using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.QBittorrent { public enum QBittorrentMaxRatioAction { Pause = 0, Remove = 1, EnableSuperSeeding = 2, DeleteFiles = 3 } // qbittorrent settings from the list returned by /query/preferences public class QBittorrentPreferences { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "save_path")] public string SavePath { get; set; } // Default save path for torrents, separated by slashes [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "max_ratio_enabled")] public bool MaxRatioEnabled { get; set; } // True if share ratio limit is enabled [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "max_ratio")] public float MaxRatio { get; set; } // Get the global share ratio limit [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "max_seeding_time_enabled")] public bool MaxSeedingTimeEnabled { get; set; } // True if share time limit is enabled [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "max_seeding_time")] public long MaxSeedingTime { get; set; } // Get the global share time limit in minutes [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "max_ratio_act")] public QBittorrentMaxRatioAction MaxRatioAction { get; set; } // Action performed when a torrent reaches the maximum share ratio. [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "queueing_enabled")] public bool QueueingEnabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "dht")] public bool DhtEnabled { get; set; } // DHT enabled (needed for more peers and magnet downloads) } }