using System; using System.IO; using System.Net.Security; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace LogentriesCore { class LeClient { // Logentries API server address. protected const String LeApiUrl = ""; // Port number for token logging on Logentries API server. protected const int LeApiTokenPort = 10000; // Port number for TLS encrypted token logging on Logentries API server protected const int LeApiTokenTlsPort = 20000; // Port number for HTTP PUT logging on Logentries API server. protected const int LeApiHttpPort = 80; // Port number for SSL HTTP PUT logging on Logentries API server. protected const int LeApiHttpsPort = 443; // Creates LeClient instance. If do not define useServerUrl and/or useOverrideProt during call // LeClient will be configured to work with server; otherwise - with // defined server on defined port. public LeClient(bool useHttpPut, bool useSsl, bool useDataHub, String serverAddr, int port) { // Override port number and server address to send logs to DataHub instance. if (useDataHub) { m_UseSsl = false; // DataHub does not support receiving log messages over SSL for now. m_TcpPort = port; m_ServerAddr = serverAddr; } else { m_UseSsl = useSsl; if (!m_UseSsl) m_TcpPort = useHttpPut ? LeApiHttpPort : LeApiTokenPort; else m_TcpPort = useHttpPut ? LeApiHttpsPort : LeApiTokenTlsPort; } } private bool m_UseSsl = false; private int m_TcpPort; private TcpClient m_Client = null; private Stream m_Stream = null; private SslStream m_SslStream = null; private String m_ServerAddr = LeApiUrl; // By default m_ServerAddr points to if useDataHub is not set to true. private Stream ActiveStream { get { return m_UseSsl ? m_SslStream : m_Stream; } } public void Connect() { m_Client = new TcpClient(m_ServerAddr, m_TcpPort); m_Client.NoDelay = true; m_Stream = m_Client.GetStream(); if (m_UseSsl) { m_SslStream = new SslStream(m_Stream); m_SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(m_ServerAddr); } } public void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { ActiveStream.Write(buffer, offset, count); } public void Flush() { ActiveStream.Flush(); } public void Close() { if (m_Client != null) { try { m_Client.Close(); } catch { } } } } }