/* * File: TableTools.js * Version: 2.1.4 * Description: Tools and buttons for DataTables * Author: Allan Jardine (www.sprymedia.co.uk) * Language: Javascript * License: GPL v2 or BSD 3 point style * Project: DataTables * * Copyright 2009-2012 Allan Jardine, all rights reserved. * * This source file is free software, under either the GPL v2 license or a * BSD style license, available at: * http://datatables.net/license_gpl2 * http://datatables.net/license_bsd */ /* Global scope for TableTools */ var TableTools; (function($, window, document) { /** * TableTools provides flexible buttons and other tools for a DataTables enhanced table * @class TableTools * @constructor * @param {Object} oDT DataTables instance * @param {Object} oOpts TableTools options * @param {String} oOpts.sSwfPath ZeroClipboard SWF path * @param {String} oOpts.sRowSelect Row selection options - 'none', 'single' or 'multi' * @param {Function} oOpts.fnPreRowSelect Callback function just prior to row selection * @param {Function} oOpts.fnRowSelected Callback function just after row selection * @param {Function} oOpts.fnRowDeselected Callback function when row is deselected * @param {Array} oOpts.aButtons List of buttons to be used */ TableTools = function( oDT, oOpts ) { /* Santiy check that we are a new instance */ if ( ! this instanceof TableTools ) { alert( "Warning: TableTools must be initialised with the keyword 'new'" ); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Public class variables * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * @namespace Settings object which contains customisable information for TableTools instance */ this.s = { /** * Store 'this' so the instance can be retrieved from the settings object * @property that * @type object * @default this */ "that": this, /** * DataTables settings objects * @property dt * @type object * @default From the oDT init option */ "dt": oDT.fnSettings(), /** * @namespace Print specific information */ "print": { /** * DataTables draw 'start' point before the printing display was shown * @property saveStart * @type int * @default -1 */ "saveStart": -1, /** * DataTables draw 'length' point before the printing display was shown * @property saveLength * @type int * @default -1 */ "saveLength": -1, /** * Page scrolling point before the printing display was shown so it can be restored * @property saveScroll * @type int * @default -1 */ "saveScroll": -1, /** * Wrapped function to end the print display (to maintain scope) * @property funcEnd * @type Function * @default function () {} */ "funcEnd": function () {} }, /** * A unique ID is assigned to each button in each instance * @property buttonCounter * @type int * @default 0 */ "buttonCounter": 0, /** * @namespace Select rows specific information */ "select": { /** * Select type - can be 'none', 'single' or 'multi' * @property type * @type string * @default "" */ "type": "", /** * Array of nodes which are currently selected * @property selected * @type array * @default [] */ "selected": [], /** * Function to run before the selection can take place. Will cancel the select if the * function returns false * @property preRowSelect * @type Function * @default null */ "preRowSelect": null, /** * Function to run when a row is selected * @property postSelected * @type Function * @default null */ "postSelected": null, /** * Function to run when a row is deselected * @property postDeselected * @type Function * @default null */ "postDeselected": null, /** * Indicate if all rows are selected (needed for server-side processing) * @property all * @type boolean * @default false */ "all": false, /** * Class name to add to selected TR nodes * @property selectedClass * @type String * @default "" */ "selectedClass": "" }, /** * Store of the user input customisation object * @property custom * @type object * @default {} */ "custom": {}, /** * SWF movie path * @property swfPath * @type string * @default "" */ "swfPath": "", /** * Default button set * @property buttonSet * @type array * @default [] */ "buttonSet": [], /** * When there is more than one TableTools instance for a DataTable, there must be a * master which controls events (row selection etc) * @property master * @type boolean * @default false */ "master": false, /** * Tag names that are used for creating collections and buttons * @namesapce */ "tags": {} }; /** * @namespace Common and useful DOM elements for the class instance */ this.dom = { /** * DIV element that is create and all TableTools buttons (and their children) put into * @property container * @type node * @default null */ "container": null, /** * The table node to which TableTools will be applied * @property table * @type node * @default null */ "table": null, /** * @namespace Nodes used for the print display */ "print": { /** * Nodes which have been removed from the display by setting them to display none * @property hidden * @type array * @default [] */ "hidden": [], /** * The information display saying telling the user about the print display * @property message * @type node * @default null */ "message": null }, /** * @namespace Nodes used for a collection display. This contains the currently used collection */ "collection": { /** * The div wrapper containing the buttons in the collection (i.e. the menu) * @property collection * @type node * @default null */ "collection": null, /** * Background display to provide focus and capture events * @property background * @type node * @default null */ "background": null } }; /** * @namespace Name space for the classes that this TableTools instance will use * @extends TableTools.classes */ this.classes = $.extend( true, {}, TableTools.classes ); if ( this.s.dt.bJUI ) { $.extend( true, this.classes, TableTools.classes_themeroller ); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Public class methods * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Retreieve the settings object from an instance * @method fnSettings * @returns {object} TableTools settings object */ this.fnSettings = function () { return this.s; }; /* Constructor logic */ if ( typeof oOpts == 'undefined' ) { oOpts = {}; } this._fnConstruct( oOpts ); return this; }; TableTools.prototype = { /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Public methods * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Retreieve the settings object from an instance * @returns {array} List of TR nodes which are currently selected * @param {boolean} [filtered=false] Get only selected rows which are * available given the filtering applied to the table. By default * this is false - i.e. all rows, regardless of filtering are selected. */ "fnGetSelected": function ( filtered ) { var out = [], data = this.s.dt.aoData, displayed = this.s.dt.aiDisplay, i, iLen; if ( filtered ) { // Only consider filtered rows for ( i=0, iLen=displayed.length ; i 0 ) { sTitle = anTitle[0].innerHTML; } } /* Strip characters which the OS will object to - checking for UTF8 support in the scripting * engine */ if ( "\u00A1".toString().length < 4 ) { return sTitle.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u00A1-\uFFFF\.,\-_ !\(\)]/g, ""); } else { return sTitle.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.,\-_ !\(\)]/g, ""); } }, /** * Calculate a unity array with the column width by proportion for a set of columns to be * included for a button. This is particularly useful for PDF creation, where we can use the * column widths calculated by the browser to size the columns in the PDF. * @param {Object} oConfig Button configuration object * @returns {Array} Unity array of column ratios */ "fnCalcColRatios": function ( oConfig ) { var aoCols = this.s.dt.aoColumns, aColumnsInc = this._fnColumnTargets( oConfig.mColumns ), aColWidths = [], iWidth = 0, iTotal = 0, i, iLen; for ( i=0, iLen=aColumnsInc.length ; i