using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Core.Model; using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Jobs { public interface IJobController { Stopwatch StopWatch { get; } List Queue { get; } void QueueScheduled(); void QueueJob(Type jobType, dynamic options = null, JobQueueItem.JobSourceType source = JobQueueItem.JobSourceType.User); bool QueueJob(string jobTypeString); } public class JobController : IJobController { private readonly NotificationProvider _notificationProvider; private readonly IEnumerable _jobs; private readonly IJobRepository _jobRepository; private readonly Logger logger; private Thread _jobThread; public Stopwatch StopWatch { get; private set; } private readonly object _executionLock = new object(); private readonly List _queue = new List(); private ProgressNotification _notification; public JobController(NotificationProvider notificationProvider, IEnumerable jobs, IJobRepository jobRepository, Logger logger) { StopWatch = new Stopwatch(); _notificationProvider = notificationProvider; _jobs = jobs; _jobRepository = jobRepository; this.logger = logger; ResetThread(); } public List Queue { get { return _queue; } } public virtual void QueueScheduled() { lock (_executionLock) { VerifyThreadTime(); if (_jobThread.IsAlive) { logger.Trace("Queue is already running. Ignoring scheduler's request."); return; } } var pendingJobs = _jobRepository.GetPendingJobs() .Select(c => _jobs.Single(t => t.GetType().ToString() == c.TypeName) .GetType()).ToList(); pendingJobs.ForEach(jobType => QueueJob(jobType, source: JobQueueItem.JobSourceType.Scheduler)); logger.Trace("{0} Scheduled tasks have been added to the queue", pendingJobs.Count); } public virtual void QueueJob(Type jobType, dynamic options = null, JobQueueItem.JobSourceType source = JobQueueItem.JobSourceType.User) { var queueItem = new JobQueueItem { JobType = jobType, Options = options, Source = source }; logger.Debug("Attempting to queue {0}", queueItem); lock (_executionLock) { VerifyThreadTime(); lock (Queue) { if (!Queue.Contains(queueItem)) { Queue.Add(queueItem); logger.Trace("Job {0} added to the queue. current items in queue: {1}", queueItem, Queue.Count); } else { logger.Info("{0} already exists in the queue. Skipping. current items in queue: {1}", queueItem, Queue.Count); } } if (_jobThread.IsAlive) { logger.Trace("Queue is already running. No need to start it up."); return; } ResetThread(); StopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); _jobThread.Start(); } } public virtual bool QueueJob(string jobTypeString) { var type = Type.GetType(jobTypeString); if (type == null) return false; QueueJob(type); return true; } private void ProcessQueue() { try { do { using (NestedDiagnosticsContext.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString())) { try { JobQueueItem job = null; lock (Queue) { if (Queue.Count != 0) { job = Queue.OrderBy(c => c.Source).First(); logger.Trace("Popping {0} from the queue.", job); Queue.Remove(job); } } if (job != null) { Execute(job); } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { logger.FatalException("An error has occurred while executing job.", e); } } } while (Queue.Count != 0); } catch (ThreadAbortException e) { logger.Warn(e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.ErrorException("Error has occurred in queue processor thread", e); } finally { StopWatch.Stop(); logger.Trace("Finished processing jobs in the queue."); } } private void Execute(JobQueueItem queueItem) { var jobImplementation = _jobs.SingleOrDefault(t => t.GetType() == queueItem.JobType); if (jobImplementation == null) { logger.Error("Unable to locate implementation for '{0}'. Make sure it is properly registered.", queueItem.JobType); return; } var jobDefinition = _jobRepository.GetDefinition(queueItem.JobType); using (_notification = new ProgressNotification(jobImplementation.Name)) { try { logger.Debug("Starting {0}. Last execution {1}", queueItem, jobDefinition.LastExecution); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); _notificationProvider.Register(_notification); jobImplementation.Start(_notification, queueItem.Options); _notification.Status = ProgressNotificationStatus.Completed; jobDefinition.LastExecution = DateTime.Now; jobDefinition.Success = true; sw.Stop(); logger.Debug("Job {0} successfully completed in {1:0}.{2} seconds.", queueItem, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 100, sw.Elapsed.Seconds); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { logger.ErrorException("An error has occurred while executing job [" + jobImplementation.Name + "].", e); _notification.Status = ProgressNotificationStatus.Failed; _notification.CurrentMessage = jobImplementation.Name + " Failed."; jobDefinition.LastExecution = DateTime.Now; jobDefinition.Success = false; } } //Only update last execution status if was triggered by the scheduler if (queueItem.Options == null) { _jobRepository.Update(jobDefinition); } } private void VerifyThreadTime() { if (StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalHours > 1) { logger.Warn("Thread job has been running for more than an hour. fuck it!"); ResetThread(); } } private void ResetThread() { if (_jobThread != null) { _jobThread.Abort(); } logger.Trace("resetting queue processor thread"); _jobThread = new Thread(ProcessQueue) { Name = "JobQueueThread" }; } } }