NetGuard provides simple and advanced ways to block access to the internet - no root required. Applications and addresses can individually be allowed or denied access to your Wi-Fi and/or mobile connection. Copyright © 2015 by M. Bokhorst (M66B) 網路守門人只支援Android 4.0以上系統 使用網路守門人,代表你同意GNU General Public License version 3 Great care has been taken to develop and test NetGuard, however it is impossible to guarantee NetGuard will work correctly on every device. \n\nBy using NetGuard, you agree to the GNU General Public License version 3 NetGuard uses Google\'s AdMob advertising service. AdMob\'s privacy policy is available here. 我同意 我不同意 搜尋App 篩選程式 顯示使用者程式 顯示系統程式 顯示不用網路的程式 顯示禁用程式 程式排序 按名稱排序 Sort on uid 按流量排序 顯示紀錄 設定 邀請 Legend 支援 關於 其他 允許 攔截 即時更新 更新 顯示名稱 Show organization PCAP enabled PCAP export 清除 重置 新增 刪除 Cleanup Protocol 源埠 Destination address 目標埠 Destination application For an external server select \'nobody\' 預設 阻擋Wi-Fi 阻擋行動網路 在螢幕開啟時啟用Wi-fi 在螢幕開啟時啟用行動網路 阻擋漫遊 選項 主題: %1$s 使用深色主題 Notify on new install 在 %1$s 分鐘後自動啟用 延遲%1$s分鐘關閉螢幕 檢查更新版本 網路選項 Subnet routing Allow tethering Allow LAN access Enable IPv6 traffic Wi-Fi: %1$s 處理計量型Wi-Fi 視作2G 視作3G 視作LTE 忽略國際漫遊 進階選項 管理系統程式 Log internet access Notify on internet access Filter traffic Track network usage Reset network usage Block domain names Port forwarding VPN IPv4: %s VPN IPv6: %s VPN DNS: %s Use SOCKS5 proxy SOCKS5 address: %s SOCKS5 port: %s SOCKS5 username: %s SOCKS5 password: %s PCAP record size: %s B PCAP max. file size: %s MB Watchdog: every %s minutes 網速通知 顯示網速通知 顯示最高使用量Apps 取樣間隔: %s ms 取樣數: %s s 備份 輸出設定 輸入設定 Import hosts file Hosts file download URL Download hosts file 資訊 General 網絡 Subscriptions Show status bar notification to directly configure newly installed applications (pro feature) \"在禁用小工具之後,自動在設定的時間後啟動網路守門人 輸入0來關閉這項設定\" 在關閉螢幕後, 在所選數目分鐘內繼續保持螢幕開啟時的規則 (輸入0以禁用此選項) 在 GitHub 每日檢查更新版本兩次 Depending on the Android version, tethering may work or may not work. Tethered traffic cannot be filtered. Enable subnet routing; might enable Wi-Fi calling, but might also trigger bugs in Android and increase battery usage Allow applications to connect to local area network addresses, like, and Route IP version 6 traffic to NetGuard so it can selectively be allowed or blocked 只為選定的網路套用Wi-Fi規則(未被選定的將套用行動網路規則) 套用行動網路規則到計量型(付費,限量)Wi-Fi 套用Wi-Fi規則到2G連接 套用Wi-Fi規則到3G連接 套用Wi-Fi規則到LTE連接 當Sim卡和行動網路所在國家相同時不套用漫遊規則 為系統程式定義規則(專家用) Log attempts to access the internet for applications. This might result in extra battery usage. Show a status bar notification when an application attempts to access a new internet address (when filtering is disabled, only blocked internet access attempts will be notified) Filter IP packets going out of the VPN tunnel. This might result in extra battery usage. Track the number of bytes sent and received for each application and address. This might result in extra battery usage. Respond with \'name error\' (NXDOMAIN) for blocked domain names. This switch is disabled when no hosts file is available. Only TCP traffic will be sent to the proxy server Periodically check if NetGuard is still running (enter zero to disable this option). This might result in extra battery usage. 在狀態欄通知列顯示網速圖表 你確定? 執行規則 %1$d 允許, %2$d 被阻擋 %1$d allowed, %2$d blocked, %3$d hosts 等待事件 網路守門人未啟用,請把上面的開關打開以啟用網路守門人 網路守門人未啟用,原因似乎是有其他App開啟了VPN \'%1$s\' 已安裝 已安裝 %1$s attempted internet access Attempted internet access 完成 NetGuard uses a local VPN to filter internet traffic. For this reason, please allow a VPN connection in the next dialog. Your internet traffic is not being sent to a remote VPN server. NetGuard could not start automatically. This is likely because of a bug in your Android version. An unexpected error has occurred: \'%s\' Android refused to start the VPN service at this moment. This is likely because of a bug in your Android version. 試試網路守門人 捐款代表你同意terms & conditions 如果你在下一個對話框沒辦法點OK,可能是有其他App(濾波器之類的)在執行螢幕繪製. ± %1$.3f▲ %2$.3f▼ MB / 天 %7.3f KB/s %7.3f MB/s %1$7.3f▲ %2$7.3f▼ KB %1$7.3f▲ %2$7.3f▼ MB %1$7.3f▲ %2$7.3f▼ GB %dx For consistent results, the Android battery optimizations should be disabled for NetGuard. \n\nIn the next dialog, select \"All apps\" at the top, tap on NetGuard in the list and select and confirm \"Don\'t optimize\". For consistent results, the Android data saving options should be disabled for NetGuard \n\nIn the next dialog, enable the options \"Background data\" and \"Unrestricted data usage\" Using filtering will cause Android to attribute data and power usage to NetGuard - Android assumes the data and power are being used by NetGuard, rather than the original applications Android 4 requires filtering to be enabled Traffic logging is disabled, use the switch above to enable logging. Traffic logging might result in extra battery usage. This will reset the rules and conditions to their default values This will delete access attempt log lines without allow/block rules Last import: %s 下載中\n%1s Hosts file downloaded Last download: %s Start forwarding from %1$s port %2$d to %3$s:%4$d of \'%5$s\'? Stop forwarding of %1$s port %2$d? Network is metered NetGuard is busy 有更新版本,請點擊下載 You can allow (greenish) or deny (reddish) Wi-Fi or mobile internet access to by tapping on the icons next to an application Internet access is allowed by default (blacklist mode), this can be changed in the settings Incoming (push) messages are mostly handled by the system component Play services, which is allowed internet access by default Managing all (system) applications can be enabled in the settings Please describe the problem and indicate the time of the problem: Unmetered traffic is allowed Unmetered traffic is blocked Metered traffic is allowed Metered traffic is blocked Address is allowed Address is blocked Allow when screen is on Block when roaming By default a Wi-Fi connection is considered to be unmetered and a mobile connection to be metered 沒有網路權限 未啟用 Apply rules and conditions Conditions 在螢幕開啟時啟用Wi-fi 在螢幕開啟時啟用行動網路 R 漫遊時阻擋 Filter related Access attempts Logging is not enabled Filtering is not enabled Access rules take precedence over other rules 選項 Notify internet access attempts 評分 允許 阻擋 root 媒體伺服器 nobody Don\'t ask again Whois %1$s 埠 %1$d 專業版功能 The following pro features are available: 檢視阻擋流量紀錄 Filter network traffic 新App通知 網路速度圖通知 外觀 (主題, 顏色) All above pro features Support development 購買 啟用 Tap on a title for more information Buying any pro feature will disable all advertisements 驗證密碼 回答 藍綠 / 橙 藍 / 橙 紫 / 紅 琥珀 / 藍 橙 / 灰 UDP TCP