using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Common.Cache; using NzbDrone.Common.Extensions; using NzbDrone.Common.Http; using NzbDrone.Common.Serializer; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.QBittorrent { // API public class QBittorrentProxyV1 : IQBittorrentProxy { private readonly IHttpClient _httpClient; private readonly Logger _logger; private readonly ICached> _authCookieCache; public QBittorrentProxyV1(IHttpClient httpClient, ICacheManager cacheManager, Logger logger) { _httpClient = httpClient; _logger = logger; _authCookieCache = cacheManager.GetCache>(GetType(), "authCookies"); } public bool IsApiSupported(QBittorrentSettings settings) { // We can do the api test without having to authenticate since v4.1 will return 404 on the request. var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/version/api"); request.SuppressHttpError = true; try { var response = _httpClient.Execute(request.Build()); // Version request will return 404 if it doesn't exist. if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { return false; } if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { return true; } if (response.HasHttpError) { throw new DownloadClientException("Failed to connect to qBittorrent, check your settings.", new HttpException(response)); } return true; } catch (WebException ex) { throw new DownloadClientException("Failed to connect to qBittorrent, check your settings.", ex); } } public Version GetApiVersion(QBittorrentSettings settings) { // Version request does not require authentication and will return 404 if it doesn't exist. var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/version/api"); var response = Version.Parse("1." + ProcessRequest(request, settings)); return response; } public string GetVersion(QBittorrentSettings settings) { // Version request does not require authentication. var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/version/qbittorrent"); var response = ProcessRequest(request, settings).TrimStart('v'); return response; } public QBittorrentPreferences GetConfig(QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/query/preferences"); var response = ProcessRequest(request, settings); return response; } public List GetTorrents(QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/query/torrents"); if (settings.MovieCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { request.AddQueryParam("label", settings.MovieCategory); request.AddQueryParam("category", settings.MovieCategory); } var response = ProcessRequest>(request, settings); return response; } public bool IsTorrentLoaded(string hash, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource($"/query/propertiesGeneral/{hash}"); request.LogHttpError = false; try { ProcessRequest(request, settings); return true; } catch { return false; } } public QBittorrentTorrentProperties GetTorrentProperties(string hash, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource($"/query/propertiesGeneral/{hash}"); var response = ProcessRequest(request, settings); return response; } public List GetTorrentFiles(string hash, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource($"/query/propertiesFiles/{hash}"); var response = ProcessRequest>(request, settings); return response; } public void AddTorrentFromUrl(string torrentUrl, TorrentSeedConfiguration seedConfiguration, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/download") .Post() .AddFormParameter("urls", torrentUrl); if (settings.MovieCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { request.AddFormParameter("category", settings.MovieCategory); } // Note: ForceStart is handled by separate api call if ((QBittorrentState)settings.InitialState == QBittorrentState.Start) { request.AddFormParameter("paused", false); } else if ((QBittorrentState)settings.InitialState == QBittorrentState.Pause) { request.AddFormParameter("paused", true); } var result = ProcessRequest(request, settings); // Note: Older qbit versions returned nothing, so we can't do != "Ok." here. if (result == "Fails.") { throw new DownloadClientException("Download client failed to add torrent by url"); } } public void AddTorrentFromFile(string fileName, byte[] fileContent, TorrentSeedConfiguration seedConfiguration, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/upload") .Post() .AddFormUpload("torrents", fileName, fileContent); if (settings.MovieCategory.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { request.AddFormParameter("category", settings.MovieCategory); } // Note: ForceStart is handled by separate api call if ((QBittorrentState)settings.InitialState == QBittorrentState.Start) { request.AddFormParameter("paused", false); } else if ((QBittorrentState)settings.InitialState == QBittorrentState.Pause) { request.AddFormParameter("paused", true); } var result = ProcessRequest(request, settings); // Note: Current qbit versions return nothing, so we can't do != "Ok." here. if (result == "Fails.") { throw new DownloadClientException("Download client failed to add torrent"); } } public void RemoveTorrent(string hash, bool removeData, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource(removeData ? "/command/deletePerm" : "/command/delete") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hashes", hash); ProcessRequest(request, settings); } public void SetTorrentLabel(string hash, string label, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var setCategoryRequest = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/setCategory") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hashes", hash) .AddFormParameter("category", label); try { ProcessRequest(setCategoryRequest, settings); } catch (DownloadClientException ex) { // if setCategory fails due to method not being found, then try older setLabel command for qBittorrent < v.3.3.5 if (ex.InnerException is HttpException && (ex.InnerException as HttpException).Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { var setLabelRequest = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/setLabel") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hashes", hash) .AddFormParameter("label", label); ProcessRequest(setLabelRequest, settings); } } } public void AddLabel(string label, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/addCategory") .Post() .AddFormParameter("category", label); ProcessRequest(request, settings); } public Dictionary GetLabels(QBittorrentSettings settings) { throw new NotSupportedException("qBittorrent api v1 does not support getting all torrent categories"); } public void SetTorrentSeedingConfiguration(string hash, TorrentSeedConfiguration seedConfiguration, QBittorrentSettings settings) { // Not supported on api v1 } public void MoveTorrentToTopInQueue(string hash, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/topPrio") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hashes", hash); try { ProcessRequest(request, settings); } catch (DownloadClientException ex) { // qBittorrent rejects all Prio commands with 403: Forbidden if Options -> BitTorrent -> Torrent Queueing is not enabled if (ex.InnerException is HttpException && (ex.InnerException as HttpException).Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { return; } throw; } } public void PauseTorrent(string hash, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/pause") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hash", hash); ProcessRequest(request, settings); } public void ResumeTorrent(string hash, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/resume") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hash", hash); ProcessRequest(request, settings); } public void SetForceStart(string hash, bool enabled, QBittorrentSettings settings) { var request = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/command/setForceStart") .Post() .AddFormParameter("hashes", hash) .AddFormParameter("value", enabled ? "true" : "false"); ProcessRequest(request, settings); } private HttpRequestBuilder BuildRequest(QBittorrentSettings settings) { var requestBuilder = new HttpRequestBuilder(settings.UseSsl, settings.Host, settings.Port, settings.UrlBase) { LogResponseContent = true, NetworkCredential = new BasicNetworkCredential(settings.Username, settings.Password) }; return requestBuilder; } private TResult ProcessRequest(HttpRequestBuilder requestBuilder, QBittorrentSettings settings) where TResult : new() { var responseContent = ProcessRequest(requestBuilder, settings); return Json.Deserialize(responseContent); } private string ProcessRequest(HttpRequestBuilder requestBuilder, QBittorrentSettings settings) { AuthenticateClient(requestBuilder, settings); var request = requestBuilder.Build(); request.LogResponseContent = true; request.SuppressHttpErrorStatusCodes = new[] { HttpStatusCode.Forbidden }; HttpResponse response; try { response = _httpClient.Execute(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { _logger.Debug("Authentication required, logging in."); AuthenticateClient(requestBuilder, settings, true); request = requestBuilder.Build(); response = _httpClient.Execute(request); } } catch (HttpException ex) { throw new DownloadClientException("Failed to connect to qBittorrent, check your settings.", ex); } catch (WebException ex) { throw new DownloadClientException("Failed to connect to qBittorrent, please check your settings.", ex); } return response.Content; } private void AuthenticateClient(HttpRequestBuilder requestBuilder, QBittorrentSettings settings, bool reauthenticate = false) { if (settings.Username.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || settings.Password.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return; } var authKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}", requestBuilder.BaseUrl, settings.Password); var cookies = _authCookieCache.Find(authKey); if (cookies == null || reauthenticate) { _authCookieCache.Remove(authKey); var authLoginRequest = BuildRequest(settings).Resource("/login") .Post() .AddFormParameter("username", settings.Username ?? string.Empty) .AddFormParameter("password", settings.Password ?? string.Empty) .Build(); HttpResponse response; try { response = _httpClient.Execute(authLoginRequest); } catch (HttpException ex) { _logger.Debug("qbitTorrent authentication failed."); if (ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { throw new DownloadClientAuthenticationException("Failed to authenticate with qBittorrent.", ex); } throw new DownloadClientException("Failed to connect to qBittorrent, please check your settings.", ex); } catch (WebException ex) { throw new DownloadClientUnavailableException("Failed to connect to qBittorrent, please check your settings.", ex); } // returns "Fails." on bad login if (response.Content != "Ok.") { _logger.Debug("qbitTorrent authentication failed."); throw new DownloadClientAuthenticationException("Failed to authenticate with qBittorrent."); } _logger.Debug("qBittorrent authentication succeeded."); cookies = response.GetCookies(); _authCookieCache.Set(authKey, cookies); } requestBuilder.SetCookies(cookies); } } }