using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Cloud; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer; using NzbDrone.Core.Configuration; using NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions; using NzbDrone.Core.Languages; using NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover; using NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.SkyHook.Resource; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies.AlternativeTitles; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies.Credits; using NzbDrone.Core.Movies.Translations; using NzbDrone.Core.Parser; namespace NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.SkyHook { public class SkyHookProxy : IProvideMovieInfo, ISearchForNewMovie { private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient; private readonly Logger _logger; private readonly IHttpRequestBuilderFactory _radarrMetadata; private readonly IConfigService _configService; private readonly IMovieService _movieService; private readonly IMovieTranslationService _movieTranslationService; public SkyHookProxy(IHttpClient httpClient, IRadarrCloudRequestBuilder requestBuilder, IConfigService configService, IMovieService movieService, IMovieTranslationService movieTranslationService, Logger logger) { _httpClient = httpClient; _radarrMetadata = requestBuilder.RadarrMetadata; _configService = configService; _movieService = movieService; _movieTranslationService = movieTranslationService; _logger = logger; } public HashSet GetChangedMovies(DateTime startTime) { // Round down to the hour to ensure we cover gap and don't kill cache every call var cacheAdjustedStart = startTime.AddMinutes(-15); var startDate = cacheAdjustedStart.Date.AddHours(cacheAdjustedStart.Hour).ToString("s"); var request = _radarrMetadata.Create() .SetSegment("route", "movie/changed") .AddQueryParam("since", startDate) .Build(); request.AllowAutoRedirect = true; request.SuppressHttpError = true; var response = _httpClient.Get>(request); return new HashSet(response.Resource); } public Tuple> GetMovieInfo(int tmdbId) { var httpRequest = _radarrMetadata.Create() .SetSegment("route", "movie") .Resource(tmdbId.ToString()) .Build(); httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true; var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get(httpRequest); if (httpResponse.HasHttpError) { if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { throw new MovieNotFoundException(tmdbId); } else { throw new HttpException(httpRequest, httpResponse); } } var credits = new List(); credits.AddRange(httpResponse.Resource.Credits.Cast.Select(MapCast)); credits.AddRange(httpResponse.Resource.Credits.Crew.Select(MapCrew)); var movie = MapMovie(httpResponse.Resource); return new Tuple>(movie, credits.ToList()); } public List GetBulkMovieInfo(List tmdbIds) { var httpRequest = _radarrMetadata.Create() .SetSegment("route", "movie/bulk") .Build(); httpRequest.Headers.ContentType = "application/json"; httpRequest.SetContent(tmdbIds.ToJson()); httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true; var httpResponse = _httpClient.Post>(httpRequest); if (httpResponse.HasHttpError || httpResponse.Resource.Count == 0) { throw new HttpException(httpRequest, httpResponse); } var movies = httpResponse.Resource.Select(MapMovie).ToList(); return movies; } public Movie GetMovieByImdbId(string imdbId) { imdbId = Parser.Parser.NormalizeImdbId(imdbId); if (imdbId == null) { return null; } var httpRequest = _radarrMetadata.Create() .SetSegment("route", "movie/imdb") .Resource(imdbId.ToString()) .Build(); httpRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; httpRequest.SuppressHttpError = true; var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get>(httpRequest); if (httpResponse.HasHttpError) { if (httpResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { throw new MovieNotFoundException(imdbId); } else { throw new HttpException(httpRequest, httpResponse); } } var movie = httpResponse.Resource.SelectList(MapMovie).FirstOrDefault(); return movie; } public Movie MapMovie(MovieResource resource) { var movie = new Movie(); var altTitles = new List(); movie.TmdbId = resource.TmdbId; movie.ImdbId = resource.ImdbId; movie.Title = resource.Title; movie.OriginalTitle = resource.OriginalTitle; movie.TitleSlug = resource.TitleSlug; movie.CleanTitle = resource.Title.CleanMovieTitle(); movie.SortTitle = Parser.Parser.NormalizeTitle(resource.Title); movie.Overview = resource.Overview; movie.AlternativeTitles.AddRange(resource.AlternativeTitles.Select(MapAlternativeTitle)); movie.Translations.AddRange(resource.Translations.Select(MapTranslation)); movie.OriginalLanguage = IsoLanguages.Find(resource.OriginalLanguage.ToLower())?.Language ?? Language.English; movie.Website = resource.Homepage; movie.InCinemas = resource.InCinema; movie.PhysicalRelease = resource.PhysicalRelease; movie.DigitalRelease = resource.DigitalRelease; movie.Year = resource.Year; //If the premier differs from the TMDB year, use it as a secondary year. if (resource.Premier.HasValue && resource.Premier?.Year != movie.Year) { movie.SecondaryYear = resource.Premier?.Year; } movie.Images = resource.Images.Select(MapImage).ToList(); if (resource.Runtime != null) { movie.Runtime = resource.Runtime.Value; } var certificationCountry = _configService.CertificationCountry.ToString(); movie.Certification = resource.Certifications.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Country == certificationCountry)?.Certification; movie.Ratings = MapRatings(resource.MovieRatings) ?? new Ratings(); movie.Genres = resource.Genres; movie.Recommendations = resource.Recommendations?.Select(r => r.TmdbId).ToList() ?? new List(); //Workaround due to metadata change until cache cleans up if (movie.Ratings.Tmdb == null) { var tmdbRating = resource.Ratings.FirstOrDefault(); movie.Ratings.Tmdb = new RatingChild { Votes = tmdbRating.Count, Value = tmdbRating.Value }; } var now = DateTime.Now; movie.Status = MovieStatusType.Announced; if (resource.InCinema.HasValue && now > resource.InCinema) { movie.Status = MovieStatusType.InCinemas; if (!resource.PhysicalRelease.HasValue && !resource.DigitalRelease.HasValue && now > resource.InCinema.Value.AddDays(90)) { movie.Status = MovieStatusType.Released; } } if (resource.PhysicalRelease.HasValue && now >= resource.PhysicalRelease) { movie.Status = MovieStatusType.Released; } if (resource.DigitalRelease.HasValue && now >= resource.DigitalRelease) { movie.Status = MovieStatusType.Released; } movie.YouTubeTrailerId = resource.YoutubeTrailerId; movie.Studio = resource.Studio; if (resource.Collection != null) { movie.Collection = new MovieCollection { Name = resource.Collection.Name, TmdbId = resource.Collection.TmdbId }; } return movie; } private string StripTrailingTheFromTitle(string title) { if (title.EndsWith(",the")) { title = title.Substring(0, title.Length - 4); } else if (title.EndsWith(", the")) { title = title.Substring(0, title.Length - 5); } return title; } public Movie MapMovieToTmdbMovie(Movie movie) { try { var newMovie = movie; if (movie.TmdbId > 0) { newMovie = _movieService.FindByTmdbId(movie.TmdbId); if (newMovie == null) { newMovie = GetMovieInfo(movie.TmdbId).Item1; } } else if (movie.ImdbId.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { newMovie = GetMovieByImdbId(movie.ImdbId); } else { var yearStr = ""; if (movie.Year > 1900) { yearStr = $" {movie.Year}"; } newMovie = SearchForNewMovie(movie.Title + yearStr).FirstOrDefault(); } if (newMovie == null) { _logger.Warn("Couldn't map movie {0} to a movie on The Movie DB. It will not be added :(", movie.Title); return null; } newMovie.Path = movie.Path; newMovie.RootFolderPath = movie.RootFolderPath; newMovie.ProfileId = movie.ProfileId; newMovie.Monitored = movie.Monitored; newMovie.MovieFile = movie.MovieFile; newMovie.MinimumAvailability = movie.MinimumAvailability; newMovie.Tags = movie.Tags; return newMovie; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex, "Couldn't map movie {0} to a movie on The Movie DB. It will not be added :(", movie.Title); return null; } } public List SearchForNewMovie(string title) { try { var lowerTitle = title.ToLower(); lowerTitle = lowerTitle.Replace(".", ""); var parserTitle = lowerTitle; var parserResult = Parser.Parser.ParseMovieTitle(title, true); var yearTerm = ""; if (parserResult != null && parserResult.PrimaryMovieTitle != title) { //Parser found something interesting! parserTitle = parserResult.PrimaryMovieTitle.ToLower().Replace(".", " "); //TODO Update so not every period gets replaced (e.g. R.I.P.D.) if (parserResult.Year > 1800) { yearTerm = parserResult.Year.ToString(); } if (parserResult.ImdbId.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { try { var movieLookup = GetMovieByImdbId(parserResult.ImdbId); return movieLookup == null ? new List() : new List { _movieService.FindByTmdbId(movieLookup.TmdbId) ?? movieLookup }; } catch (Exception) { return new List(); } } if (parserResult.TmdbId > 0) { try { var movieLookup = GetMovieInfo(parserResult.TmdbId).Item1; return movieLookup == null ? new List() : new List { _movieService.FindByTmdbId(movieLookup.TmdbId) ?? movieLookup }; } catch (Exception) { return new List(); } } } parserTitle = StripTrailingTheFromTitle(parserTitle); if (lowerTitle.StartsWith("imdb:") || lowerTitle.StartsWith("imdbid:")) { var slug = lowerTitle.Split(':')[1].Trim(); string imdbid = slug; if (slug.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || slug.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace)) { return new List(); } try { var movieLookup = GetMovieByImdbId(imdbid); return movieLookup == null ? new List() : new List { _movieService.FindByTmdbId(movieLookup.TmdbId) ?? movieLookup }; } catch (MovieNotFoundException) { return new List(); } } if (lowerTitle.StartsWith("tmdb:") || lowerTitle.StartsWith("tmdbid:")) { var slug = lowerTitle.Split(':')[1].Trim(); int tmdbid = -1; if (slug.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || slug.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace) || !int.TryParse(slug, out tmdbid)) { return new List(); } try { var movieLookup = GetMovieInfo(tmdbid).Item1; return movieLookup == null ? new List() : new List { _movieService.FindByTmdbId(movieLookup.TmdbId) ?? movieLookup }; } catch (MovieNotFoundException) { return new List(); } } var searchTerm = parserTitle.Replace("_", "+").Replace(" ", "+").Replace(".", "+"); var firstChar = searchTerm.First(); var request = _radarrMetadata.Create() .SetSegment("route", "search") .AddQueryParam("q", searchTerm) .AddQueryParam("year", yearTerm) .Build(); request.AllowAutoRedirect = true; request.SuppressHttpError = true; var httpResponse = _httpClient.Get>(request); return httpResponse.Resource.SelectList(MapSearchResult); } catch (HttpException ex) { _logger.Warn(ex); throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Unable to communicate with TMDb.", ex, title); } catch (WebException ex) { _logger.Warn(ex); throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Unable to communicate with TMDb.", ex, title, ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex); throw new SkyHookException("Search for '{0}' failed. Invalid response received from TMDb.", ex, title); } } private Movie MapSearchResult(MovieResource result) { var movie = _movieService.FindByTmdbId(result.TmdbId); if (movie == null) { movie = MapMovie(result); } else { movie.Translations = _movieTranslationService.GetAllTranslationsForMovie(movie.Id); } return movie; } private static Credit MapCast(CastResource arg) { var newActor = new Credit { Name = arg.Name, Character = arg.Character, Order = arg.Order, CreditTmdbId = arg.CreditId, PersonTmdbId = arg.TmdbId, Type = CreditType.Cast, Images = arg.Images.Select(MapImage).ToList() }; return newActor; } private static Credit MapCrew(CrewResource arg) { var newActor = new Credit { Name = arg.Name, Department = arg.Department, Job = arg.Job, CreditTmdbId = arg.CreditId, PersonTmdbId = arg.TmdbId, Type = CreditType.Crew, Images = arg.Images.Select(MapImage).ToList() }; return newActor; } private static AlternativeTitle MapAlternativeTitle(AlternativeTitleResource arg) { var newAlternativeTitle = new AlternativeTitle { Title = arg.Title, SourceType = SourceType.TMDB, CleanTitle = arg.Title.CleanMovieTitle(), Language = IsoLanguages.Find(arg.Language.ToLower())?.Language ?? Language.English }; return newAlternativeTitle; } private static MovieTranslation MapTranslation(TranslationResource arg) { var newAlternativeTitle = new MovieTranslation { Title = arg.Title, Overview = arg.Overview, CleanTitle = arg.Title.CleanMovieTitle(), Language = IsoLanguages.Find(arg.Language.ToLower())?.Language }; return newAlternativeTitle; } private static Ratings MapRatings(RatingResource ratings) { if (ratings == null) { return new Ratings(); } var mappedRatings = new Ratings(); if (ratings.Tmdb != null) { mappedRatings.Tmdb = new RatingChild { Type = (RatingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RatingType), ratings.Tmdb.Type), Value = ratings.Tmdb.Value, Votes = ratings.Tmdb.Count }; } if (ratings.Imdb != null) { mappedRatings.Imdb = new RatingChild { Type = (RatingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RatingType), ratings.Imdb.Type), Value = ratings.Imdb.Value, Votes = ratings.Imdb.Count }; } if (ratings.Metacritic != null) { mappedRatings.Metacritic = new RatingChild { Type = (RatingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RatingType), ratings.Metacritic.Type), Value = ratings.Metacritic.Value, Votes = ratings.Metacritic.Count }; } if (ratings.RottenTomatoes != null) { mappedRatings.RottenTomatoes = new RatingChild { Type = (RatingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RatingType), ratings.RottenTomatoes.Type), Value = ratings.RottenTomatoes.Value, Votes = ratings.RottenTomatoes.Count }; } return mappedRatings; } private static MediaCover.MediaCover MapImage(ImageResource arg) { return new MediaCover.MediaCover { Url = arg.Url, CoverType = MapCoverType(arg.CoverType) }; } private static MediaCoverTypes MapCoverType(string coverType) { switch (coverType.ToLower()) { case "poster": return MediaCoverTypes.Poster; case "headshot": return MediaCoverTypes.Headshot; case "fanart": return MediaCoverTypes.Fanart; default: return MediaCoverTypes.Unknown; } } } }