL Download hosts file Technické informace Hlavní Sítě Předplatné After disabling using the widget, automatically enable NetGuard again after the selected number of minutes (enter zero to disable this option) After turning the screen off, keep screen on rules active for the selected number of minutes (enter zero to disable this option) Depending on the Android version, tethering may work or may not work. Tethered traffic cannot be filtered. Apply Wi-Fi network rules for selected network only (apply mobile network rules for other Wi-Fi networks) Apply mobile network rules to metered (paid, tethered) Wi-Fi networks Apply Wi-Fi network rules for 2G data connections Apply Wi-Fi network rules for 3G data connections Apply Wi-Fi network rules for LTE data connections Do not apply roaming rules when the SIM and mobile network country are the same Definovat pravidla pro systémové aplikace (pro odborníky) Log attempts to access the internet for applications. This might result in extra battery usage. Show a status bar notification when an application attempts to access a new internet address Filter IP packets going out of the VPN tunnel. This might result in extra battery usage. Store domain names/IP addresses into a database. This makes the traffic log more useful, but might result in extra battery usage. Track the number of bytes sent and received for each application and address. This might result in extra battery usage. Respond with \'name error\' (NXDOMAIN) for blocked domain names. This switch is disabled when no hosts file is available. Show network speed graph in status bar notification Jste si jistý? Vynucení pravidel %1$d allowed, %2$d blocked %1$d allowed, %2$d blocked, %3$d hosts Waiting for event NetGuard is disabled, use the switch above to enable NetGuard NetGuard has been disabled, likely by using another VPN based application NetGuard has been disabled, because of an internal error \'%1$s\' installed %1$s attempted internet access Akce byla dokončena NetGuard uses a local VPN to filter internet traffic. For this reason, please allow a VPN connection in the next dialog. Your internet traffic is not being sent to a remote VPN server. NetGuard could not be started automatically on boot because of a bug in your Android version Vyzkoušet NetGuard By donating you agree to the terms & conditions If you cannot press OK in the next dialog, another (screen dimming) application is likely manipulating the screen. ± %1$.3f▲ %2$.3f▼ MB/den %7.3f KB/s %7.3f MB/s %1$7.3f▲ %2$7.3f▼ KB %1$7.3f▲ %2$7.3f▼ MB %1$7.3f▲ %2$7.3f▼ GB %dx Using filtering will cause Android to attribute data and power usage to NetGuard - Android assumes the data and power are being used by NetGuard, rather than the original applications Traffic logging is disabled, use the switch above to enable logging. Traffic logging might result in extra battery usage. This will reset the rules and conditions to their default values This will delete access attempt log lines without allow/block rules Last import: %s Downloading\n%1s Hosts file downloaded Last download: %s Start forwarding from %1$s port %2$d to %3$s:%4$d of \'%5$s\'? Stop forwarding of %1$s port %2$d? Network is metered NetGuard is busy Unmetered traffic is allowed Unmetered traffic is blocked Metered traffic is allowed Metered traffic is blocked Address is allowed Address is blocked Allow when screen is on Block when roaming By default a Wi-Fi connection is considered to be unmetered and a mobile connection to be metered Apply rules and conditions Conditions Povolit Wi-Fi při zapnuté obrazovce Povolit mobilní data při zapnutí obrazovky R Blokovat při roamingu je zakázáno has no internet permission Filter related Pokusy o přístup Logging is not enabled Access rules take precedence over other rules Ohodnotit Povolit Blokovat root mediaserver nobody Notify internet access attempts Whois %1$s Port %1$d Pro-funkce Pro features trial until %1$s Pro features trial period ended The following pro features are available: View blocked traffic log Filter network traffic Upozornění na nové aplikace Oznámení rychlosti sítě v grafu Vzhled (téma, barvy) All above pro features Detaily Povoleno Výzva Odpověď modro-zelená/oranžová modrá/oranžová fialová/červená jantarová/modrá oranžová/šedá zelená UDP TCP